Showing posts with label The Zombie's alive. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Zombie's alive. Show all posts

The WrestleCrap Radio Shoot Interview: December 1, 2008

[Here's something that's been in my bucket (list) for a while.

Back when he was still burning DVDs and before he put them all and his archives online, RD Reynolds (old buddy and pal) thought it was a good idea to record...something, with a perpetual drunk Blade Braxton and his own old buddy and pal Trash Losagain. Thus this...thing, or whatever it is. I remember summarizing this too, on old fashioned itinerary paper, waiting for the time I could publicize it. Well that time is now, just because. (Well, somewhat due to the site's 20th anniversary and earlier experience with similar Patreon/supporter exclusives.) Pretend it was written when it was supposed to be written thanks to time travel shenanigans or something.

Should you still want to see this nonsense for some reason among other videos, old inductions, and most importantly, older episodes of the radio progrem, you can purchase access through the usual Patreon support and/or a single donation of $15 US. But don't say I didn't warn you.

Also my gratitude yet again to RD himself for his GIF creations. Hopefully they don't slow this down too much. The video is long enough as it is!

- PB, April 1, 2020]

103 minutes
((( recorded in DV format fidelity )))

RD is at home with Blade and Trash Losagain, all wearing headgear indoors. Blade is pretending to drink and be "not sober" from a stereotypical brown paper bag. RD has to show people he actually has a WWE Niagara Falls cup to loudly sip from. (Trash has a plastic water bottle, how boring.)

Trash has come prepared with papers. Firstly, he asks them how they initially got into the wrestling business. For RD it's simple: homophobia. (But of course.) (:02)

RD: "[Leilani Kai] had quite the pallor."
Blade: "She had the powder?"
RD: "She may have done that too."
Blade: "What made [RD] pop is having sex with his wife."

Actually for RD he was drawn in by Bobby Heenan. For Blade it was Adrian Adonis and his leather jacket with Dick Murdock. He says this while holding his bottle in a strategic manner on his body. (RD has his poodles Raleigh and Piper on his lap.)

Trash asks what their first actual step in the business was. Blade did some show in order to eat stale nachos. RD's phone rings; he takes an imaginary phone call with a loud tone of voice. (:05)

Blade: "I feel sorry for the people who purchased this."

Trash asks RD "to get his dick in the door". Blade hopes it's not a wooden door to avoid splinters. RD: "Does it say 'penis proof'?"

Trash asks about kayfabe while RD is momentarily distracted. He and Trash first worked for Jeff Cohen in PWI, making stuff up to annoy Mike Samples, the world's most popular wrestler. (:07) Strangely, the then mayor of Indianapolis had written their company a letter welcoming their trade, so they abused his patronage for two weeks for bloody matches.

WrestleCrap began when RD had to justify purchasing a new computer and to stand out from the other wrestling places around to ensure he was not Al Isaacs or Bryan Alvarez. It was Merle Vincent who persuaded him to go down the path he did.

Blade: "How did you find out [Bryan] was eight inches shorter?"

Blade found the site "by doing my weekly Google search of the Black Scorpion". He's definitely not telling the truth; he used Yahoo those days. (:11)

On time spent on the site and money made, Blade likes RD's turquoise wall.

RD: "I hope no one expects too many answers."

They extol the virtues of the 'legitimate' Trolla Corporation, started by Joseph and Bob Trolla, their banner hanging on the turquoise wall. (Nasdeq code TRO/LLA/ROL/OLL/ATM). Blade's phone rings; he takes an imaginary phone call with a loud tone of voice. (:14)

Trash can't contain his laughter hearing Trolla's motto of "Yesterday's technology at today's prices". "Have you seen a Trolla double headed dong?" he has to ask. RD has to disclaim they don't make sex toys or snuff films. He admits he needs Blade so that their shows don't go 45 minutes long on random stuff (like they already do anyway).

Trash has a list of names of their "slave labor". (:18) Is Johnny Six actually Dan Severn? RD: "Johnny Six sounds much more masculine." Blade thought he had facial hair. RD wants to make Trash dance by pointing at his body parts.
Separated at birth?

Stubby is "100% real" as Blade brings him out of a trash bag. In response to his resurrection the WrestleCrap banner on the turquoise wall falls off. (:21) Quick! Cut to commercial!

Banner restored, Trash is free to ask Stubby questions after RD gives him a sip (from his cup).  (:21) Then he lets one rip. Blade, not Stubby. Then he asks Trash for crugs. Stubby, not Blade.

Trash asks him about KISS since he's wearing a shirt. "I used to have a man crush on Paul Stanley," he 'says'. Blade would go with Peter Criss since he has yet to wake up with a star on his crotch. Then he farts again. Blade gives Stubby some of his bag bottle as RD has his turn laughing hysterically. "Keep it in there buddy!" he manages to get out.

Before Trash can ask more questions his phone rings; he takes an imaginary phone call with a loud tone of voice in Spanish. (:25) RD is exasperated, not realizing that a precaution to this would be as complex as...turning the phones off and/or placing them elsewhere. Not in Blade's trashbag though. Who knows what surprises he may have in there.

That out of the way, Trash asks about Peter Gazer who may or may not be related to "Mike Hunt". I think his supposed orientation would make such a thing an impossibility.

RD: "He was a homosexual. ... I know that's shocking."
Stubby: "You know, I've sucked dick too. I don't brag about it."

RD compliments Stubby's ability to make Blade's lips move rather than the other way round. (:27)

Trash tries to get "serious" to ask about Nathaniel. According to RD people complain they're not getting enough wrestling news, which they're expecting from him and Blade for some reason. RD does his Nathaniel impression.

Speaking of being serious, what do the two say to those that think their Trips to the Grocery and cereal eating are fake? They have to eat; RD doesn't grow crops out back and Blade is not a (non-wrestling) plant. RD has Trash walk up to the camera with a box of Cadbury's Fingers as proof. He has another box of Dark Fingers for all of Blade's sodomy needs.
I didn't even know her!

Stubby goes for trying the the regular Fingers to appease his PTSD. RD opens the box while asserting that his Black Friday encounters with madness are also real. He promises more adventures on the day which is Mrs. Deal's favorite. "You're making me jones for crack just talking about this!" Stubby randomly says through Blade before he gets the "shakes". Blade puts him down (on the floor), then smells his fingers. RD: "Did you get fingered dark?"

