Showing posts with label RD_and_Blade_Show. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RD_and_Blade_Show. Show all posts

304 The RD & Blade Show: April 5, 2021

36 minutes


Troy Ferguson AKA Blade Braxton passed away last week.


RD spends some time remembering his close friend and the good times that were had over the years. 


April Fools was supposed to be a Dark Side of the Ring parody about the unpaid parking tickets of Hillbilly Jim. They did record a RB&BS before this which RD plays here. (:10)

(Episode 58: Network Connection Issues)
26 minutes

WrestleCrap will be 21 in April and outlasting the WWE Network. Blade still has some of RD's hard drives.

Thus the two talk about the WWE Network and what could be found on there.

  • On the road Blade asked his friend about Kevin Nash messing around commentating on Thunder that one time. RD had to write about that in time.
  • RD had written about Ernie Ladd messing around commentating on Wrestling Challenge that one time.
  • Vince loved weddings.
  • RD thinks Peacock won't have space or time for Tuesday Night Titans.
  • Blade was drunk enough to remember a documentary on Mickie James.
  • He didn't know Tom Magee was in their bus ride with Eric Bischoff and Jimmy Hart.
  • AWA had a Kelloggs-General Mills feud after their pilot with Verne Gagne's world's saddest dog.
  • RD laments that Peacock will no longer have any more obscure or old stuff now for others to discover.
  • He still remembers the early days when the website could not load properly.
  • He also remembers when WWE would try to buy everything for their archives that they now can no longer really show to people.
  • But at least you can also watch The Office!




"You don't know what you got till it's gone."





Episode 57: Bisch-On: March 21, 2021

29 minutes

Blade's dog is also on the tin can and string.

RD decides to listen to Blade for once and talk some more about Hall of Fame bound Eric Bischoff. Also going is Molly Holly. The two still fondly remember meeting her. The two still do not fondly remember Sunny acting like a fool to Johnny Fairplay.

RD remembers when Conrad Thompson arranged for him to face-off Bischoff all by himself (Bryan Alvarez was busy with another panel), all for Eric to reveal he didn't even read the book that wasn't even written by Dave Meltzer. RD is rarely one to hold anger or a grudge for long, and this lack of ill-will even extends to his initial opponents after they meet. Recently Oscar of Men of a Mission sent him some well wishes. Before that he was on Vince Russo's podcast with his surprise that when RD was first on he was disarmingly disengaging as is his character ("bro"). Even with Bischoff he found he has comedic timing within him which he greatly admires. And as much as there may have been faults, there have also been many good points of his that were brought up, like how he helped bring wrestling from the doldrums of Monday Night Raw into the 21st century. So they don't have any quarrel with each other.

Blade repeats his story of how Eric signed his stickhead for RD. He still has it. Blade still wants fellow AWA announcers Larry Nelson and Ken Resnick and Lee Marshall in the Hall.

Hulk Hogan is to co-host WrestleMania with Titus O'Neill for some reason. (What, is it too good for the Patriot?) Rather than have him induct Eric RD suggests Conrad should do it instead.

Episode 56: The Superbowl LVI Super Preview Show: January 29, 2021

30 minutes

Blade has to remind himself to watch AEW (rather than also recording if it need be, preferably on VHS).

RD still can't believe they talked about wrestling for so long. So to compensate they'll now talk about the Superb Owl. (In case you couldn't tell from the 'artistic' title, next year's will be the 56th, i.e. LVI. Yet another missed anniversary for Blade to be drunk about over I suppose.)

Blade's Lions have yet to play in it since the Superbowl started (when they last won their 4th in 1957) "back when football was more real and less scripted". RD's Colts have won it twice out of three times, and twice out of four times before that when still in Baltimore. 

Blade reminds people that he Hobo Curses whoever he is rooting or putting money for, so this year it's on Tampa Bay and "Mr. Superbowl Man" Tom Brady. RD mocks him for liking more than one team. Then he mocks him again for wanting exiting Matthew Stafford to go to the Patriots (based on his Tecmo Bowl experience). Then he mocks him again for being hypocritical about the AFC.

RD once punched his ceiling from being so happy after his Colts beat Tom Brady one time. (:12) Blade also did once when mad at his girlfriend and had to cover it up with a Lions license plate. RD once had to cover a friend's hole (ahem) with a poster of...Catherine Bach. Blade once got a poster from a self-addressed stamped envelope from Freddy Krueger.

Anyway, RD's favorite Superbowl memory was the aforementioned Colts beating Brady...before the Superbowl (which they won). He saw their second (which they lost) in the Netherlands. Blade saw his Chiefs win in the UK before flying back into a pandemic. Child Blade's involves the '85 Bears causing the NFC to comically beat up the AFC.   His other was when the Lions play in November amidst random TV network awards (not the Bill Fralic?).

RD's other is when the almost perfect Patriots lost in Indianapolis to another Manning which the hometown considered a win for themselves regardless. The two watched that one together while Mrs. Deal had her Brady vodou doll. (:23)

As for this year's bout, RD has Kansas City 38-36. Blade has Tampa Bay 34-30. He once bet and won on a Pro Bowl's long snaps. He hopes this year's Super Bowl does not break any rushing yard records of one Washington guy in '98. RD warns people not to listen to them (again).

Episode 55: Chapter 17: The Podcast: December 22, 2020

 32 minutes

The Co-Christmas-Fruitcakes finally listen to me for once and decide to discuss The Mandalorian. I have in fact spoken!

Spoilers abound obviously. Don't say I didn't warn you!

Blade finally decided to listen to reason and watched the whole two seasons so he could catch up with RD, and surprised the two by rediscovering his dormant love of the franchise with it, last seen 15 years ago with Revenge of the Sith. 

