Showing posts with label Minisodes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Minisodes. Show all posts

WCR Video: The "Unofficial" Minisode #210: One Night Strut

by R.V.M Kai

July 6, 2013

It’s difficult to condense a 2 hour podcast into a 15 minute clip, but here are the segments from Wrestlecrap Radio's 2013 reunion (episode #210) that made the cut, please enjoy:

- Don…Don Mason’s Alien Ham story,
- Angry Jim’s "5th of July" Fireworks stand,
- Mike Check tells us about the time he worked at KFITT,
- Rowdy Roddy Piper does a run-in

#Too Cool To Eat #Draft Horse

Be sure to visit here for the archives

Minisode #204 Ding Dong Angrily on High

by iggy

December 16, 2011

30 Seconds with Blade
Sir Alec Heineken
Angry Jim at Dollar General

#hot ashley mess #raisins

Minisode #203 How Was Your Black Friday?

by iggy

December 2, 2011

Sin Cara's Member
Angry Jim's Black Friday
RD's Black Friday
Blade's Black Friday

#lawnmowin' #barbecue

Minisode #202 Haiti Kid: Dead or Alive

by iggy

November 11, 2011

Blade's ex-girlfriend thrusts.
Double Kelly references Rafiki.
Mike Check calls.
The Haiti Kid is alive.
Chyna wrote a letter.
Blade creeps for Maryse.
HOW: The Chief Jay Strongbow Story

#occupy this #recession that

My "Occupy WrestleCrap" sign:

Minisode #201 Halloween Raisins

by iggy

October 28, 2011

Don Mason dressed as Paul Stanley.
A cleaner show
Mork & Mindy suspenders
King's Island trick-or-treating
Huey the Ghoul is hyper.
The Honky Tonk Mailman and friends are out trick-or-treating as The Flintstones.
"Rowdy" Roddy Piper's new Halloween PSA

#bubblegum cards #imagine that

Take care.

Minisode #200 Hobo Parade

by iggy

October 21, 2011

Johnny Six intro
Angry Jim versus Johnny Ace
John Thomas
Honky Tonk Mailman
Gay Popeye
David Lee Roth
Corporal Kirchner as a car
BM Punk
Mike Check

#have you ever noticed #manly voice

I fell asleep three times.

Minisode #199 Bumper Cars

by iggy

August 4, 2011

RD hurts his back.
Shelly Martinez will call you if you pay her.
Sir Alec reads texts from Maryse's stalker.
Sting has a Bird.
Troma causes a rift.

#dolphin man #coyotes

I don't usually do anything around here except found (I am constantly founding this site), but I've become addicted to cutting up audio. Will this feature stick? Or will it pass without comment like "WCR References" and the career of Flock member Sick Boy?

Minisode #198 Shelly's No-Show

by iggy

July 22, 2011

Ride Donald Duck
Shelly Martinez was supposed to call long ago.
Sir Alec reads PETA's letter to Shawn Michaels.
New Jack facebooks Terri Runnels.
Satan calls.
WrestleCrap Radio Parties?
Mike Check got around.
Angry Jim Ross scares children.
Blade stumbles upon a Mike Tyson impression.

#fascinating #salmon suit

I've got nothing to say.

Minisode #197 Savage Boner

by iggy

July 1, 2011

RD has something to say.
Randy Savage got excited at SummerSlam '88.
Angry Jim Ross sounds like Freddy Kreuger.
Satan recites Gorgeous George's facebook rant.
When's the next show?
CM Punk shoots.
BM Punk shoots.

#lex express #happy 4th of july

This was the third minisode produced. That's one more edition than "WCR References." Anyone who wants to revive that feature should contact PB. *crickets*

[I need to find a way to contact myself I suppose... - PB]

Minisode #196 Bicentennial Popcorn Bucket

by iggy

May 20, 2011

RD has a WWE Niagra Falls t-shirt.
Bicentennial Memories
Ron Keel went country.
The CrapHole debuts.
New sponsors.
Bob Griese wore glasses.
Rockin' Robin sings.
Blade has a Jim Hellwig impression.
Maria and Tiffany may dance on a bar.
Ric Flair wrestled 100,000 matches?
Honky Tonk Mail Man breaks news about 2-21-11.
Angry Jim Ross gets teased.
Kelly Kelly achieves a life-long goal.
Michael Hayes is unchained.
Joanie Laurer is back.