Stubby Shakes (Suddenly)

Having missed seeing that, (and with none of them giving their verdict on the food, as expected), Trash asks about the Haku Haiku. (:34) Blade started it because he had had some Crown (as illustrated) because he thought it appropriate for their show. RD finds it more concise and accurate than just going around wrestling sites (or buying a Trolla product). Trash asks Blade to improvise one (using his fingers) but before he can do so RD's phone rings (again); he takes an imaginary phone call with a loud tone of voice, to no answer:

RD on the phone.
Annoying as fuck for you and for
everyone watching.

Not bad. Only 19 syllables. Good finger counting indeed.

Trash: "I'd like to focus on some of the segments that failed and -"
RD:  "WHOA WHOA WHOA! Segments failing???" (:37)

The (expected) example brought up: Fantasy Booking Island. Blade has no idea why an extended joke attempt based on an old show would fly over the heads of younger folk. RD wants reruns back on ABC. Blade confuses it with The Love Boat. RD does his Nate impression again: four stars for that episode featuring Bill Goldberg and Kevin Nash without a cattle-prod involved. [Or featuring Scott Hall with said cattle-prod.]

From that non-answer Trash segues to Someone Bought This Exclamation Point. To keep things WCR related, RD has him hold up The Dusty Rhodes Book to show that it does in fact still exist in his house (including showing it to the second camera off camera for some reason). Blade finds himself looking through it. He reads one (1) line. RD points out that thanks to people not wanting it, the books' publisher Sports Publishing is out of business. [It's not as if the old site is still up, or that they're still imprint publishing under a new brand or anything these days. Nope, they're completely gone.] RD remembers to edit in Krankor laughing at the required moment. [Not at my finding, I'll have you know.]

(Re)Throwing the Book

Speaking of questionable items: the Katie Vick outfit. (:41) They paid $2000 for it since they didn't realize they were the only ones bidding on it. Blade last used it to have sex in (worn by the woman, not by himself), something Trash should already know about since he was an ear-witness to this revelation. RD asks him if he did it while holding some spaghetti in his hand. He did not.

RD: "Has it been dry cleaned?"
Blade: "I...I'm a master of aiming. I missed the outfit."
RD: "Words to live by, kids."

RD's turn has him with a potty time training bear which Blade had sent him last Christmas.

RD Spotted With Bear

He then takes a close up sip of his cup.

Trash has one last question of his own for Blade: What is his Big Announcement? (:45) Blade again defers. Trash has been reading people's guesses on the forums about what it might be. Could it be Blade has a third nipple? A ponytail? An appearance in a Lost Boys sequel? (Or even its XXX parody Found Boys?) RD gives a "wow" as Blade is wanting to time it right, or so he says. Trash hopes there are no bootlegs of this recording. [I don't think Coliseum Video will be releasing this any time soon.]

Trash finally gets into Questions that are not of the Week or potentially award or prize winning, but he's printed on his papers. (:48)

Trash (to RD): "Is your son upstairs?"
Blade (laughing): "He's got candy!"

That wasn't a Question if you were wondering.

  • A Question on prep time: RD refutes the notion that their progrem is " we write out jokes...before the show". Blade shows from his trashbag a paper plate with his handwriting on the back that he eat eaten nachos off of and left on the floor the day before. (:50) The words reference his haiku (written twice), Brother Midnight, Val Venis' dog, Bettlejuice, and DX. RD: "Could you even FATHOM somebody saying something like that?" He then accuses Brian Gerwitz of stealing of them. Blade thinks he said Bryan Alvarez, but of course. "I've been drinking!" he lies.
  • Another wonders if Don Mason actually exists. Blade maintains he does despite being an Uncharismatic Enigma. He laments not bringing him with him or fake calling him. He will save the time when he hit him with his own car in the "sequel". [I believe he is referring to those days when he and Don were younger and tried to record their own horror movies. Some of that commentated on by the duo, is also available in the video archives as his "home movies". That particular incident is the last portion from the 9:30 mark onward, and features his angry mother shouting at him while RD giggles.]
  • Another wonders if RD is in fact related to Burt Reynolds and Blade to Toni Braxton. RD thinks he was the result of when Burt and Toni hooked up, assuming she was a time traveler. Blade: "I've came from a lot of Toni Braxton's stuff." RD: "And her loins I bet. From your loins." 
  • Trash tries asking again. Blade wonders how he and his thin facial hair looks like Burt Reynolds. RD finds no physical similarity with him and Toni Braxton despite offering just a minute ago that she might have been his time traveling mother.
  • RD's full name is Real Deal Real Deal Reynolds. (:54) Blade: "About as absurd as me being called Blade Blade Braxton." RD: "Gay Blade Braxton?" 
  • RD remembers to edit in crickets.
  • Who have they met in the business? Blade's favorite in the industry is in fact RD, and the prospect of sitting five inches away from his penis excites him. Coincidentally RD's favorite in the industry is in fact Blade and his totally legitimate Front Yard Boxing Association heavyweight championship belt which he keeps in delicate condition in his trashbag.
Blade's extremely high quality, heavy, and expensive belt up close.
  • A Non-Listener who thinks they talk a lot about wrestling wonders if they will also look at MMA. (:58) RD dismisses it as too much work for them.
  • From an actual Listener: When are the Crappies, the WrestleCrap Carnival, the Nicole Bass match, and their birthdays? [I think they may be too late with Nicole Bass now. Also, January 12th for RD and February 8th for Blade. You're welcome.] RD barely has time to say "they're coming" before Trash's phone rings (again); he takes an imaginary phone call with a loud tone of voice in non-Spanish English.
  • Another Listener: "The Cheatum interview was a work?" The two make fun of people thinking it was easy to find him in the Yellow Pages. Blade spent five hours trying to find him but stumbling onto watching elderly bestiality. RD remembers to edit in Krankor laughing if he was in fact sick.
  • Blade still has not fully paid John Thomas yet. He hope he doesn't have to give up his belt with stapled on rivets.
  • Someone had foolishly asked on the Co-Hosss Contest and if it will make a return. Blade invokes the memory of "John F.K." when RD first told him about his idea of having a Gong Show while he was passing a tollbooth. RD thought it was a good idea at the time including when somebody farted. Blade threatens to quit if there is another Contest.
  • Trash has a self-explanatory question on them wearing costumes. Blade is apparently with his "belt". RD doesn't want to edit in wearing his coat and tie to scare any younglings.
  • RD accuses Blade of not finishing his pretend bag bottle. Blade says it is his second (a Forty). He threatens to dirty the floor with it.
  • Somebody wonders where their old references come from. RD takes offense that they would plan such beforehand on their itineraries. But he needs to "write some more jokes" anyway.