While RD liked the show as a whole, he thought every episode was a "video game cut-scene" as Mando and Baby Yoda are sent here and there on fetch quests, which Blade agrees on. Even the inexplicably returned Boba Fett, who was separated from his armor somehow in a sarlacc, found the ability to fully clean and repair it once reunited to look like a cosplayer in the middle of their rescue operation. Blade also agrees. 

RD does like Carl Weathers appearing (and directing) in the show. Blade also agrees. He also likes Michael Biehn appearing in the show. Unfortunately neither likes Sasha Banks appearing in the show. Most wrestlers appearing outside the business do that to Blade though (with the exception of Dwayne Johnson and Dave Bautista since Drax). RD does not personally dislike her, but watching her mishandled in WWE has colored his watching.

RD was hooked ever since the pilot with Mando's bounty mentioning missing Life Day. Blade was hooked with an Ewok movie reference.

Anyway, the season finale with Video Game Luke Skywalker fighting through Iron Man Dark Troopers seemed cartoonish to RD, although he did like it overall. Blade wonders when stormtroopers will finally shoot straight, but he too liked Luke's appearance and his taking over of Baby Yoda, and the post-credits return to Tatooine. RD laughs as his Eastern European prospector accent.

Blade is adamant the sequel trilogy will be Force Retconned by Ahsoka Tano. One has to wait and see.

Episode 54: The 1990 Gooker Award Winner: November 29, 2020

24 minutes

Rather than talk more about the Undertaker, RD listens to Blade (for once) and talks about the Gobbledly Gooker instead who first hatched from Vince's mind 30 years ago. 

Blade fondly remembers the egg competing with his Black Scorpion. RD always found the egg ludicrous, even if Ric Flair had hatched from it. Blade thinks he should have done so with an alligator gimmick. (Besides, wasn't that Scott Hall?) But it was Hector Guerrero instead, and Blade wished he went feral and attacked Mean Gene with a crossface chicken wing. (:09) Blade kept the original bootleg recording which kept in the booing while commentating Piper and Gorilla Monsoon tried to salvage things.

RD admires their attempt to badly make a mascot ala the San Diego Chicken. (:13) Blade compares him poorly to WCW's Wildcat Willie. RD uses TNA's Stomper. They wonder when AEW will get one. At least he's not the Indianapolis Colts' Blue who charges $200 for home appearances and fumbles harder than [insert quarterback here].

The Gooker was refrigerated for 11 years before his outfit was redesigned. Maryse once portrayed him and cracked an eyeball. (:18) RD had his wife to fix it when they were loaned it (and Jordan was forced to wear it alongside RD, poor guy).

Blade still wonders where the kaiju-sized mother Gooker would be. (:21) As expected he missed his chance to make a movie with the outfit, most likely involving Don Mason in some capacity or other.

Episode 53: Halloween HavoCrap II: October 31, 2020

47 minutes

Having fully recovered from eating angry jerky and wanting to go fu**ck themselves and each other within 30 seconds, and thus free to continue from earlier in the month, the Co-Fruitcakes discuss more on (old) Halloween Havocs. 

 RD: "You're happy that I'm unhappy. What a nice guy."

Blade shames RD for forgetting recordings from several weeks ago.

  • Blade remembers Ric Flair's first last retirement match against Hulk Hogan in '94 despite not watching. The Honky Tonk Man had a ten minute match. RD plays Paul Orndorff's old synthesizer theme.
  • Blade remembers '95's bad sumo monster truck wrestling on top of Cobo Hall and the Giant regenerating after taking a splash instead of the other matches of wavering quality and a horny Yeti. His random wondering about initials makes Huey laugh.
  • Miss Elizabeth was in a "neutral corner" for Hogan vs. Savage '96, confusing Blade as to timelines. Steve Michael wrestled 10 minutes too long.
  • '97 saw the interminable Piper-Hogan feud continue a year too late with an awful non-title match. RD: "He was kinda stupid in WCW." Blade tries to 'rant' about bad booking without swearing. He fails.
  • RD tries testing Blade's theme knowledge but his system won't play along at first. Thankfully the power of Alex Wright hip thrusting pierces through (but not his match with McMichael which was not a hell of a wictory).
  • Hogan and Warrior in '98 was bad enough. That it was not the main event was worse. That it pushed the actual main event off the PPV timings was the worst. Blade complains about Star Wars again.
  • Flair had to suffer against Scott Steiner in a match so memorable neither can remember it (or much else about that show).
  • '99 was another 'memorable' event. "Sadly" Berlyn was on the show and "sadly" he lost.
  • 2000 was a complete tossup due to "Above Average" Mike Sanders. John Tenta once connected RD to Mike Awesome over the phone. Goldberg won the four minute main event against Kronik. Alex Wright managed to make space to dance regardless (he won his tag match with dance partner Disco Inferno). RD wants him on Cameo and/or their radio progrem.

RD gives Blade a B for his memory, which is more than what would Bryan would get. No word on Dave's memory though.

Episode 52: Halloween HavoCrap: October 8, 2020

44 minutes

Sad News: Halloween Crunch makes water yellow instead of green.

Blade: "I can guarantee it will make your pee turn yellow."

This brings up arguing over what color urine should be. Blade wants it clear, much to RD's confused research.

The two try to escape things then by trying to remember early Halloween Havocs. (:07)

  • Blade remembers a commercial for the first in '89 with Big Bully Busick helping build the (original) Thunderdome while AC/DC played. RD doesn't remember that. Blade: "You shouldn't."
  • Blade remembers a very specific period of WCW between '89 and '90. RD does his Jim Ross impression. Blade forgets people, but he does remember the Feet of Doom.
  • RD of course remembers Barry Windham as Fake Sting in PPV Scramblevision. Blade remembers watching him in proto-240p 70s fidelity, then taking the videos to distract his colleagues in metal class.
  • RD also remembers the Chamber of Horrors without Bruno Sammartino. Lex Luger did have an underrated feud with Stan Hansen however.
  • Blade of course remembers the Black Scorpion. Sadly he did not team up with the Halloween Phantom. Blade remembers when the latter took off his mask. 
  • RD remembers Oz losing to Bill Kazmaier, sadly not among random tombstones. He also remembers Tony Schiavone as a pedophile vampire.
  • Blade remembers Jake "The Snake" Roberts spinning a wheel to make a deal with Cheatum. Ron Simmons had to fight the Barbarian of all people. Blade: "I enjoyed the Barbarian."
Blade can't remember much else since he was watching boxing instead during this time. RD threatens to do some more remembering for their Halloween recording to make up for the lack of a September taping.

