Showing posts with label Johnny Fairplay. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Johnny Fairplay. Show all posts

152 Seguepalooza: July 31, 2009

81 minutes

10% of all proceeds
go to Lucasfilm.
We continue the mockery of ZZ Top at RAW last week. RD wants Vince to sign the Crickets to his shows. He also wants to resurrect old segments. Sadly Fantasy Booking Island is not one of them.

Blade hints at a new segment with the help of The Twilight Zone. (:05) There is no show next week, as RD will be at lovely Phoenix, Arizona. Blade mentions a Loverboy song that RD doesn't know about. Time to hit YouTube for that. See Mike Reno and Beth Phoenix star in Donkey Kong: The Movie! (:06) The video prematurely ejaculates, and so does Blade in response. RD reads new Angry Marks' ad copy, "now 125% more angry".

RD finally has a Celebrity to go with him to the Grocery (:16) This week it's WCR friend Jonny Fairplay. He goes to Trader Joe's, where his cereal of choice is Cookie Crisp. He was at some cantaloupe festival recently, but didn't get along with John Cena oddly. Some discussion about Cena ensues. Mr. Fairplay can be found here.
For some reason we wonder about any potential Referees' TRIP to the Grocery (:32) of which we have some random tales of referees.

:36 Obscure News. Could Robert Englund be a potential RAW Guest Host? RD is surprised that Freddy Krueger will be played by Rorschach in the upcoming movie. Gymini doll sales figures - 4 sets left from three weeks ago. Another long Blade Braxton segue.

Eric Bischoff attempts to help the economy by suggesting taxing fat people. No, I have no idea why no one is taking him seriously. (:44) IS taken. Blade did his own taxing in his earlier days in yet another long segue.

There's a new Shockmaster action figure, and it comes with Stormtrooper helmet as illustrated. (:48) Blade does his Nathaniel impression. Blade takes note of the Mr Fuji figure with running number. The BabyTrolla cries, (:55) Francine gives birth. (Congratulations to her.)

List of TNA correspondents
PB's List (Exclamation Point) of favorite TNA "correspondents"
:57 The Question of the Week comes from Frank in Cleveland, asking about TNA Correspondents. The Co-Fruitcakes take a look over the list on our site, going over their people for a bit. Blade has a Big Announcement: (:60) He's found a new TNA Correspondent and he promises to have him on next time. Oh, and Tracy Brooks poses for Playboy. (:62)

John Thomas calls in (:63) He is now looking for a Mike Chalk, of Chalk Outline.

:68 Current Wrestling News now has the Coliseum Video music. THE Brian Kendrick has been released. The new induction this week is of Gooker Nominee Braden Walker. A final settlement has been reached on the messy Hogan divorce, leaving Linda free for Blade. He reminds us how his hooker roommate used to lactate for money. He also tries comparing the Big Show's penis size to Shaq's on RAW and discusses Vince trying to anally rape Triple H on his birthday.

Seventeen Syllables:
Hunter is fourty.
Eat some cake and play pin the
Tail on the dead dog.

RD: "I have no earthly idea what you're talking about."

094 The Heyman Hustle: February 22, 2008

The Heyman Hustle
(60 minutes)

RD's high school nickname was Hitman because of his long oily hair.

Blade says Edge's graphic at No Way Out looked like it said ED GE. (:08) Edge crooned an eighties song by Brian Adams for Vickie.

WWE 24/7 (Week 3) is featuring weddings. (:10) Mike Adamle from the old American Gladiators is now a WWE reporter and called one superstar "Jeff Harvey." Trolla Corp is now on CafePress. RD mimics Colonel Parker at a Taco Bell. (:17)

Obscure Wrestling News (:19): The Maestro is accepting gifts for his birthday. Blade imitates Crispin Glover for some reason.

You should skip from 23:30 to 35:50, because in between is The Heyman Hustle, featuring Johnny Fairplay being thrown about and Jesse Ventura cameoing as a homeless man. (Here is the Heyman Hustle Episode 1 with this 7-minute WrestleCrap commentary.)

Question of the Week from Gavin Langdon and Emmer Provost (:36): a Greg The Hammer and Nailz tag-team pun. RD responds with Ric Flair at the Big Wheel.

Johnny 6 hands RD a paper that says TNA is gay-friendly. (:42) "Weiners. Are. Good," he says. Apparently WrestleCrap Radio is also gay-friendly.