  • For RD: highs and lows of the website. (:68) He considers closing the site weekly every time he needs to have something up.
  • What was said during the first Zombie interview that was not posted due to low sound quality? Blade reveals he was on his mobile phone backstage at a show in Puerto Rico, and the undead man told him not to repeat the story about people throwing urine at him. So of course he didn't. RD: "YOU DON'T TALK ABOUT THE URINE!!!"
[*Play for full effect*]

  • Trash wants the two in a "dream scenario" (without the music?) to ask them if they would want to work in WWE. RD refuses outright. Blade would fail the Wellness Policy. Blade's phone receives an imaginary text message; he takes a quick look at it regardless. RD finds it curious that gerbils and Jergens sound so similar.
  • Speaking of dirty stories to cut out, RD does want it known that he finds it curious that gerbils and Jergens sound so similar. (:71) Blade remembers (for once) when they had to cut out something about April Hunter's breasts the week before interviewing Vince Russo. Neither can Blade talk about the time he had fun with a minor at a Misfits concert.
  • A "neat" question for RD: did he ever go too far with Blade and make him cry? There are "countless" times where he does just that, even including show delays and postponements. One time they argued with each other too much. Then the two randomly sing.
  • RD: "Remember when they used to have the Heathcliff and Marmaduke Show?" (I do.)

  • Do they have celebrity interactions? RD can't reveal due to discretion involved. This includes Trolla perhaps filing litigation against Santino Mirella and his Honk-A-Meter.
  • Favorite episode/moment? (:79) RD always enjoys whenever "Jim Ross" calls in through his restaurant for therapy due to always being upset. Blade does his JR impression. The two think they could appear in video form, but Blade notes that he has to wear a mask when he does so (as John Reece).
  • Trash: "RD, I've been on the local independent wrestling scene -" RD: "Sorry buddy." Blade does his Johnny Cash impression.
  • Anyway, the original question was about someone asking about an old story of RD when he was a younger manager and gave a ride to someone for out of town. Blade burps. "Don't tell mom and dad." He has to insure those he picks up can curl and/or hurl for him. (That explains why he's still single.) [That also explains why the Midnight Rose is still single.]
  • Blade also misses the Rosati sisters who never had any plastic figures of their own due to the size needed for them. Or the Rosetta sisters, as he characteristically misremembers them.
  • Further with RD's past not involving women, he would gladly run another independent wrestling promotion into the ground if given the opportunity. (:86)
  • This causes Trash to randomly dance around. (Make your own dancing white man joke here.)

  • After sitting back down he has his last question (not sung by Celine Dion):

What is with that random blue box used to prop it up? (:88)

Blade: "You know, a lot of wrestling fans come to WrestleCrap Radio - "
RD: "Hope they're wearing a jimmy."
RD: "'What did you do last night?' (falsetto) 'Oh, I listened to WrestleCrap Radio and I fingered myself. It was quite good!'"

Breakfast cereal is what they eat, with more oats on a regular week than Hall & Oates.

RD mocks the naysayers who say such...women friendly products don't actually exist. Although with the way the two cover models are smiling as if hit by the Smile-X, I may have inclination to believe them. How else can you explain the quote on the back: "I will savor my broccoli."

RD: "I will make someone's vertical smile smile."

Blade holds up a generic piece like a sex toy before he eats it.

And now something for Blade and his fellows who enjoy "corn from a man's ass." RD guesses correctly that he's speaking from experience. (:92)

The trio's laughter is not helped by the odd visual of a crazy old man and his (animal) (equine) ass on the front.

Blade: "You ever ate a lot of cereal and then got busy and decided not to go to the bathroom?"
RD: "I don't know what world you live in, but I'm really glad I'm not a resident. Of Planet Braxton."

There is a mess of a prairie dog's intestines on the back leading to a spread eagle eagle. Worse, RD calls it a gerbil despite it clearly being labeled otherwise.

Finally, some proper food. Even if it has a clown. (:95) Blade could only get it "imported" from Mexico. RD wonders if it is called El Kablammo south of the border.

Blade likes its genericness. RD moves on, not wanting to hear what other random thing he will say next.

Blade not liking Rice Krispies because of their mascots makes RD laugh hysterically again. (:96) This one is more acceptable since it features an alligator instead (not to be confused with RD's Crocs that he's wearing). The back again confuses with its public service badges. Blade almost hits his Co-Host in confused anger.

RD does not know the difference between Coco and Cocoa, even when comparing the two. (:98) Blade thinks it depends which one Koko B. Ware prefers. RD says its the former since there is a bird (Frankie?) hiding in the back picture. Blade thinks the latter from Walmart is not actually from Walmart since "that's no moon."

RD is offended by the bad pun. [He has his own to make in the future, he doesn't want any infringing competition!] (:79) Blade thinks Chester is a Good Friend of the cereal, if you follow. RD is offended that it is a rip-off of:

RD: "WHAT IS THAT?!?!?!"

Before Blade can ramble on about their #1 nemesis cereal, Trash makes a run-in: it's his favorite cereal! This is too much even for RD to handle, so he stops editing.

You can't spell 'defend' without 'def' and 'end'.

Episode 34: Tensomething: January 15, 2015

Unfortunately, this image of Rebel, of
"The Menagerie", will most likely not
be part of the "Gooker Award" induction
for this year..........And that guy in the
front row got all dressed up for nothing!
85 minutes

RD reads the series synopsis for Thirtysomething.

The radio progrem is to be 10 years old. WrestleCrap is to be 15.

Blade wants a cop tag team named Cop-A-Feel with a guy named Pat Down. Unfortunately he is 20 years too late.

RD feels someone is rigging the Gooker voting. Someone get the Supreme Court on the case, stat. (:07) The current leader, some (always) bad Diva antics, are being threatened by a suspicious surge of Vince knocking down his talent for not letting him knock them down enough. RD is leaning towards having both entries win and induct them both. 

RD: "Is TNA still around?"

Sad News: Blade makes a sad joke and the Crickets are not there to reply to him.

Blade is still angry that the Lions were cheated out of the playoffs by those evil Cowboys. (:13) While I sympathize with his plight (both with pitying the Lions and hating the Cowboys like everybody else does)...they were still going to get beat by the Packers anyway. So better now than later then. If it helps, here's a guy mercilessly beating the Cowboys in an attempt to beat Emmitt Smith's all-time rushing record on Madden NFL.