Episode 51: Talking with the Listerine: August 30, 2020

48 minutes

Blade hasn't talked to RD in 30 seconds. "That sounded bad." RD can't decide which recording is worse. 

Blade had tried enticing patrons with random sexual innuendo to (have RD) call, since they're supporting and all.

For real this time.

Shockingly the first person (Jason "Jared" Rodicker) has their phone ringing. (:04) He video chats with RD while babysitting his children on a swing. As expected the children are the only ones happy. As one of the Original 12, Jared witnessed Todd Bridges "wrestling". He still remembers being part of Mike Check's target demographic while on his Summer Sizzlin' Splashin' Spectacular. He also remembers Ghetto He-Man, "undead" Stubby, and Blade trashbagging. Jared once saw cardboard boxing. Sadly those two are less common now that porta-potties are mandated.

After him they attempt to call (Not-Diamond) Dan (AKA Danny Franchise) who is driving. (:14) So they call Taylor of British Colombia. (:16) He was drinking green Listerine; RD uses purple. Another Original 12 Listener since 14 years old, he thanks Blade for wasting his time yet also for being a gentleman. He remembers Bedding Man and their interviews, especially John Tenta. Blade was very hung over when they were with Lance Storm. RD remembers when he was on Get In The Ring Radio with Rambling Cowboy Bill Watts.

Dan is no longer (dangerous) driving due to his essential working. (:28) He considers listening to the radio progrem as a full time job (and perhaps also more dangerous). He also drinks green Listerine. He remembers when Blade remembered when Don and his grandpa stumbled upon a guy fucking a horse. Shockingly like Blade he's also single. He does enjoy king crabs like RD however. Long John Silvers is too 'pedestrian' for him, though he has yet to write that in a Yelp! review. Blade misremembers quotes about sand. He also remembers being in the Co-Hoss Contest, and losing since he wasn't a woman or could count properly. Blade: "You are also essential to us."

RD tries one more number while jinxing things by admitting it's been fun so far. (:37) Logan (AKA Not-Ultimate Kennedy13) is also an Original 12 Listener since 14 years old and drinks green Listerine. However he does use turn signals. He remembered when Blade went to a Raw and offended a 13 year old. Blade: "Fuck that kid." Logan agrees with him (for once). Blade remembers his wacky antics there forcing a camera change. Logan aims to send him a Mickie James GIF from that show afterwards. He also remembers that Halloween with Piper and RD singing about Candy. Then he goes back to making signs to offend more teens.

Also for once, RD wants to do another some time soon (within the next 15 years).

Episode 50: NES John: July 23, 2020

46 minutes

The previous WWCR recording exhausted the two to no end. Good news though: RD won his Sid Vicious card. He is unnerved by his smile.

Expected reminiscing abounds. RD is surprised the show got 3 listeners. Sad News: Hungry Howie's is no longer with us...around RD's neighborhood. Blade wants to leave RD alone as he takes his half hour commute to and from work. (:08) He repeats himself as he remembers the taco meat scooper. And the bees. And that one Christmas.

Blade had people mailing in their favorite moments. Not me of course. (:13) RD gives a discount code for his Etsy shop with a new name. (The old URL still works though.)

One fan on Instagram remembers RD eating said Hungry Howie's in cave fidelity. Another fan on Instagram remembers RD bloodlusting for Tam to go to jail. RD: "Eventually wishes do come true." Taylor on Instagram remembers Star Wars. RD wishes they fought more in their earlier days. Blade: "I have matured much more than RD Reynolds, kids." Nobody on RD's Facebook page had anything for him, as expected. Blade remembers when they tried to find a Coach.

With that out of the way, the two decide to talk about "NES Pro Wrestling Games". (:20) Blade remembers his first game: Bandai's (Tag Team Match:) MUSCLE Wrestling. RD found it mediocre; he preferred Matmania and Mania Challenge. Blade explains a guy in a mask.

RD also found NES WrestleMania awful. Blade of course didn't mind it since he was younger and couldn't do whatever he wanted since he was still a teenager and he could play as Demolition Smash (but not Axe). (:25)

RD has to remind Blade that Raw related games came out after the NES' lifecycle and the Mountie's tenure. (:31)

RD mocks Blade by having an Atari Lynx and Larry the Rat. (:34) He noisily plays California Games.

RD also preferred NES WCW of which he did a coaster set of, with hot Ricky Steamboat pipe wrench action and Andre the Giant Machine/WCW Master. He doesn't remember much Tecmo World Wrestling so he noisily plays Tecmo Super Bowl on the Genesis instead. Blade doesn't either but he doesn't have his own copy either. (:40) He has to make due with watching it online.

Ultimately both choose Nintendo's Pro Wrestling, which shockingly has yet to appear on Switch or fully in a Smash Bros. game.

The two plan to debate Ewoks next time, or whatever else the Patrons would prefer. [COUGHTheMandalorianCOUGH] RD hates every S/NES Star Wars game. 

Episode 49: Playsets: May 25, 2020

40 minutes

The Co-Fruitcakes could not rush through their ordinary progrem fast enough to record this one, assuming Blade is not still "sleepy". Blade: "We may be approaching anniversary episode here."

