Since #GiveDivasAChance is currently trending on Twitter and Wrestlecrap's Radio's southern belle, Dixie, is currently requesting songs about the word "sugar" for The Mike Check Show's "Love On The Ropes" month. Here's WCR's "Salute To Women" (from episode #168) featuring Dixie promoting TNA action figures to her fan-base...who are "40 year old Virgins" apparently? This "Minisode" also features RD and Blade's appreciation for the (then new) all-woman "Wrestlelicious" promotion and Sir Alec reads Tammy Sytch's Facebook page.
(Video by wcrminisodes)
And be sure to visit here for the WCR Video archives and here for more WCR Minisodes!
WCR Video: Leave The Global Internet Memories Alone
This was Wrestlecrap Radio's tear-jerking tribute (from episode #205, 2/17/12) to their long-time sponsor GlobalInternet.Net. The [*slams desk*] "Best Damn Web-host in the Entire Universe", then owned by Greg Ogorek, ceased to be WCR's sponsor after they were bought by another company. Over the seven years of sponsoring the show, RD and Blade would often advertise that buying a URL from GlobalInternet.Net would increase your chances of receiving (quote) "Guaranteed Pootang" (unquote) and other claims of assured carnal embrace....which Greg later debunked on episode #150. We wish GlobalInternet.Net well on their future ??? endeavors.
...Oh wait, before I play this....Lord Alfred, if you please!
(Video by Blade Braxton)
And be sure to visit here for the WCR Video archives!
...Oh wait, before I play this....Lord Alfred, if you please!
(Video by Blade Braxton)
And be sure to visit here for the WCR Video archives!