Sad News: the Zombie Tim Roberts is no longer with us. For real. This isn't a work or anything; he's not faking his death to return as a Zombie and moan for your pleasure.  He is actually deceased. Our thoughts and prayers are with him and his loved ones. (:17)

:19 The HorseTrolla tells us Mickie James is engaged to Magnus, father of Dawn Magnus. The duo watch an old fight of hers where the announcers do a Bizarro Daniel Bryan impression. Also she once used an "ancient" dildo in the ring.

:33 Christy Hemme has given birth, though not with that TV stalker that one time of hers. Blade is spot on with peoples' ages. According to he Anne Frank starred in One Day at a Time.

:44 Stephanie has a workout tape. Blade remembers the good old days of Paul Orndoff in an old school ad. The duo discuss the awfulness that is Illegal Aliens.

:48 Sunny is angry on Twitter for people calling her a streetwalker for some reason. Gee, I wonder why. This involves beef with Ashley Massaro for some reason.

:59 People are still in an uproar that Hulk Hogan is inducting Randy Savage into the WWE Hall of Fame, which is taken as seriously as calling Sunny a Hall of Famer (see what I did there?). Blade presses random buttons on his phone in anger.

RD loves WWE's new Wrestlemania Limited Edition Pinball Machine because of the Legends on it. Jim Ross calls in to vent his frustration of not appearing on it. (:74) He tried to create a life sized poster of himself to attract children to his restaurant. This causes Blade to laugh uncontrollably. He wants to open a new restaurant in Japan.

Seventeen Syllables for that:
Demolition Axe.
Demolition Axe and Smash
Better be on Raw. 
Facts & Figures (as compiled by Erik Majorwitz)


  • The RD & Blade Show Sponsors: 2., Absorbing Junior
  • SPEAKING OFs: 1. NFL screw jobs

  • Phone Calls & Run Ins: 1. Jim
  • F-Bombs: 1. Jim
  • Blade Time Outs: 5 (1 Real Quick)
  • Entertain the People: 1
  • Blade Braxton’s Weekly Wrestling Haiku: Blade has an Ultimatum for Raw Reunion this week:
    Demolition Axe.
    Demolition Axe and Smash
    Better be on Raw.
  • Erik Majorwitz’s Hindsight Haiku:
    Tammy bitchin’,
    Angry Jim pitchin’; seems like 
    deja vu...again!

WCR Video: RIP Tim Roberts (AKA The ECW Zombie)

We at are saddened to learn that Tim Roberts, who wrestled as Tim Arson, is no longer with us. For those who don't know, Tim was the wrestler who made that infamous one-time appearance as The "ECW Zombie" at WWE's re-launch of ECW back in 2006. The Zombie's promo, which pretty much consisted of him screaming "ARRRRRGGHHHHHH!", even became one of our favorite WCR sound-bites. He was also the main topic of episode #30 of Wrestlecrap Radio, and for those who missed it, here's the "Minisode" from that show from June 16, 2006:

RD Reynolds even conducted an interview with Tim for WCR but it was never broadcast due to technical difficulties (Deal forgot to press "record"?). However, a second attempt was made three years later and RD even got a "Trip to The Grocery" story out of him for episode #150 (July 17, 2009):

(Video by J Freek)

RIP Tim Roberts (1976-2015). Our thoughts and prayers are with him and his loved ones.

And be sure to visit here for the WCR Video archives!

Episode 30: Snack Time: June 9, 2014

Translation: "We Eat Them Up"
aka: Practically this whole show!
42 minutes

The Co-Fruitcakes discuss old (and terrible) wrestling themes for some reason.

Blade remembers the Zombie. (:06) RD shills his site.

Sad News: WWE Network does not work in the Netherlands. (:11) RD fake laughs.

:14 - End: For the rest of the show the Co-Fruitcakes try some snacks, and to do so RD manages to rope in Mrs. Deal, who was last seen putting Stubby in stasis. There's some Dutch "XXL" "American" "Chios" that taste like dry Styrofoam, Dutch Lays "We Eat Them Limited Edition" Chilli are more greasy than spicy, their "Mexican" flavor has a weird smell to it, and their "Garlic & Sour Cream" look a bit green and divide the couple on their opinions. Blade tries some "Dynamite" Doritos that have no flavor, but the Habanero ones make up for them (by flavor more than hotness).

Oh, and Legends' House is so bad it makes Mrs. Deal walk off. I don't blame her.

Facts & Figures (as compiled by Erik Majorwitz)


  • The RD & Blade Show Sponsors: 3., He-Man, USA Network
  • SPEAKING OFs: 3. Wonderful presence, death, things people don’t like

  • Phone Calls & Run Ins: 1. Mrs. Deal

  • Entertain the People: 1
  • Erik Majorwitz’s Hindsight Haiku-ish: Send in the cleaner!
    Didn’t Mrs. Deal kill Stubby?
    Send her to Legends House to
    prevent a season 2.

172 Teeth Breaking Good: April 16, 2010

NKA: Anonymous Tessmacher
54 minutes

RD tries to curb Blade's drunkenness from the get-go by having Mike Check call in. As he "looks down" upon us from his helicopter in Pearly Gates, Minnesota, he expresses his condolences on how Dixie Carter is no longer with us. However, it's the actress Dixie and not the TNA woman, but that does not stop Blade from getting his dick up from his fetish of elderly women, particularly Valerie Perrine. I didn't realize he wanted to be a Cub. [Actually I believe the term you're looking for is "Boy Toy" (Why do I suddenly fear Gay Popeye is going to call?) considering Valerie Perrine is 66 now, which would make her a Cradle Robber - "Showstealer"]

The Co-Fruitcakes plan to make a 'Roast' of themselves for DVDs. They are accepting pre-orders for it despite not yet having filmed anything.

Blade decided to try KFC's Double Down this week, AKA the sandwich with two pieces of chicken as a bun instead of regular bread. (:14) The fried chicken was so good he cracked his molar on it, thus showing that the Colonel's food is as teeth breaking good as it is finger licking.

After Blade recommends the McGangBang to us (A Double Cheeseburger McChicken), he then decided to do some gang-banging of his own by seeing Tylene Buck online (:20). He's too cheap to pay $6.99 a minute, and gets frightened when he sees her naked talking to him online: "She wanted to see my cock." Also he doesn't use a mirror when self-pleasuring himself. Meanwhile Anonymous Brooke is in TNA as some secretary with a random Superman reference. This makes Blade hungry for sausage casing. Their Listener Frank in L.A. guest stars this week on the FX show Justified. It's seriously a good show.