Since they got distracted earlier talking about playsets, they use the opportunity to talk more about them here. Blade had several Star Wars ones when younger that he debated selling, even if they were all made of or were cardboard. RD had a "mainstream" Echo Base one.

The Empire Strikes Back, The Shining, Pac-Man, and that one KISS album came out within the same week 40 years ago. (:06)

RD's desired playsets:
  • Ted DiBiase's jewelry store. (Please don't give Virgil ideas, you know he would make a cheap one in order to make a quick buck.) 
  • Ted DiBiase in swim-trunks on cheap cardboard. (Ditto.)
  • Fuji Bandito. 
  • The Flower Shop (for your young daughter wanting a 300 pound man in a dress).
  • The Big Pink Room (with green-screen).
  • The Rooftop of Titan Towers.
  • Primetime Wrestling.
  • The TVS Techwood Drive Studio with prerecorded lines David Crockett.
  • The Event Center.
  • The In Your House House.
  • 1991 Halloween Havoc with detachable graveyard and Chamber of Horrors.
  • The Gobbledy Gooker with giant egg. 
  • My Dinner with Pepper.
  • The Hardcore Title in the Family Entertainment Center.

Blade's desired playsets:
  • Fuji Vice (featuring the Seahawk).
  • Fuji General.
  • Piper's Pit (perhaps followed by Piper in Alcatraz).
  • Flair for the Gold with Shockmaster breakaway wall.
  • Cactus Jack Lost in Cleveland.
  • York Foundation (with Richard Morton and Terrence Taylor in an office setting).
  • The Black Scorpion's stage for magic tricks to do for yourself at home.
  • Tuesday Night Titans with Lord Alfred on the couch.
  • The Stephanie Wyand Dream House with WWF Superfans.
  • "The Big Show's Dad's Funeral" (with casket).
  • No Holds Barred (numerous scenes in the series).
  • Bobby Heenan with the Rosati sisters and Jameson with his pillow.
  • A giant Miss Elizabeth head (before he forgets about them).
Ultimately Blade would go with the Fuji Vice with Seahawk. RD goes with Primetime Wrestling with Wheel Spun by Cheatum to Make the Deal.

Episode 48: April Awfulness: April 1, 2020

44 minutes

RD: "I was a fool."

RD has forgotten the last time they did this when they talked about Star Wars. Blade has to keep entertaining the people. He once found WC during his regular search for the Black Scorpion. RD: "How can things be bad?"

WC is currently has some March Madness April Awfulness through a tournament vote on the worst gimmick of them all in honor of its 20th anniversary. (:07) Blade: "Boy I tell ya, 2020 is shaping up to be a great year."


Round 1, Quarter 1 (FIGHT):

  • Bastion Booger vs. The Ding Dongs: Blade cannot get behind bell ringing so he goes with the DDs. RD wants them to win too but he thinks they will lose.
  • Katie Vick vs. TL Hopper: Both go for the cheerleader in Blade's basement.
  • MIRROR MATCH: IRS vs. Captain Mike Rotundo/Rotunda: Blade found IRS stupider then, but nowadays not as bad as a Captain of a varsity club turned boat. He still thinks IRS will win though the Captain should win due to his horrible t-shirt.
  • Pirate Paul Burchill vs. Funkasaurus Brodus Clay: Blade goes with the random pirate who he has already forgotten due to his drinking. RD wants him to win also to nautically fight the Captain.
  • Rambo Greg Gagne vs. "The Dragon": Blade finds Ricky Steamboat's 'reintroduction' dumb, but the two go with the man with the deadly boring monologues. 
  • BATTLE OF THE BIG MEN: Great Khali vs. Giant Gonzalez: Blade thinks Khali will win due to being more recent but they both want his challenger to win due to his actual awfulness.
  • Judy Bagwell vs. Bertha Faye: Both go with Judy who is expected to win due to her bad appearances and dragging down her son with her.
  • Claire Lynch vs. Piggy James: Both think Claire will win although "fat" Mickie James is absurd beyond all reason. Blade will vote for his Centaur.
Round 1, Quarter 2 (FIGHT): (:15)

  • MIRROR MATCH: Fake Diesel & Razor Ramon vs. Oz: Both will vote for Oz who may win due to being extremely dumb and distracting Blade from his pornography. RD can't afford Mama on his show.
  • Isaac Yankem DDS vs. Gary Spivey: Both go with the dentist since they love the other so much. They both want Gary to win regardless.
  • SPORTS: The Goon vs. Abe "Knuckleball" Schwartz: Both go with Abe, the expected winner.
  • The Gobbeldy Gooker vs. Max Moon: A tough matchup to be sure, but they go with their mascot.
  • LATE 90s: Beaver Cleavage vs. Glacier: Both go with Beaver. Glacier is too good to be around here!
  • The Booty Man vs. Farting Natalya Neidhart: Booty was ridiculously awful and had Kimberley Page of all people, but recent Natty may get the edge here.
  • STUBBY: Rocco vs. Chucky: Both go with Rocco due to his interfering with the Legion of Doom.
  • Xanta Klaus vs. Cheatum the Evil One-Eyed Midget: The Deal Maker was an integral part of the early days, so both go with him.
Round 1, Quarter 3 (FIGHT): (:22)

  •  Pro Wrestler Jay Leno vs. Survivor Jenna Morasca: Both are bad but the two go with Jay in what is admittedly a very close match (and his at least being better in the ring), but RD thinks Jenna will progress.
  • Outback Jack vs. Se7en: RD thinks Jack will win easily, though Blade remembers RD laughing about Rhodes and his Baloney Pony among its general badness.
  • The Shockmaster vs. Duke "The Dumpster" Droese: Both think the Shockmaster will trip into a blowout.
  • QUESTIONABLE CHAMPIONS: WCW Champion David Arquette vs. WWE Champion Jinder Mahal: Both go with David though he may not be as recent as the other guy.
  • HORRIBLE ONE-NAMED WRESTLERS: Nailz vs. Zeus: Both go with Blade's favorite Zeus in another close match.
  • Adam Rose with Bunny vs. Kerwin White: Both go with the more "memorable" and longer lasting Adam.
  • The Repo Man vs. WCW's Mystery Man: Both go with the classic Repo Man before he can steal their stuff. Blade: "Ironically it's the worst possible match-up you could ever get if you wanted to see Road Warrior Animal take on Demolition Smash."
  • The Dungeon of Doom vs. Billionaire Ted: A tough one, but Blade will go with the Dungeon due to the very random Ted. RD agrees with him.
Round 1, Quarter 4 (FIGHT): (:32)