#three times the action #right to rock

I kinda like that Freebirds song.

Minisode #195 Moist Skateboards

by iggy

April 29, 2011

Draftrolla 2011
WWE closes WWE Niagra Falls.
Gay Popeye joins the program.
Mike Check checks in from prison.
RD calls Angry Jim Ross, who hurt his hand.
Sir Alec gets drafted.
Satan is working on Mickie James.
The Midnight Rose makes an appearance.
Raging Demons asks a question.
Stubby returns.
A Haiku by Chief Jay

#global internet period net #watches through fingers

Minisode #194 WTKO Ithaca

by iggy

April 1, 2011

The WWWF is in town.
Gorilla Monsoon is from the jungle.
Sammy Sugardaddy is the man on the scene.
Circus of the Stars was on last night.
Suzy Shuffle gives the fastest weather in NY.
Linda Ronstadt doesn't want you to wreck your pick-up.
Hitting the post.

#ithaca #may the funk be with you

Minisode #193 UWF Ring

by iggy

February 11, 2011

Blade won the Pro Bowl bet.
Angry Jim Ross explains why cows don't lay eggs.
Tony enjoys Blade's burping.
RD went to Holland.
Doritos talk
Pumagic or Pumax?
10 year anniversary celebration?
Honky Tonk voice mail
Chief Jay calls.

#smash all their sushi #pizza and milk

Minisode #192 The Honky Tonk Mailman

by iggy

January 28, 2011

Royal Rumble vs Pro Bowl
Asian Helper
Blade dreamt of Tupac
Don Mason re-imagines a Spider-Man comic.
Sid has bad luck with cars.
Diva Mania is a club tour.
The Adventures of Mister Fitness 2 and The Midnight Rose
RD answers a critic.
The Honky Tonk Mailman Debuts.
TNA won the 2010 Gobbeldy Gooker Award

#guit marks #morningside road

Honky Tonk Mailman is a fine TNA correspondent, second only to Mike Check.

Minisode #191 New and Improved Again

by iggy

January 21, 2011 was refurbished with Headlies.
C.S. Irwin Eulogy
Diva Trim
Trish in "Bail Enforcers"
Nintendo John talks about Randy Savage in video games.

#johnny three #beakers are busting

There's something very satisfying about deleting 80% of every episode.

Minisode #190 Swear Jar

by iggy

January 14, 2011

Swear Jar
Blade's life begins at 37.
Throwback Doritos
Sunny's Cookbook
David Arquette goes to rehab.
Ashley Massaro gets a reality show.
The Pro Bowl Bet
Fantasy League Winner Ed Salo
C.S. Irwin meets the Ratings Reaper.
Mike Check calls from the big house.
Angry Jim has a New Year's Resolution.
Blade haikus about Mike Adamle.

#david arquette screen saver #demons analyzing wrestling ratings

Blade said no to the Swear Jar, but whatever.

Minisode #189 X-Mas 2010

by iggy

December 21, 2010

Santa Buddies
RD's Santa Stories
Scott Hall was not arrested??
Vanilla Sky impression
Satan uses Hurricane Helms.
C.S. Irwin stops by.
Presents galore
The 12 Days of Wrestlecrap X-Mas

#make a broom look good #disturbance at a gas station

Apologies to those whose gifts I cut out.

Minisode #188 The Misadventures of Black Friday

by iggy

December 3, 2010

Candy Bar Woman at Target
Strawberry Man at Meijer
Wheel Chair Lady at Menard's
Marty Janetty raps for New Jack.
C.S. Irwin drops in.
The Don Mason Championship Belt
Haiku about Juan Cena

#kind-hearted gentle people #si

Minisode #187 So-Cal Val's Nose

by iggy

November 24, 2010

Captain E-O is back.
So-Cal Val's day job
Satan uses Sunny.
Angry Jim has a new food delivery venture.
C.S. Irwin talks about So-Cal Val's nose.
Haiku about WWE's Top 50

#evil borg people #no time for turkey tips

Minisode #186 Beef Jerky

by iggy

November 5, 2010

New sponsors
Angry Jim talks beef jerky.
Sir Alec returns.
A question from Russia
C.S. Irwin hosts The Feud.
Linda loses.
Hulk exposes.

#you're rude # video toaster