Today's Question from Brian M asks something about the Wondertwins. (:38)

Patrick Stewart again appears to make more Pontiac jokes. (:41) He teleports in, and while I don't want to be too immodest, I will admit I suggested to RD to have him teleport into the progrem. He advertises for "the Dixie Carter Trans Sport Minivan".

:45 Jim Cornette is still angry at Vince Russo. Boy, that's Current alright! Even more current is that Smackdown is moving from the sinking MyNetwork TV to SyFy in October. Low ratings also claim another victim in the form of NXT.

Seventeen syllables about that so we can put this show to bed:
Smackdown to SyFy.
Our first episode request?
Bring back the Zombie.

157 I can't get no Stratusfaction: September 18, 2009

74 minutes

RD is angry at Trish Stratus' new brunette hair color. Of course Blade thinks otherwise. Even Gay Popeye turns temporarily hetero at the thought, which for some reason makes his music longer than normal. (Ah gyuk gyuk gyuk gyuk.) RD tries to persuade them with a haiku.

Trish is now brunette.
What more can I really say?
The thrill is all gone.

Oh, so we can leave early then?

Wait, there's another hour of this left to go.


Still no Celebrity TRIP (:11) so instead Blade has to make do with more on Gymini dolls. Bad news: none have been sold this week. Good news: a plastic sticker has been stuck on the back of the damaged Doll so it can join the rest.

Obscure News: (:17) Blade needs to reach the 5000 friend capacity on Facebook. Ivan Koloff has a strict screening policy on his networking sites. Blade fails all his requirements. RD looks at Blade's student referrals on his Facebook page. New Jack is once again acting like a drunken fool on Myspace so Blade has Sir Alec read his drunk bulletin. (:29) The Zombie is now a father! RD wants him to give parenting tips on the show. The HorseTrolla says Mickie James' implants have burst. Blade needs to sing about it, so he does. (:38) In response the Midnight Rose calls with Tony's Theme; he likes Trish too now. (:40)

Question of the Week (:43) from Brian J. who wants to know why he should watch RAW when football season is upon us. (A good question, for once.) RD saw the Pats vs Bills game and insults the Bills. He doesn't like Tom Brady either so he sings about him. Blade doesn't like it so he sings another song against him. Thankfully he only gets so far, so he tries again with another angle. That also fails.

RD gets Johnny 4 for his line of the week. (:52) "Jim Cornette got fired fired fired stay away from dairy queen queen queen queen queen," he says. RD: "Worst TNA Correspondent ever."

Jim Ross calls in to gloat. He's still on the hunt for Dark Journey, AKA Linda Newton, who seems to have taken a Dark Journey off the face of the earth.
Drugs? Naaah!

Current News: (:60) Hulk Hogan has a wrestling company named Hulkamania touring Australia in November, of which he is in the main event against Flair. Blade saw the only copy of Brooke Hogan's new CD which terrifies him. He tries to link her songs to wrestlers. Jeff Hardy has been arrested for drug dealing, and may be facing jail time for opium, of all things. Blade shows his support for him through a loud burp.

Blade sings for his new love Trish.

150 The Call-In: July 17, 2009

80 minutes

click here for a loverly message of congratulatons!RD plays random ZZ Top songs for them being on RAW next week. Blade wants Vince to listen to the Human League. RD prefers Asia. They then discuss some more random time-wasters. Like this show? Blade thinks the show is a good middle finger to any person who likes good taste, i.e. everybody else. RD thinks the show has 1800 listeners, give or take a few thousand.

The phone rings as Global Internet's Greg finally makes good on his desire to call in to set these two fools straight. (:12) He disclaims a few things, including all those sexual allegations and the fact that he doesn't wear a yellow jumpsuit like Gilbert Lowell. Blade still thinks their sites can give you good chances with strippers though.

RD has an idea for the TRIP by taking a celebrity with him every week on the air. (:17) His first guest for this week is the Zombie. Yes, the former ECW wrestler, finally appearing on this show after that no-go with their first interview many years before. He still uses an old Walkman with Whitesnake tapes and thinks Missy Hyatt is working at the grocery late at night giving him dirty looks. Blade unintentionally insults him by asking about Doritos. No cereal for him though. He can also be found here and here.

The phone rings again for BM Punk. (:31) He gives his usual spiel. RD thinks of him as their 'first' repeat guest (I thought it was John Thomas), but he has 'better' distractions than him though.

Like THIS man, Sir Alec. (:34) He's still evasive about Mike Check, knowing the true story that he faked his own death to work on another radio station. Today's story is about...RD and Blade? The Co-Fruitcakes manage to shut him down but can't stop his usual cheering audience. In response an interested Gay Popeye calls in. His call, summarized: Ah gyuk gyuk gyuk gyuk! (:42)

Jim Ross calls in, as jovial as ever. (:44) He still likes ZZ Top. That's all the Obscure News we'll get too, shoved up our fucking asses.

Today's Question. (:50) RD still pronounces Ed Salo's name wrong. (4) He also reads his question wrong, which is about the WCR Curse. Blade remembers referencing Michael Jackson a few weeks before. And at risk Joyce DeWitt has a scary mugshot. RD: "What a mess this show has been!"

In response to talking about TNA reporting, RD's Dixie Carter impression calls in and makes a randy Blade laugh hysterically. Sugar. (:56) He needs to work on her Nathaniel-style laughter though.

In response to THAT Peter Gazer and his fancy music call in. (:61) He didn't 'kill' Mike Check either, although he's happy to see him gone. It's also happy for his birthday on the day as he takes a shot on the air (as far as we know). His drunkenness eclipses even Blade, the man notes, most possibly preparing for his own next drunken attempt. An again interested Gay Popeye tries calling in again. (:69) His call, summarized: Ah gyuk gyuk gyuk gyuk!

Why can't more women look like this?
No snark this time, this is a serious wondering.
(For once.)
Thankfully that nonsense is brought out of the way by Stubby calling in (or pretending to call, he is a ventriloquist dummy after all). (:72) He spends his time making fun of Mrs Deal. He's also inherited Blade's love of Mickie James, this week in some sort of Raquel Welch-cavewoman bikini. I'm glad he didn't call his penis a mammoth tusk.