  • Black Scorpion vs. Gene "Boba Foot" Snitsky: RD wants Blade's Scorpion to destroy his opponent.
  • KISS Demon vs. Saba Simba: Blade thinks Saba was not a good idea. His Book of Lists Exclamation Point was signed by Tony Atlas. RD goes with him but he thinks the Demon will win this one.
  • SEX SEX SEX: Meat vs. Hugh G. Rection: Both want Meat to win but they think the other one will be bigger.
  • Al Wilson vs. Billy & Chuck: Blade once worked with a guy who was involved with writing both. He will go with Al in honor of his daughter. RD wants him to win though it may be hard against the other two.
  • BIRD BIRD BIRD: Red Rooster vs. Sting's Guard Bird: Blade is speechless so he asks Bitey for help. He doesn't have an opinion either. So Blade goes with Red, "the worst gimmick of all time" in said Book of Lists. Both wonder if Sting will make a run for it regardless since he is more recent. RD wants Bitey to choose again.
  • The Yeti vs. Dink the Clown: Dink is bad enough to win but both will go with the Yeti anyway (if the Dungeon of Doom doesn't win for him that is).
  • Mantaur vs. Naked Mideon: RD for the former, Blade for the latter.
  • The Boogeyman vs. Papa Shango: Blade takes a while before choosing the former, RD for the latter.
Neither is sure who will win the whole thing anyway due to all the badness present. Even the Black Scorpion has tough competition in his quarter.

The two will return once this round has been decided within the next few days, assuming Blade will still be alive by then.

Episode 47: Star Warhorse: December 21, 2019

41 minutes

Your annual reminder that Blade once
dressed up as Darth Maul for Halloween
in order to scare his sister.
RD eats some thematic cereal with "all natural marshmallows". But does he use blue milk?

He is planning to go see Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker again since he liked the majority of it, even if it was "a series of video game cutscenes" a half hour too long with an attack of the cloned Palpatine. (:06) Blade rambles on about how the old movies were also with little explanation during "the search for Porkins." He further confuses by agreeing with RD on liking the movie. [As do I...from a certain point of view.]

Blade finds the Ewoks' ideas intriguing to him, and he wishes to subscribe to their newsletter. (:14)

RD admits he wrote The Book of Lists Exclamation Point because he believes lists are dumb. (:16) He then does his old mother impression because "talking with you is fascinating."

After or perhaps because of said impression, he pulls in his wife, appalled that he doesn't like space horses. (:23) She no sells one of Blade's signature bad jokes.

RD found the pandering fan service laughable, including Chewbacca finally getting his medal on film. Blade stresses out for some reason. They then argue over ships. (:28)

RD shoots down yet another of Blade's half-baked theories about dying characters, including one Death Star destroyer. (:31)

Blade got over his jadedness to confirm (again) that he liked the movie, giving it two yubnubs up despite the lack of Bossk or midriffs. He does not yet have Disney+. He has LaserDiscs for that.

Blade now likes the prequels ironically. RD pounces, mercilessly using it to his advantage to shut him down and end the show. It's all in the timing. (:38)

Episode 46: Avengers Argue: October 21, 2019

38 minutes

RD thinks their episodes have numbering discrepancies. Blade is left to quietly mumble yet again.

RD has to remind younger Blade about 45" records for some reason. (:04)

This week RD has no itinerary. Instead Blade thinks the two should argue-debate superhero/movies. This gets the old MovieTrolla running once again.

RD's favorite "comic book superhero movie of the last decade" confuses him slightly due to the dates. He goes with the obvious The Dark Knight followed by Spider-Man 2. (:10) "Edward Scissorhands does not count as a superhero movie." Blade goes with Sin City. He visited Peter Parker's pizzeria one time.

Blade had recently seen (The) Joker. Both enjoyed its morbid entertainment. (:12) Blade thinks it rivals his favorite movie of all time, Piranha 3D. 

For the favorite movie of the recent decade, Blade thankfully does not go for Sin City 2. (:17) He does however really connect with Thor, Guardians of the Galaxy, Deadpool 1 & 2, Suicide Squad (why?) and X-Men: Dark Phoenix (why?) alongside (The) Joker. He sticks with his X-Men guns, albeit honorably for once. (Yes, I know.) In that same turn, RD liked Avengers: Infinity War more than Endgame due to its excessive time traveling. (:22) Blade hasn't seen the latter due to Disney-MCU burnout, and randomly argues with him over watching things in actual cinemas. As part of his argument, he once tried to watch Logan on his one day off, only for it to be interrupted by a tornado warning. He had to wait another six months to see the rest of it. So...his viewpoint is better then?

Anyway, RD would go with Infinity War, Guardians of the Galaxy 1 & 2 (and its Mike Check era songs), Batman V Superman (his favorite, one of the few who liked it), Shazam, and Wonder Woman. (:30) Blade thinks Iron Man was in too many movies when he is not distracted by some of the movies he watches, if they even have come out yet, and he has actually seen them yet during his work.

To close out the recording, Blade only has one (1) choice to make. As expected, he fails.

