What is this, Bizzaro world or something? Over on The Mike Check Show, you have Mike actually paying back a debt (for once in his life) that he owed us at wrestlecraprado.com. And now you have the latest episode of Wrestlecrap Radio with a "clean-cut" Blade Braxton talking to a "potty mouth" RD Reynolds:
...No. Actually this WCR Minisode was from the 2007 April Fools Episode (WCR #57) which also featured a "living" Lord Alfred Hayes and Blade Braxton co-hosting with, Chase MasterCharge debt collector, John Thomas.
EDIT: This just in: Speaking of "debt-collecting co-hosts", in what seems as some cruel April Fools trolling joke; the man that identified himself as "Sam O'Hellyeah" who helped Mike Check pay back the money that he embezzled from, our fearless leader Premier Blah, was actually "STAN: The Evil Troll Lord" (the devil formerly known as "Satan"). Sources tell this reporter that Stan tricked Mike into possessing The Mike Check Show for himself and will also co-host his "6(66) Years Of Whackin" Anniversary Month...before also possessing Mike's "soul"...and I'm not talking about the "musical genre" here.
And be sure to visit here for the WCR Video archives and here for more WCR Minisodes!
WCR Video: Dennis Stamp Tribute (1946-2017)

Dennis Stamp has also been famously mentioned on Wrestlecrap Radio, one occasion being on episode #2 where RD Reynolds proposes that Dennis Stamp host a weekly segment on the podcast called "The Stamp Collection":
Minisode from WCR episode #2 (starts at 2:22)
Dennis Stamp (...or rather, an impersonator) also later made an appearance, while bouncing on his trampoline, on WCR's very 1st Anniversary show:
Minisode from Wrestlecrap Radio episode #36 (starts at 12:10)
RIP DENNIS STAMP (1946-2017)
And be sure to visit here for the WCR Video archives!
WCR Video: Shawcrap Redonmason
Today on WCR Videos, we are paying tribute to the famous scene, in the 1994 Academy Award nominated film "The Shawshank Redemption", where Andy Dufresne (played by Tim Robins) locks himself in the prison P.A. room and plays a Wrestlecrap Radio podcast clip of Blade telling an inappropriate Don...Don Mason story over the.....Wait?! That's not right?!
(Video by LannysPermJuice)
Edit: All this video needs now is the narration of Morgan Freeman saying: "I have no idea to this day what those two co-fruitcakes were blabbering about? Truth is, I don't want to know. Some things are better left unsaid. I like to think it was something so god awful, it can't be expressed in words, and makes your ears ache because of it. I tell you, those voices soared..lower and deeper than anybody in a grey place dares to dream. It as if some an ugly bird had flapped into Eric Bischoff's office and made us vote for it as the Gooker Award winner, and for the briefest of moments, every last 12th listener of Wrestlecrap Radio felt sick to their stomachs".
Oh. Here's the actual song that was used in that scene called "Canzonetta Sull’aria" by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart over at (soon to be under wrestlecrapradio.com's ownership) The Mike Check Show.
And be sure to visit here for the WCR Video archives!
(Video by LannysPermJuice)
Edit: All this video needs now is the narration of Morgan Freeman saying: "I have no idea to this day what those two co-fruitcakes were blabbering about? Truth is, I don't want to know. Some things are better left unsaid. I like to think it was something so god awful, it can't be expressed in words, and makes your ears ache because of it. I tell you, those voices soared..lower and deeper than anybody in a grey place dares to dream. It as if some an ugly bird had flapped into Eric Bischoff's office and made us vote for it as the Gooker Award winner, and for the briefest of moments, every last 12th listener of Wrestlecrap Radio felt sick to their stomachs".
Oh. Here's the actual song that was used in that scene called "Canzonetta Sull’aria" by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart over at (soon to be under wrestlecrapradio.com's ownership) The Mike Check Show.
And be sure to visit here for the WCR Video archives!