With next fortnight's debut of the new Netflix series "GLOW", a TV program based on the 1980s all female wrestling promotion of the same name, WCR Videos presents RD Reynolds and Blade Braxton's (from Wrestlecrap Radio episode #142) commentary of the teaser trailer to then then upcoming "Wrestlicious" series (...another all-female wresting promotion, which, I guess, was supposed to be the 2009 "re-imagining" of GLOW?):
(WCR Interactive (2009): Wrestlicious Demo by R.V.M Kai)
And make sure to come back...right here! (on wrestlecrapradio.com!) in two weeks when WCR Videos will present RD and Blade doing their brand of commentary on the entire Wrestlicious' debut episode!
...And be sure to visit here for the WCR Video archives
WCR Video: Interactive (2009): Crappy Days
A couple of months ago, TV actress 'Erin Moran', who played Joanie Cunningham on 1970's sitcom "Happy Days", sadly passed away. So today, WCR Videos presents the time when RD and Blade did their brand of commentary (on Wrestlecrap Radio episode #148) on Happy Days' opening theme song:
(WCR Interactive (2009): Crappy Days by R.V.M Kai)
...And be sure to visit here for the WCR Video archives!!
(WCR Interactive (2009): Crappy Days by R.V.M Kai)
...And be sure to visit here for the WCR Video archives!!