Episode 45: Testing Ground: August 18, 2019

35 minutes
((( recorded in new audio setup fidelity )))

RD is using the opportunity to test something out, in this case a new audio setup. He lucks into playing the right audio file at least. (:02) Blade was talking to a guy who called it Patron. RD thinks of dessert since he was at an Italian restaurant earlier having some infamous spaghetti of theirs.

Blade is inspired to plug in something to his phone to try things out on the behalf of their 'households' each with 12 listeners in them. Thankfully it works, so he can remain "high-def hungover" in his 'professionalism'. RD: "It sounds exactly the same as the old one." Further sound recording discussion follows. Blade tests the soundbites in response.

Naturally this leads into talking about pop music. (:11)
  • Blade and Don almost saw Tiffany and Debbie Gibson recently as part of an 80s-based concert but didn't want to deal with senior rowdy housewives for the boy bands. RD thinks they would make good potential dates for the single 44 year old. At least he can see the two in some random Sci-Fi monster movie. 
  • RD prefers the later "country girl" Brittney more for her antics than her singing, of which Blade agrees. 
  • They also like Mariah and her own non-country girl diva gimmick. 
  • Blade thought Shoeless Joe Jackson once judged American Idol. 
  • RD has a live remote. 
  • RD still likes Stacey Q who had an appearance in Return of the Living Dead instead of a Wikipedia picture.
  • Blade brings up Goodbye to You by Scandal. RD watches it on Blade's behalf to find Paul Orndorff on guitar and Kerry Von Erich on keyboard standing around in an AWA-pink room. (:30)
 Throughout all this, the two beg for suggestions from the paying audience.

Blade has to go "do something". Let's hope it doesn't involve a trash bag.

Episode 44: Pilots: March 5, 2019

32 minutes

Blade is still with RD at his home following the earlier recording of the standard radio progrem. His Jazz Overnight sounds very sleepy now though. He entertains the people about how he can't remember most of their old episodes, unsurprisingly. However at least he's not drinking right now. Small steps and all.

Since RD has been encouraging listener participation for this show's incarnation, Zap Fabian suggested reviewing an old episode (:04). So RD takes a look at the pilot, all the way back in August 2005. (:07)

  • The audio quality remains in high phone-buzzing over-modulated fidelity.
  • "You know."
  • The progrem was originally started before their appearance on Get In The Ring Radio...which they killed off, sending the original podcasters off the Internet.
  • RD sure talked a lot back then, at least compared to "greenhorn" Blade and in talking about WC. 
  • Someone reviewing it at the time thought of it as a "17 minute voice IM. " (:17)
  • RD links current Sunny to Maude back then. This gives Blade a coughing fit. I hope he doesn't cough straight into RD's microphone. 
    The Once and Future Bea
  • RD forgot who Clumsy Girl was. Don't feel too bad, I forgot too.
  • Neither likes how they sounded then. (:13)
  • RD still doesn't watch much of Raw.  
  • Young RD had a Tivo from 2003. 
  • Blade was partying hard at Young RD's age of 36.
  • Tim Conway and Tom Wopat are still alive...for now.
  • RD wants to ask people about Dorff. (:17)
  • Young RD: "How did we get on Don Knotts?" RD: "That's a question you'll ask a lot, RD."
  • Kerwin White was discussed a lot, for obvious reasons. (:21)
  • So too the Boogeyman.
  • Revenge of the Nerds came out in 1984. 
  • The two are not used to their old voices talking about Gooker nominees in August. (:26)
  • RD was sad he didn't make a Heidenrich Energy quip. "I'm really confused...What is wrong with you, young RD?"
  • RD is surprised Blade did not make a trashbag reference.  (:28)

Blade wants to makeup haiku for the episode, though oddly he doesn't do so here now. RD is surprised people still wanted to listen after, or paid to listen after, either then or now. I believe Vince says the same thing of his own product every day instead of relating to the middle class.

Episode 43: The Engagement Ring: February 13, 2019

40 minutes

RD wants to seduce the four other listeners. Blade remembers Miss Elizabeth for this. You're hurting me, Bladey.

Since it's Valentine's Day RD wants to discuss favorite wrestling romances this recording (unless this involves Anakin Skywalker wrestling with sand getting everywhere)

  • Blade "of course" remembers Jamie Noble and Nidia. (:04) RD thought she was pretty and reminded him of the hillbillies back home.
  • The Tough Enough people have all seem to have vanished into the Void. (:06) As an example, forget someone like Jackie Gayda leaving the business to be a mother; I cannot find Linda Miles ANYWHERE online, save for this brief post...that doesn't even load the text properly. You need an archived version for that. You know a gimmick is bad when it forces you off the Internet almost completely. To give you a sense of how damaging such a thing must be, with a little snooping around you can find Claire Lynch's 'actress' still with an online presence, albeit wisely having removed all reference that she ever played such an...award winning character. Goodness, how reputation damaging must a gimmick be to be worse than that??? (Though to be fair, at least Ms. Former Shaniqua is fine where things are now, and I cannot argue with that.)
  • RD thought Blade grew up in a horror movie. Aren't Troma movies horror movies in their own right? Blade liked the "romantic" Sullivans. (:07)
  • Building on that, RD liked the "original Precious" Patty with Jimmy Garvin feuding with Kevin Sullivan for her. If the feud had continued it would have been revealed that she would have just been Kevin's sister. (Unless he thought he was Luke Skywalker or something.)
  • RD liked the hilarity of someone like David Flair being involved with Daffney and Stacey Keibler. As unlucky with women as he is with wrestling!
  • Blade remembers Rick Steiner with "nerd" Robin Green. (:13) She would later be made over by Missy Hyatt and becoming too much even by her standards. Blade does his Jim Ross assisting Rick impression, followed by his Scott Steiner impression. RD remembers when Scott was an awkward collegiate athlete before bigger.
  • RD remembers the "other Precious" Patty Stratus crashing a wedding. (:18) Despite this Blade still prefers granny pantie Miss Elizabeth.
  • RD wonders what Al Wilson is currently doing, so he checks up on him. (:20) He remains Torrie's real life father. Blade forgot RD was declared dead on Wikipedia three times. He wants WCR character appearances as tier perks.
  • On randomly wondering who should appear in the Hall of Fame, Blade knows WWE will need to make another Katie Vick outfit. (:23)
  • RD respects Mark Henry being stubborn to remain in WWE despite being put into a relationship with Mae Young. (:24) Blade was happy when he won the ECW title.
  • RD: "I still wanna know what Al Wilson's up to."
  • He argues with Blade over the tiering of some women of whom Blade follows their workouts on Instagram. "It was kinda strenuous," he admits. He likes Dawn Marie nowadays, and misses WCW's "Sour Lemon". RD does not remember another 'lost' Diva Search contestant with an unfortunate name and a Bart Simpson impression.
  • Surprisingly Blade does not have Savage and Elizabeth as his favorite wrestling couple of all time, due to complications on Savage's side of being...well, who he was. (:33) Instead he gives that to Rick "I mean Scott" Steiner and Shakira and Midajah. 
  • For RD, he chooses Enzo Amore and some KFC chicken (redundant, I know) in 2017, an "ad" so memorable that it too has fallen into the Void. (:37) My guess is it was out of some drunken shame more than WWE trying to cut ties after future endeavoring him on behalf of his personal daemons. Blade: "Wow."