RD: "I like how there's been nothing on this show. It's kind of the epiphany of the last 150 shows all rolled into one big pile of nonsense."

Seventeen Syllables of Goodness:
Hundred-fifty shows.
Thousand-fifty references
to Mickie James' ass.

095 Demento v. "": March 1, 2008

RD's New Jobber Enemy
Demento v. ""
(77 minutes)

Blade Braxton is in studio, though he cannot drink from the WWE Niagara Falls cup. The Gimmick Table has returned.

Damien Demento, courageous YouTube shooter, has called out "" RD and Blade provide commentary for Demento's video. (:06 - :11)

24/7 Week 4 Blade's Trip to the World's Worst Grocery Store, the Kroger in Indianapolis off Route 31 (:15): he encountered a woman with an eye-patch to purchase a box of King Pedophile. He has a new look but his jokes are WCR-quality. RD also has fantastic news: he purchased an 8 pound bag of Coney Sauce.

RD has received a Clocktrolla (i.e. an actual clock that keeps actual time). It twitches like Candice Michelle on the mat.

Obscure Wrestling News (:31): Mick Foley was at a charity event. Twisted Sister was there but did not sing Burn In Hell. Blade begins to sing Once Bitten, Twice Shy by Great White.

Hulk Hogan has a new home at the Palms Palace Suites. (:38) The Zombie was trying to win money in a contest on Howard Stern and RD and Blade wonder if he rode the Sybian. Jeff Goldblum as the Fly. Victoria has a car or something. (:45)

In the Question of the Week segment from Austin Gilliam, (:50) RD says his main enemy is no longer Jared from Subway, it's Damien Demento. Jessica Alba is orange.

Johnny 6 has broken out of the bathroom that Blade had locked him in, insults him, and leaves: "I. Am. No. Geek. Screw. You. Brax. Ton." (:54) RD and Blade check out Johnny's nonmasculine myspace page. We are indirectly Rickrolled.

WWE is looking for slogans. (:60) RD suggests, "We Will Never Entertain You." Blade wants, "It's Like A Monkeys Tea Party." A jealous John Cena wants the Rock to return to wrestling. Blade points out that the Rock now weighs about 160 pounds. Cena has no hemorrhoids. (:68) ESPN Classic is airing AWA shows. Singing Taz. RD mimics Kermit singing It Ain't Easy Being Green. Maria has done a centerfold.

Wonderful Haiku (with Johann and Sebastian):
Maria's Playboy.
How could it be high fashion?
Bowtie on her bush.

083 Retro Raw: November 9, 2007

Due To Writers Strike...Mostly Popcorn Discussion
Medicated Furry Dreams with Betsy Russell
(61 minutes)

WCR is unaffected by the writers' strike because they have no writers.

RD's previous sickness is transferable through the phone. Now Blade's nose is stuffed up.

RD's Trip to the Grocery: Cinnabon popcorn. (:11)

Obscure Wrestling News (:21): Yokozuna was booked in India. Blade thinks of heel wrestlers wrestling as the ghosts of deceased wrestlers. Lizzy Valentine is making dog food. RD has an advance DVD copy of WSX. Chyna v the Puppy Mill in Christina's Court (the court case being of course Bitch vs. Bitch). (:30) Hardbody Harrison is on trial for sex trafficking. Blade used to have a roommate prostitute. (:36)

Dream Analysis (:38): Jackie Gayda, instead of Betsy Russell, topless on a horse, while Baron Von Raschke is chased by zombie pigs.

Question of the Week (:44): Seth Drakin asks another question. (4) The WrestleCrap Book of Lists will be released on December 1, 2008. ZZ Top.

Rumor has it that Anonymous Brooke was fired because she wanted to wear furry boots, which Melina objected to because that's her gimmick. (:52)

Seventeen Syllable Haiku Summing-up Raw Is 99:
Two-thousand seven.
Last I checked, that was the year.
Somebody tell Vince.

082 The Anonymous Brooke Tribute Hour: November 2, 2007

The Anonymous Brooke Tribute Hour
(58 minutes)

With a face like that, how could you
not forget remember her?
Sad News opens the show: Anonymous Brooke was fired due to frequented blamings from RD and Blade. The Co-Hosts compare her to Lord Alfred. (:09)

Blade met Coach at a bar once. (:14) Could Mickie James be the next Tatanka (Buffalo)? RD takes Ricola for the throat.

Obscure Wrestling News (:18): WWE stars, and former star Booker T, will be on Family Feud. A wrestler is hosting some show named Trick My Trucker. (:25) Mr Big Wrestling will hold an event in which the ECW Zombie will face the Sandman. Some nonsense or other on Nicole Bass.

Question of the Week from Ani (:33): The sun will come out tomorrow. Wrestling Impressions.

Umaga, the Candyman. (:43) Mickie James with Trevor Murdock makes Blade frustrated. A Diva Battle Royale took place, or at least an aborted attempt of one. Nunzio took kids trick or treating back stage of ECW. Balls lives in a pen. (:51) Walter Concrete. "This show? Terrible."

Seventeen Syllable Prescription:
Anonymous Brooke.
Is it the 1st or 15th?
She's now Welfare Brooke.

071 Fantasy Booking Island: July 27, 2007

Fantasy Booking Island
(108 minutes)

RD and Blade were on Bryan Alvarez's podcast. Brooke is not "anonymous" but Blade is. Quote he: "Can you imagine if we did a show everyday?"

RD's Trip to Wendy's (:08): Blade's runaway Plymouth Horizon story featuring Don Mason. He is asked to write "The Blade Braxton Story". Wendy's has freaks on their take-out paper bags.

Co-Host Contest Week 18 (:20): Starring Primetime (:25), Tom (:32), Seth (Drakin?) (:41), Ed Salo (:47) and WWE's incorrect and useless trivia book. A recorded message and wrong number sum up the Contest. The auditions are (finally) finished. A "winner" will be announced after the 'tapes' are 'reviewed'. Final Tally: 14 of 24.

Clocktrolla: 10138 days. (:50)

Obscure Wrestling News: Rickey Morton left a show because his tag partner Robert Gibson and his glass eye were making three times as much money. (:53) Blade: "I’d still be cleaning the Jergens off me right now." Tajiri does not want to return to WWE, though no one knows if it has to do with his imprisoned wife. The Zombie managed to beat his opponent last week. Mike Knox is returning to bodyslam the Miz. (:60) Areola is selling her vampire wares. (:63) Blade: "Do you need a good spunk rag or a funk sock?" Jackie Gayda's former boyfriend is looking for an excuse to sell her models by also providing free nude pics. "Good friend of the show" Dan Spivey was arrested for a DUI. Blade considers Dan Spivey a role model. The Horsetrolla has a myspace: (:69) Mickie James will be stage-diving at the Warped Tour. According to Blade, Don Mason's grandfather once stumbled onto a guy fucking a horse.

