(Disclaimer Disclaimer: All views expressed by Angry Jim are his own & do NOT reflect the opinions of Wrestlecrapradio.com. But we do appreciate that, despite Jim being a rather...strange man, he's been rather helpful in self-censoring himself.)
Editor's Note (November 21, 2013): Angry Jim wrote his last Mailbag back in December 2012 & it was discontinued due to Jim's firing from wrestlecrapradio.com. Well around July 2013, wrestlecrapradio.com decided to reach out to Jim to write a one time only column to celebrate the Wrestlecrap Radio reunion. Around that same time, Jim decided to open a fireworks stand which ended, just like the rest of his side businesses, in a ball of flames. What also got BBQ'd (pun intended) was the floppy disk (I don't know why he can't use a USB drive, but that's another story?) that he saved his latest mailbag column on...or so we thought? It was recently discovered that the disk was actually hidden in his black cowboy hat all along (I guess he hardly ever takes that thing off?). Hopefully, we will be able to rope Jim in into doing a second "one time only" (if that makes any sense?) mailbag to update us on why WWE "retired" him, etc. But until then, here's the lost & "outdated" July mailbag column: [-RVM Kai]
How ya doin' tonight nerds?!
Those d***heads at wrestlecrapradio.com wished me luck in my "Future Endeavors" at the end of 2012! The reason that they gave was that since RD & Blade returned with a new podcast (which is bowling shoe ugly without me), I was no longer needed and they FIRED MY A**! Well those ****wits let me back on their "One time only episode of Wrestlecrap Radio, so these ***holes at wrestlecrapradio.com also let me back in doing a "one time only" Mailbag!
Well since the last time I wrote this, I decided to open up a side business. With the 4th of July over, & with your little brat still bugging about seeing more fireworks & to cooking up some smores, you would've had to wait until next year! That was until now that I have opened up the “Angry Jim's 5th of July Fireworks/BBQ Stand” in Oklahoma. Where you can celebrate the 4th of July everyday & get a free rub with every purchase! But so far, sales haven't been as good as expected with my slogan "Get your little brat a cake that explodes for his Birthday or shove those candles up your ***!" Also I think the **** cops might be trying to close me down, so I changed it to a Fireworks AND Burger Stand to throw those ***s off! So buy my new Angry Jim's "Fireworks Burger" today. It has a huge piece of meat between 2 large buns, dripping with sauce! Just how I like it!
Now on to your **** questions:
Amy Rickan asks: What are your thoughts on Jack Swagger's "Real American" gimmick?

Oh, & unlike Swagger's "gimmick", I like immigrants! I should replace that in competent idiot Hollywood John with one at JR's BBQ!
Al Timate asks: I read on the dirt sheets that you recently had a meeting with UFC's Dana White? What was that about?

So now what the **** am I gonna do with all these 8-sided BBQ sauce bottles?! Shove them up his ***! That's what!
Meg A. Watts asks: Jim, when's that Mid South DVD coming out?

Two Count Kev asks: Maybe you could benefit from this book ?

[Yeah right Jim, firstly that's the worst Photoshop I've ever seen! ;) And if that IS "your book", give me one tip from it on how to be "Angry" -RVM Kai]
Edit: Well, one tip would be to go **** yourself I'm not giving anything away in my book for free!
Raging Demons asks: Hey Jim! Can you die right now so we can enjoy a BBQ themed funeral...if you have the money that is?

Edit: Fine, I'll answer the damn question, your majesty (but he insulted me first)! For my BBQ themed funeral; I want to be cremated in a big BBQ and I want my ashes kept in an urn shaped bottle of my BBQ sauce! Happy!
Iron "Mark" Tyson asks: Oh no Jim! I heard that they are removing wrestling from the Olympics in 2020? Does that mean I won't see John Cena win a gold medal? That's ludicrous!

Anyway, those sons of *****es from the IOC should be all punched in the ****s for taking away rasslin from the Olympics. If Danny Hodge wasn't still alive he'd be rolling in his grave right now! They can shove that Synchronized Swimming bull**** up your their ***!
Trash Losagain asks: Jim check out my favorite sauce @Cattleboyzsauce

So go **** yourselves nerds, I have this WWE video game panel & my spoken word tour in England in August to prepare for and.....wait why are there those police outside my house?...
I KNOW IT'S DARK BUT DON'T LIGHT THAT MATCH IN THERE YOU ******* *****! OH ****!!!.........
[*Several minutes later*]
...... ****! Another business venture literally up in smoke thanks to that ****** Hollywood John! Well, at least my job at WWE is safe!
To view previous Mailbags go here. To send Angry Jim a REAL question or complaint (but not spam concerning penis enlargements...which Jim doesn't need apparently) you can Tweet him here.