Blade wants the episode to be gifted to a loved one. RD: "Tell your friends. Lie to them. Tell them the show is good."

Episode 42: The Expected Reboot: February 6, 2019

28 minutes

The RD&BS makes a return, on Patreon anyway. The duo want to deliver more content for supporters and sponsors, hence this "long missed" radio progrem. I thought they wanted to attract more people? Then again it's better than Blade painting the Midnight Rose or going nude I suppose.

Blade breaks down laughing remembering how forgettable the show was. This one, not WWCR. The only thing RD can remember is that time when he ordered a pizza. Blade had to check this very here website to reconfirm things. He remembers getting a heat stroke while being attacked by bees, and someone using a meat scooper at Taco Bell. He is surprised if the show will have fans beyond four other listeners (besides the two of them).

RD plans to keep the revived show Patreon only. He tries to lay down some ground rules. (:05) The show now has audience participation! So expect to have another Co-Hosss Contest pretty soon.

For today however, Blade wanted to apologize to RD who "loves" Episode II, even though he doesn't. (:07) He could edit the films down to make them better, including a 45 minute "holiday special" out of Episode I. He has a few good things he likes visually about II however.

Blade: "The Ewoks were a Vietnam reference!"

RD thinks they should turn the show into a political debate program. I don't know, it seems more lively than that. You don't hear politicians discuss the merits of trashbagging. Deliberately publicly anyway.

Blade misses Cash-In Jango Fett and the Natalie Portman fashion show. The two run down her Episode II attire (:22). Both agree they like that white arena combat outfit. 

Blade trolls nostalgic for Episode II for some reason. RD does a Mace Windu and ends things.

(265/40/41) Miss-Math: April 1, 2017

20 minutes
((( recorded in high phone-muffled fidelity ))) 

Some vintage albeit bad Wrestlemania related tune takes up 10% of the running time.

You know this episode is an April Fools prank when RD skips a number. This would technically be the FORTIETH episode if based on the old RD&BS format, but instead this is apparently the forty-FIRST. Perhaps Blade's (under the) influence got to him too much. Seriously; (mike) check through the Recaps link and see for yourself.

[That being said, if you counted this as both a WWCR AND RD&BS episode separately and together, like two intersecting lines, that might work things out. That assumes anything actually works on these shows of course though. Both in and unintentionally.]

RD: "You realize we've had more RD & Blade shows than Wrestlemania."

Blade remembers Susan St. James uh-oh-ing. RD remembers Rockin' Robin and her Brother Hood. (:05)

This year's WM (33) has 13 matches that will take at least six and a half hours long. (:08)

RD is stuck on the Divas' movesets. (:09)

More random names are in the Andre The Giant Battle Royal Memorial hootenanny. (:11) RD wants a Bill Frehlick run-in.

Randy Orton is in another match. (:12) Blade doesn't want to see him dating. RD wants to see his orgasmic wife make a return to the ring.

Social Security recipient Undertaker is once again back at it. (:14) Blade: "I don't mind Roman Reigns." RD: "Blade Braxton Quote: "I don't mind Roman Reigns.""

Blade thinks Shane McMahon should fight while high. RD thinks he will jump off a roller coaster. (:15)

RD on WM as a whole and echoing many people: "Who cares?"

RD has to "run" to a Wrestlemania party which will last even longer than the 12 hour event. (:16)

Seventeen Syllables Of Analysis:
Goldberg. Goldberg. Gold-
Berg. Goldberg. Goldberg. Goldberg.
Goldberg.  Goldberg. Gold.
Facts & Figures (as compiled by Erik Majorwitz)


  • Sponsors: 2. USA Update, Art Supplies.
  • Susan St. James Uh Ohs:  9
  • Blade Braxton’s Weekly Wrestling Haiku: Blades analysis of the WM33 main event:
    Goldberg! Goldberg! Gold...
    berg! Goldberg! Goldberg! Goldberg!
    Goldberg! Goldberg! Gold...

Episode 39: Thank Ya: August 7, 2015

R.I.P to one of WCR's favorite people: Roddy Piper (1954-2015)
54 minutes

RD called Blade 'excellent' for the first time in their 13 year friendship.

RD wonders how the audio quality of their progrems have fallen compared to the 'golden age' of 2008. Blade responds by temporarily disconnecting.

WWE once wanted to make Brock Lesnar Popeye's brother if you know what I mean.