49 minutes in, Blade mimics Jim Ross reading his blog about Lindsay Lohan and her freckles. RD proposes a celebrity battle royale at WrestleMania.

Seventeen Midget-Bashing Syllables for Your Enjoyment:
Hornswaggle's beat up.
Bradshaw stole our idea: car-
nival midget toss.

080 Play-D'oh: October 19, 2007

Randy Orton, Soul Man (On the MovieTrolla)
(75 minutes)

Another mention of Don with corn oil. (:09)

RD's Trip to the Grocery (:13): Halloween candy. Giving toys to trick or treaters is generally a bad idea.

Oi. Oi. Oi.
Obscure Wrestling News (:24): Elijah Burke no-showed a house show because he went to the wrong Springfield. Blade: "That’s the bottom line cuz low income housing sucks!...Oh it’s true, it’s damn tapeworms!"

Question of the Week from Jason (:29): Shawn Michaels looks old and should be called the Heartbreak Hobo. Blade: "Can't go wrong with incest."

The Trolla Corp has sent a replacement for the Clocktrolla, the Movietrolla, (:35) and it's for wrestling movie news. Khali will be in a children's movie. [I didn't realize Get Smart was a children's movie. - PB] [I can't imagine an adult enjoying it. --Iggy] The Big Nippled Vampire is not appearing in porn, sadly, but will be the subject of a "Betty-Page-style fetish thing". (:42) Blade thought Thor was a woman initially. There are talks of Nicholas Cage to star in a movie called The Wrestler. (:47)

The Diva Search has its 'contestants' saving drowning mannequins. (:52) Katie Vick died because Kane couldn't drive a stick shift. Blade almost hit storage sheds because he was stepping on the clutch instead of the brakes. Glammannequin. David Arquette might go to TNA with Johnny Fairplay. Sad News: Booker T left WWE. (:64) Looney Tunes Raw.

Seventeen Syllable on Something Which Is Like a Golden Shower:
Hornswoggle with bomb.
Coach should've learned from the past.
Remember Cheatum?

Facts & Figures (as compiled by Erik Majorwitz)


  • The plunger to my TNT, Mr. Blade Braxton
  • WrestleCrap Radio Sponsors: 3. Global Internet,, WrestleCrap DVD
  • URLs not taken: 0. 
  • SPEAKING OFs: 5. Google, spitting, yesterday’s technology at today’s or tomorrow’s prices, licenses not to print money, mannequins
  • Dave Meltzer, not talking about: 0.
  • Outdated references: 3. C. Thomas Howell, Soul Man, Red Dawn
  • I didn’t even know he was sick: 0.

  • F-Bombs: 2. Blade, Blade

  • Krankor Laughs: 2
  • RJ Fletcher, Yes Man: 2
  • Weird Al Laughs: 5
  • Cricket Chirps: 4
  • WrestleCrap Gongs: 1
  • Funk Sock Muzak: 2
  • Mamma Mia! That's a Spicy Meatball!: 1
  • Crüe Cues: 1
  • WSXplosions: 1
  • Entertain The People: 1
  • You’re Hurtin' Me Randy!: 1
  • Shelly Martinez References: 5

  • Question of the Week from: Jason
    • Hey guys, thought you might be able to help me out here. With HBK recently returning and looking not unlike Skinner's long lost brother, it seems to me Randy Orton might need a character change himself to withstand the awesome power of the Alligator Man. My question is which former gimmick do you think Randy Orton should pull out of the mothballs? I'm thinking Aldo Montoya myself.  Wear the cast.

  • Blade Braxton’s Weekly Wrestling Haiku:
    Hornswoggle with bomb.
    Coach should've learned from the past.
    Remember Cheatum?

078 The Great Porn Debate: October 5, 2007

The Great Porn Debate
Extreme Teddy...Now With "Balls"
(74 minutes)

Blade's Trip to the Great Porn Debate starring Ron Jeremy, which for some reason requires music. (:11)

Obscure Wrestling News: The Rock was in a Disney movie and now plans to be in a superhero one. (:18) Johnny Fairplay got into an altercation with Danny Bonaduce. The Co-Hosts discuss ideas for an 'awards show' somehow for their progrem. (:26) Jim Bronzell has a tie dye figure that even the face commentators made fun of. Horsetrolla: Sarah Undertaker has filed for divorce while the Undertaker has been seen with Michelle McCool of all people. (:32)

Question of the Week (:35): the intro trumpets are said to be from a Final Fantasy NES game maybe. [They aren't.] Blade would not win Best Host at their awards show. John Nelson (AKA Ultimate Kennedy) (5) wants Peanuts characters in wrestling. Daphne would make a good Lucy from Peanuts. RD sent Blade some cologne.