The Question of the Week segment has returned. (:74) Josh has an idea for a food related tag team. The Dusty Rhodes book is still at WrestleCrap HQ.

Mr Rourke's Fantasy Booking Island, e.g. Fantasy Crap Island. (:79 - :87)

WWE has put Hacksaw and Sandman into a tag team. Hulk will be on QVC hawking the Hogan Grill. (:87) Washed-up famous people choose to sell food-preparation machines because pretty much anything that produces heat can cook food and the instructions are simple: put food in thing, close lid, turn on. It's good masturbation material for Blade though. ("That’s between me and the funk sock.") McMahon is still behind the times, especially when it comes to music. Battle of Kings: Booker vs Jerome Lawler. (:96) RD loved the Hitman vs Doink / Lawler DQ match.

Delayed Haiku:
'Swoggle's a champ. If
SuperPorky doesn't get
a shot, we riot.
Facts & Figures (as compiled by Erik Majorwitz)


  • The Extreme to my Expose, Mr. Blade Braxton
  • WrestleCrap Radio Sponsors: 3. Figure Four Weekly, Global Internet,
  • URLs not taken: 3.,,
  • SPEAKING OFs: 8. The exotic types and world tours of love, going around the world getting poontang, the grocery, dramatic, women of WCW, cheap bucks, people about as old as Mr. Rourke, living in the past
  • Dave Meltzer, not talking about: 0.
  • Outdated references: 30. Plymouth Horizon (4), Dodge Omni, Plymouth Horizon (5), Dodge Omni (4), Plymouth Horizon (11), Fantasy Island, Maude, Happy Days, Fantasy Island (2)
  • I didn’t even know he was sick: 0.
  • Phone Calls & Run Ins: 2. Mr. Roark, Tattoo
  • F-Bombs: 3. Blade as his mom, Blade (2)

  • RD Time Outs: 1
  • Krankor Laughs: 3
  • Weird Al Laughs: 3
  • RJ Fletcher, Yes Man: 2
  • WrestleCrap Gongs: 6
  • Cricket Chirps: 1
  • ClockTrolla Chimes: 1
  • Mickie James References:  6
  • Ashley Massaro References:  3
  • Shelly Martinez References:  3

  • Return: Question of the Week from: Josh
    • Mr. Mrs. Deal, with Johnny Nitro becoming John Morrison, I was thinking if WWE ever decides to reunite M&M, would they now be called MMM? And if so what are the odds they do a cross-promotional ad campaign for Hungry Man Dinners with Homer Simpson? License to print money! Give my best to Uncle Burt. No sold.

  • Blade Braxton’s Weekly Wrestling Haiku:
    'Swoggle's a champ. If
    SuperPorky doesn't get
    a shot, we riot.

067 No Old Country Way for Old Men: June 22, 2007

Don with Corn oil for the Iron Sheik
(94 minutes)

Brother Midnight wears no pants, making him Blade's long lost brother.

RD doesn't like Stephanie McMahon. He is completely incorrect regarding this issue.

RD's Trip to the Grocery: Sad News: rumor has it that Kellogg's will purge its cartoon characters. (:17) Blade sings the Yummy Mummy jingle. Also he has some "Big Announcement": He wants to make a bet on when the Colts and Lions play on August 25th.

Co-Host Contest Week 14: (:23) RD is 'stunned' by a woman (Kelly) on the line. She will win this pointless, horrible charade. 12 of 22.

Mail Bag (:35): Seth Drakin (2) thinks the Burger King may be King Pedophile's long lost brother. The Burger King veggie burger sucks. Robert Conrad memories. RD goes into the WC Forum and brings back a question about Wendy Richter from WrestleMania I: Does the Iron Sheik have weird sex habits? (:42) Fabulous Moolah has a very scary action figure.

Obscure Wrestling News (:49): There's a Tribute to RD Reynolds on Youtube. The Crickets have a Myspace page. Lord Alfred offers free balling. His daughter contacted Blade recently. Years ago, the Blue Meanie was involved with He is now selling Meanie sauce. (:55)

WSX has stripped its only champion of his belt despite not having made an episode for many months. (:58) The Zombie is back in the ring. (:62) TNA's complexity is killing itself. (:66) RD starts talking about Mark Twain for some reason.

WWE has ordered referees to not act like buffoons, which involves fining them. (:70) Candice Michelle has a small nose. ECW got the Boogeyman. (:76) Blade's friend Don (who likes beating off with corn oil) does not believe they kill off actual live worms. (:78) This is an excuse as any to remember American Starship Eagle and Coyote. Rumors abound that the Iron Sheik may be on TV, which is an excuse for RD to play sound clips. (:83) Interminable Raw.

Seventeen Big Syllables:
Big Steph's in the house.
Oops, sorry, meant to say she's
as big as a house.
Facts & Figures (as compiled by Erik Majorwitz)


  • The Brother to my Midnight, Mr. Blade Braxton
  • WrestleCrap Radio Sponsors: 4. Global Internet,, WrestleCrap DVD Rom, Meanie Sauce
  • URLs not taken: 1.
  • SPEAKING OFs: 14. Fascinating, beating off with corn oil, making a porno movie, proud sponsors of WrestleCrap Radio, madness from things you get at the grocery store, fellow crappers, folks, battery and like battery acid, things that won’t fly, reverse licenses to print money, the Rubix cube of wrestling, people obsessed with anuses, things that are no longer funny, evil witches
  • Dave Meltzer, not talking about: 0.
  • Outdated references: 4. Kentucky Fried Movie, Chuck Woolerly, Love Connection, Robert Conrad
  • I didn’t even know he was sick: 0.

  • F-Bombs: 7. Blade, Blade, Blade, Blade, Blade, Blade, Blade

  • Blade Burps: 1
  • Krankor Laughs: 2
  • RJ Fletcher, Yes Man: 1
  • WrestleCrap Gongs: 2
  • Zombie Growls: 2
  • Shelly Martinez References: 3
  • Mailbag
    • Seth Drakin (2): I know you've talked about King Pedophile and the Crackhead Boo Berry. What are your thoughts on the King from Burger King? What would happen if he popped up out of the blue like a stalker and he gave you one of the Burger King's meals? Would you either a) take his gift and don't bother with him stalking you, b) call the police and have the guy arrested, or would you beat and maim the bastard till he goes away once and for all? Inquiring minds want to know! No sold.