Matt Hardy & Reby Sky have given birth. (:12) This causes Blade to crack up for some reason. The kid's VHS/Kryptonian name (Max-El) reminds RD of the good old days of cassette tapes including good old BASF. RD uses his phone. Rosa Mendes is pregnant "with child" which is better than being pregnant "with chestburster". This causes Blade to crack up for some reason.

Sad News: The Deever is retiring (while also engaged). (:20) The two remember all the Diva Search 'candidates' that have come and gone.

Tammy skipped a court hearing. (:26) RD wants her to go to jail so that she (and her segment) appear less on the progrem.

The two shill their Archives some more by remembering all the strange impressions of Dennis Stamp and Terry Funk from many years ago. Which you can read about more on this very site, if I can take my turn to shill [...And if I could take my turn to shill; go to The Mike Check Show for all your "non-canon" musical adventures involving ole Mike and his big-boobed/whiz-kid daughter -R.V.M Kai]. Assuming the URL is still the same. Again.

:33 RD: "Why do all the new segments have horrible music?"

Apparently your "frequent" Dan Spivey (at war) update now has its own music. Did you know he will be turning 63 in October?

Blade does his (bad) David Lee Roth impression about lamps. I figure all he got he had to steal. (:37)

:38 WWE had to change a group's name because it was already taken by a porn corporation. Which is STILL a better place to work at than the top wrestling company in the world.

The duo reminisce about the greatness of Roddy Piper as he appeared on their progrem. Our condolences to all of his close and loved ones; may he rest in peace.  (:41 - end)
Facts & Figures (as compiled by Erik Majorwitz)


  • The RD & Blade Show Sponsors: 4. Ella Fitzgerald, Memorex,, BASF
  • SPEAKING OFs: 1. Memories
  • Dave Meltzer, not talking about: 5. BASF, B-A-S-F, Maxel, Memorex, anything else

  • Phone Calls & Run Ins: 1. “Rowdy” Roddy Piper 
  • F-Bombs: 1. Flashback Blade
  • Blade Time Outs: 3 (1 Real Quick)
  • Entertain the People: 1
  • Erik Majorwitz’s Hindsight Haiku: The long forgotten Waylon Mercy skirmish:
    Spivey’s War segment
    Lasted one whole week; at least
    It had theme music!

Episode 38: The War Of Dan Spivey: July 27, 2015

This episode summarized using "onomatopoeia":
BANG!  Ewwwwwwww!  Whooo!  Ah gyuk gyuk gyuk gyuk!
75 minutes

((( Recorded in echoing fidelity in RD's kitchen )))

RD is watching a (Leaping) Lanny Poffo match for some reason. 

Blade once traded some tapes. He regales the 12 Listeners about how he chased around a kid at school while appreciating John Hughes movies. 

:16 Blade: "Hopefully there's not a listener out there saying 'Ahhh those guys are just bringing back Trip to the Grocery rubababababa.'"

Blade's Cheddar Ranch Doritos are an enigma in taste. RD's Seadog Old Style Root Beer tastes better. He floats the idea of marketing Old Detroit Tap Water in glass bottles. 

RD did another video podcast with Vince Russo who called him attractive. Sadly Popeye wasn't on that show. Ah gyuk gyuk gyuk gyuk. 

The Co-Fruitcakes shill about how each radio progrem only costs 7 cents. They're literally a steal for a podcast that's free to download in the first place. From this very website in fact. Assuming the URL is not taken again. (:28)

:30 Tammy fell. Again. Blade does his Sunny impression. 

Tammy also doesn't like the NXT hopefuls due to them taking the spotlight from her or something. RD actually agrees with her for once, thinking that one of them looks like a goon Popeye fought. Sadly he doesn't call in to tell about how he blew that guy...down. Ah gyuk gyuk gyuk gyuk. 

Blade thinks former Diva Kaitlyn should return in a transgender gimmick as Bruce on the grounds that Vince might do such a thing. I don't know, that sounds far too modern for him. 

Sad News: the guy who bought their Good Friends cereal box sold it off for $6.

:42 More old bad impressions crack Blade up. Diamond Dallas Page remarried to another brunette. Blade remembers messaging him on MySpace. RD looks up a random movie of DDP's that took like 20 years or something to complete.  

Also Andre the Giant had some funny looking pants. 

"Sad" News: the Deever got engaged, leaving Blade still forever single. (:52)

Virgil has a GoFundMe for some reason because he needs to get laid for some reason. (:56) As of this writing it's gone up to $350, assuming the pledges are all authentic. No, I'm not going to link it here. Go look it up yourself.

:60 RD fondly remembers watching old Dan Spivey matches. The man is currently in a 'personal' battle with some other random wrestlers over something or other, as revealed on his social media postings. Sadly Satan does not call in to read them so RD has to do so instead.

:70 The Hulk said something stupid as is his custom, but in this case of such magnitude that WWE removed him and made him persona non grata faster than you can say 'Chris Benoit'. But then how now can he support Brooke selling "beach records", Nick crashing cars, and Linda having sex with a younger man? Maybe he can go back to TNA oh wait. 

To 'honor' the kayfave heel turn the duo play some smooth jazz from Blade's "cousin" Anthony Braxton
Facts & Figures (as compiled by Erik Majorwitz)


  • The RD & Blade Show Sponsors: 2. Skyline Drive In, Skycade  
  • URLs not taken: 2.,
  • SPEAKING OFs: 8. Old school video games, nostalgia, nostalgia(2), things, divas, people who might be drinking PBR and celebrating, Superman, people that aren’t nice

  • Phone Calls & Run Ins: 2. Mean Gene, Gorilla Monsoon
  • Blade Time Outs: 7 (1 Real Quick)
  • Blade Burps: 2
  • RD Time Outs: 2 (1 Real Quick)
  • Entertain the People: 1
  • Erik Majorwitz’s Hindsight Haiku: I’m gonna kill it with...nostalgia!
    What is nostalgia?
    Vince uses it against us
    to sell ICOPRO!