RD watches another Diva 'episode'. It's so bland he doesn't recognize until too late that it's a week old. (:41) Clocktrolla: 10069 days. (:50)

Playing with B. Mahoney's Balls. (:54) Tommy Dreamer is balding heavily. (:59) Blade wants to see Viscera wear a belt, let alone win one. Ric Flair wants to go into finance. (:66) Val Venus needs a title, according to the Internet Wrestling Community.

RD sings about Ashley Massaro being kicked off Survivor in only the second week.
Facts & Figures (as compiled by Erik Majorwitz)


  • The Dream to my Reunion, Mr. Blade Braxton
  • WrestleCrap Radio Sponsors: 3. WCWA, Global Internet,
  • URLs not taken: 0. 
  • SPEAKING OFs: 7. Tossed up (2), people that aren’t pissed off cokeheads, Trollas, divas, that, good times
  • Dave Meltzer, not talking about: 0.
  • Outdated references: 3. Gomer Pyle, Natalie, Facts of Life
  • I didn’t even know he was sick: 0.
  • Krankor Laughs: 2
  • RJ Fletcher, Yes Man: 1
  • Weird Al Laughs: 4
  • Cricket Chirps: 5
  • WrestleCrap Gongs: 3
  • ClockTrolla Chimes: 1
  • Crüe Cues: 1
  • WSXplosions: 1
  • Funk Sock Muzak: 2
  • Mickie James References: 3
  • Trish Stratus References: 1

  • Question of the Week from: John Nelson (Ultimate Kennedy) (5)
    • If Bob Backlund were to carry his towel around everywhere he went like Linus from Peanuts, would he have been given a Peanuts gimmick based on the character? What Diva could Bob be paired with to be Lucy his bossy sister? And should this happen would Linus Backlund go nuts and give Lucy the Cross-face Chickenwing? Daphne.

  • Blade Braxton’s Weekly Wrestling Haiku: N/A

077 Co-Hosss Cher-Off: September 28, 2007

Co-Hosss Cher-Off
(85 minutes)

SPEAKING OF Gookers...
Co-Host Contest "winner" Kelly is on the line. Smooth Jazz Blade returns once again thanks to some behind the neck microphone for $5.99.

Blade wanted to get a Black Scorpion tattoo. RD will miss his 20th High School Reunion for the Legends show. Marty Jannety called him asking for chicks.

Obscure Wrestling News (:21): Dawn Marie wants to return to WWE. RD can't hear properly. Gangrel is now directing porn, though without Kevin or Ariel. (:29) Sex with Greg Valentine falling down on you. Johnny Fairplay is a better bull-rider than Vanilla Ice. SPEAKING OF Ariel she wants to be the next Elvira. (:39)

Question of the Week (:42): Ton Insley wants Missy Hyatt inflatable dolls. Blade doesn't know who Bob Crane is. More 'fun' with the Diva Search, "The World Series of Bimbos." (:46)

Clocktrolla: 10076 days. (:53)

"Current Wrestling News" is music-less so we instead sing Cher with RD. (:56 - :64)

Smackdown wedding with Tommy Dreamer's hat. Blade didn't watch it so he makes excuses. The love story of Kelly Kelly and Balls Mahoney. Midgets. Wrestlers drugging women. (Midget wrestlers drugging women?)

These Seventeen Syllables:
The contest's over.
I've only got one more syl-
lable to add: (gong).
Facts & Figures (as compiled by Erik Majorwitz)


  • The Jana to my Zan, Triple Kelly
  • The Gleek to my Zan, Mr. Blade Braxton
  • WrestleCrap Radio Sponsors: 5. BigLots!, Best Buy, Global Internet, WCWA Pro Wrestling Legends Show,
  • URLs not taken: 0.
  • SPEAKING OFs: 7. Women, the new book, Halloween, movements, going into houses and such, dangerous ground, rape
  • Dave Meltzer, not talking about: 0.
  • Outdated references: 2. Bob Krane, Hogans Heroes
  • I didn’t even know he was sick: 0.
  • Phone Calls & Run Ins: 1. Triple Kelly
  • F-Bombs: 2. Blade, Blade
  • RD Time Outs: 3
  • Krankor Laughs: 3
  • RJ Fletcher, Yes Man: 4
  • Weird Al Laughs: 4
  • Cricket Chirps: 3
  • WrestleCrap Gongs: 6
  • ClockTrolla Chimes: 1
  • Crüe Cues: 1
  • Mamma Mia! That's a Spicy Meatball!: 1
  • Mickie James References: 1
  • Tammy Sytch References: 4
  • Trish Stratus References: 3
  • Shelly Martinez References: 3

  • Question of the Week from: Ton Insley
    • Unlike most of the WWE Legends dolls, wouldn't a Missy Hyatt doll have to be inflatable? No sold.

