This episode summarized using "onomatopoeia": |
BANG! Ewwwwwwww! Whooo! Ah gyuk gyuk gyuk gyuk! |
75 minutes
((( Recorded in echoing fidelity in RD's kitchen )))
RD is watching a (Leaping) Lanny Poffo match for some reason.
Blade once traded some tapes. He regales the 12 Listeners about how he chased around a kid at school while appreciating John Hughes movies.
:16 Blade: "Hopefully there's not a listener out there saying 'Ahhh those guys are just bringing back Trip to the Grocery rubababababa.'"
Blade's Cheddar Ranch Doritos are an enigma in taste. RD's Seadog Old Style Root Beer tastes better. He floats the idea of marketing Old Detroit Tap Water in glass bottles.
RD did another video podcast with Vince Russo who called him attractive. Sadly Popeye wasn't on that show. Ah gyuk gyuk gyuk gyuk.
The Co-Fruitcakes shill about how each radio progrem only costs 7 cents. They're literally a steal for a podcast that's free to download in the first place. From this very website in fact. Assuming the URL is not taken again. (:28)
:30 Tammy fell.
Again. Blade does his Sunny impression.
Tammy also doesn't like the NXT hopefuls due to them taking the spotlight from her or something. RD actually agrees with her for once, thinking that one of them looks like a goon Popeye fought. Sadly he doesn't call in to tell about how he blew that guy...down. Ah gyuk gyuk gyuk gyuk.
Blade thinks former Diva Kaitlyn should return in a transgender gimmick as Bruce on the grounds that Vince might do such a thing. I don't know, that sounds far too modern for him.
Sad News: the guy who bought their Good Friends cereal box sold it off for $6.
:42 More old bad impressions crack Blade up. Diamond Dallas Page remarried to another brunette. Blade remembers messaging him on MySpace. RD looks up a random movie of DDP's that took like 20 years or something to complete.
Also Andre the Giant had some funny looking pants.
"Sad" News: the Deever got engaged, leaving Blade still forever single. (:52)
Virgil has a GoFundMe for some reason because he needs to get laid for some reason. (:56) As of this writing it's gone up to $350, assuming the pledges are all authentic. No, I'm not going to link it here. Go look it up yourself.
:60 RD fondly remembers watching old Dan Spivey matches. The man is currently in a 'personal' battle with some other random wrestlers over something or other, as revealed on his social media postings. Sadly Satan does not call in to read them so RD has to do so instead.
:70 The Hulk said something stupid as is his custom, but in this case of such magnitude that WWE removed him and made him persona non grata faster than you can say 'Chris Benoit'. But then how now can he support Brooke selling "beach records", Nick crashing cars, and Linda having sex with a younger man? Maybe he can go back to TNA oh wait.
To 'honor' the kayfave heel turn the duo play some smooth jazz from Blade's "cousin"
Anthony Braxton.
Facts & Figures (as compiled by Erik Majorwitz)
- The RD & Blade Show Sponsors: 2. Skyline Drive In, Skycade
- URLs not taken: 2. OldDetroitTapWater.com, DanSpiveysNudistBeach.com
- SPEAKING OFs: 8. Old school video games, nostalgia, nostalgia(2), things, divas, people
who might be drinking PBR and celebrating, Superman, people that aren’t
- Phone Calls & Run Ins: 2. Mean Gene, Gorilla Monsoon
Blade Time Outs: 7 (1 Real Quick)
- Blade Burps: 2
- RD Time Outs: 2 (1 Real Quick)
- Entertain the People: 1
- Erik Majorwitz’s Hindsight Haiku: I’m gonna kill it with...nostalgia!
What is nostalgia?
Vince uses it against us
to sell ICOPRO!