  • Blade Braxton’s Weekly Wrestling Haiku:
    The contest's over.
    I've only got one more syl-
    lable to add: (gong).

043 Legends After-Party: October 13, 2006

Legends After-Party
(31 minutes)

Trash Losagain takes third mic, and second phone, for the first time.

The three went to the first WCWA legends show. A drunk Ed Leslie wanted to kick RD's ass. Koko B. Ware's High-Energy pants are no longer baggy. RD still has a crush on Tammy Sytch, who looked alright at the show. Molly Holly was extremely friendly. Jimmy Hart wanted to talk to RD. By request, Shark Boy did the Garvin Stomp and Top Rope Troy Miller did the Earthquake Splash. Johnny Fairplay read the first WrestleCrap book.

RD Reynolds' First-Ever Wrestling Haiku:
Hammer Valentine
Greg has new employment: Ci-
gar store Indian.

Greg Valentine on Transsexuals: "You can't stick it in as far."
Facts & Figures (as compiled by Erik Majorwitz)


  • The Ax to my Smash, Mr. Blade Braxton
  • WrestleCrap Radio Sponsors: 2. Global Internet, WCWA Legends Show
  • URLs not taken: 0.
  • SPEAKING OFs: 2. People putting on weight, someone who has their head shaved
  • Dave Meltzer, not talking about: 0.
  • Outdated references: 6. The Gong Show, Make Me Laugh, The Gong Show (2), Rex Reed, Artie Johnson, Bob Braun
  • I didn’t even know he was sick: 0.

  • Phone Calls & Run Ins: 1. Trash Losagain
  • Krankor Laughs: 1
  • Weird Al Laughs: 1
  • RJ Fletcher, Yes Man:  1


  • Tammy Sytch References:  3

  • Blade Braxton’s RD Reynolds' Weekly Wrestling Haiku:
    Hammer Valentine
    Greg has new employment: Ci-
    gar store Indian.

034 Diva Debacle: July 14, 2006

Krankor hits the Bottle with JT Titty
(63 minutes)

RD's Trip to the Grocery: Wal-Mart has restaurant gift cards. (:09)
Blade's Trip to the Grocery: "pasta in sauce with beef and chicken hot dogs with beef."

Faxtrolla semi-exclusive news (:14): boo-rah. The Miz wants Johnny Fairplay to come to ECW. DDP is taking his Yoga for Regular Guys on tour.

Mail Bag: Smash Bradley asks how to actually implement Siamese twin wrestlers. (:23) Krankor's laugh is used in response. Extreme K of Fort Mike Knox thinks of putting The Great Collie in a dog outfit and placing him in dog shows. (:27) Sausagesandwich is one of their 'many fans, of whom I know none', who has a thing for punching the Miz. (:30)

SmackDown is looking retro, with Tatanka and caskets and midgets and kings. (:34) A Punjabi Prison match was announced and Michael Cole said it would be in the jungle. (:36) Candice Michelle was sent to ECW to teach Kelly Kelly how to strip. (:39) Big Show's hands are now cannonballs and his head is a bowling ball. CM Punk doesn't like drinking, so Blade hit the bottle. (:44)
Miz's hosting of the Diva Search segment was pure wrestlecrap. (:48)  Hopeful Layla said she wanted to be the Deever, so she will now be called that. Another candidate (Maryse) used her impenetrable Quebec accent to be an 'air-flying diva', another (Robecca) tried to pepper spray the ring, and another (Molina) looks too much like Ashley Massaro.

Miz called one contestant JT Titty.

The Haiku:
Moronic Divas.
How will this class top last year's?
Leave it to Deever.
Facts & Figures (as compiled by Erik Majorwitz)


  • The Jack to my Daniels, Mr. Blade Braxton
  • WrestleCrap Radio Sponsors: 1. Global Internet
  • URLs not taken: 0.
  • SPEAKING OFs: 11. Last week, last week’s show, The Miz, mounting Chloe and doing her doggystyle, bags, reaching down into my bag, my bag, sodomy overtones, the elderly, transvestite, chesticles
  • Dave Meltzer, not talking about: 0.
  • Outdated references: 1. Nancy Reagan
  • I didn’t even know he was sick: 1. Nancy Reagan
  • Debut: Krankor Laughs: 9
  • Ashley Massaro References:  4
  • Mailbag
    • Smash Bradley: Hello dear lords of Crapsalot. I've pondered this question and got several answers. If there were a set of Siamese twins (explain what a Siamese twin is: one set of legs, two torsos), would they be considered a single wrestler or a tag team? And if you pick a tag team, how would the tags work? Be careful if you read this, because John Laurenitis might go on the hunt. Krankor: HA. HA. HA. HA. HA. HA. HA.
    • Extreme K: I am writing to you from Fort Mike Knox where the nation's supply of Art Donovan approved bathroom scales are stored. I think it would be an awesome idea if you put the dog exterior from the Shaggin' Wagon on the Great Khali and renamed him the Great Collie, and then you could proceed to enter him in the Westminster Dog Show. My question to both of you: would Daivari's bitch win, and do you think the Dog Show would once again preempt Raw just for the sake of giving Smackdown a quick upper hand in the brand extension, in terms of rating and publicity? Blade: Mounting Chloe, Torrie Wilson's dog.
    • Sausagesandwich: I live in England and have to say that I am one of your many, many fans, of whom I know none. Your radio show never ceases to amuse and offend me. I have two questions, both are well urgent. Number one: if you had the choice, would you punch Miz in the face one time as hard as you could, or ten times at medium force? Personally I would punch him just once, then kick him in the balls, but to each his own. Number two: If you were to be in WWE, and were allowed to choose your own gimmick on the grounds that it made Wrestlecrap, what would it be? Myself, I like the idea of the One Headed Man. Blade: Slap my Miz around twenty times. No sold.
  • Blade Braxton’s Weekly Wrestling Haiku: Repeat Gooker alert!
    Moronic Divas.
    How will this class top last year's?
    Leave it to Deever.

022 Saturday Night's Alright For Wrestling: March 10, 2006

Speaking of Verne Gagne masturbating...
(33 minutes)

RD says Vince Russo said they "could have him on anytime". He was also initially going to write a "ToyCrap" book with a man Blade fondly calls a "Fine Young Egg".

Obscure Wrestling News: Sad news: SuperPorky has been cut, along with the WWE midget/juniors/children's division. Blade is full of expletives this week. Johnny Fairplay has tickets to Wrestlemania. Brian Knobbs wants to be a TV judge. Speaking of Verne Gagne masturbating...Chris Kanyon has always been gay. Ricky Morton is finally out of jail.

Question of the Week from Sigma Fan: Matt and Mark Live has been shut down. (Thank God.) Who would you want to see tag team on a reality show next? Juventud Guerrera and Bob Orton were WWE traveling partners and that would be a good reality show, but only if they wore their mask and cast.

Saturday Night's Main Event is back. WWE should release a DVD of the old ones instead. Candice Michelle's Playboy will arrive this month (not safe for work, for obvious reasons).

The Return of Blade Braxton's Wrestling Haiku:
Candice in Playboy.
Another skank in the nude.
Yay, plastic funbags.

Facts & Figures (as compiled by Erik Majorwitz)


  • The Kim Chee to my Kamala, Mr. Blade Braxton
  • WrestleCrap Radio Sponsors: 0.
  • URLs not taken: 0.
  • SPEAKING OFs: 10. Toys, clocks (2), time, Hogan Knows Best, Brian Knobbs (2), Verne Gagne masturbating (2), getting pounded in the ass
  • Dave Meltzer, not talking about: 0.
  • Outdated references: 0.
  • I didn’t even know he was sick: 0.

  • F-Bombs: 1. Blade

  • Question of the Week from: Sigma Fan
    • Dear Mr. Reynolds and Mr. Braxton, if it hasn't been brought to your attention yet I'm pleased to announce that Mark and Matt Live has been shut down. (I'm saddened by this.) What two wrestlers would we would like to see do a reality show together and why? Bob Orton and Juventud Guerrera but they have to wear a cast and mask. 
  • Blade Braxton’s Weekly Wrestling Haiku: 
    Candice in Playboy.
    Another skank in the nude.
    Yay, plastic funbags.