  • Blade Braxton’s Weekly Wrestling Haiku:
    Big Steph's in the house.
    Oops, sorry, meant to say she's
    as big as a house.

053 Linda Love: February 23, 2007

"Worst promo Ever!"
Linda Love
(67 minutes)

Blade is sick and sounds like The Penguin, as played by Burgess Meredith. He promises to be professional. Then he coughs into the microphone.

RD and Misses RD ate Valentine's dinner at White Castle. (:04)

Co-Host Contest Week 3: Thomas DJ does not like Russians. (:11) Niko Blade (:19) misses an important rule: You must answer the question. (Although Blade does admire his balls.) Current Tally: 2 of 6.

RD's Return Trip to the Comp-U-Mart (:22): Salisbury Steak guy is gone. Instead a man smelled like KFC 'extra stenchy'. Blade and RD cut promos against Jared from Subway, nearly five years after South Park's episode entitled, "Jared Has AIDS." (:28)

Blade's Trip to the Cardiologist (:30): Blade was told to store 24 hours' worth of his urine. Blade's Alien Ham story is the most popular WrestleCrap Radio segment.

Obscure Wrestling News (:35): New Jack has opened a wrestling school. Brooke Hogan is moving to LA to become the "next Paris Hilton," says mother Linda Hogan. Blade has a strange attraction to her. (:37)

Horsetrolla: The tail lifts and out comes a coiled paper. (:40) Sad News: Mickie James is no longer WWE Women's Champion. Blade loves Robecca, currently Batista's girl.

Wrestling Dream Analysis (:46): Blade might bang Linda Hogan if he was listening to this segment's background music. Lions make the playoffs and a crippled Jackie Gayda gives Blade a shout-out.

Mail Bag (:53): Do people have sex while listening to the show? Lou for Brou wants RD's opinion on great heels. Benjamin Bergman 'totally' listened to the progrem last week. (:57) Ric Flair would die before he could even think of retiring. [Or perhaps become a zombie and still keep wrestling - Future PB]

Mike Awesome died.

Seventeen Syllables All Grown Up WrestleMania Haiki:
All Grown Up, huh? Michael Jack-
son would not approve.
Facts & Figures (as compiled by Erik Majorwitz)


  • The Penguin to my Joker, Mr. Blade Braxton
  • WrestleCrap Radio Sponsors: 1. Global Internet
  • URLs not taken: 1.
  • SPEAKING OFs: 8. Being hetero and love and all kinds of things, anal fumes, which, Summer’s Eve, dropping the f-bomb, train wreck (2), tran-wreck
  • Dave Meltzer, not talking about: 0.
  • Outdated references: 2. Burgess Meredith as The Penguin, The Gong Show
  • I didn’t even know he was sick: 0.
  • F-Bombs: 7. Blade

  • Weird Al Laughs: 1
  • RJ Fletcher, Yes Man: 1
  • WrestleCrap Gongs: 8

  • Mickie James References: 5
  • Ashley Massaro References: 2

  • Mailbag
    • Lou for Brou: Hey RD, I've read you reference the Mr. McMahon character as one of the top two or three all time greatest heels. Who else would you say would be in the top three? Just curious and I think a lot of your loyal crappers would be interested in knowing your opinion. Ric Flair. Bob Backlund.
    • Benjamin Bergman: Totally listened to your show for the first time last week. It rules. Do you think that Ric Flair will wrestle till he dies in the ring? Ric Flair is starting to look like a carcass these days.

  • Blade Braxton’s Weekly Wrestling Haiku: Boba Foot reboot?
    All Grown Up, huh? Michael Jack-
    son would not approve.

040 Banana Tapestry: September 15, 2006

Banana Tapestry
(68 minutes)

Sad thing is, she looks
better here than in real life.
RD wonders why there hasn't been a serial killer gimmick. Although, Stone Cold Steve Austin did base his personality on a serial killer. RD has seen an Oklahoma City Bomber gimmick. (:03) 

Lord Alfred promotional considerations (:04) RD and Blade want you to get a URL from them so that you can get laid, particularly as they also have their entire URLs on large sized condoms. Unfortunately for RD he has a small penis.

RD's Trip to the Grocery: (:07) hot dogs packaged with buns. Blade is reminded of monster chili dogs.

Blade's Trip to the Grocery: (:10) Boo Berry's appearance has reverted to a stoner. This is good news for Blade, who had secretly hated the cereal until then.

Mr. Cosby, before Pudding Pops destroyed his soul.
RD tells more Disney World stories. Blade imagines he's with Bill Cosby. RD demonstrates how to eat a banana. (:19)

Mail Bag: (:23) Blade says, "Your bag is always special to me." Something about comic books and superheroes. RD says people on the forums want him to sing.

Nine people sent in messages about their experiences with a Chyna blanket. Marvel Pinguino Dickey "had a friend" buy one for his ex. Chris W made a foolish mistake buying it at Wal-Mart. Zach Harris "knew someone" who bought it to patch their broken down trailer. Terry McCarty has it hanging in his dining room. Timmy K knew a young girl who was a big fan of "the big girl with the belt" and thus bought one for her for $4 Canadian. Jeff "knew someone" who sold it for £1.50. And finally Josh Dunn used it for his unit. (One was disqualified for trying to bring up Bea Arthur's wig. Another vanished into the aether.)

Obscure Wrestling News: (:46) Francine is now attractive again, according to Vince. SPEAKING OF Chyna she made out with a porn star. The ECW Zombie wants booked. Molly Holly and Ivory will drive a Winnebago to Canada for Trish's wedding. Blade calls them tapestry munchers.

Blade hit the bottle when Rambo Greg Gagne was fired from OVW booking. (:53) RD sings a few lines of Dr Feelgood. RD names many Dr Pepper knock-offs. Kelly Kelly is dating Test, who is not a lesbian.

Seventeen Syllable Prescription for Your Andrew Test Martin Question:
Why do chicks dig Test?
Kelly's got the right answer.
He's got foot-long dong.
Facts & Figures (as compiled by Erik Majorwitz)


  • The Ricky to my Robert, Mr. Blade Braxton
  • WrestleCrap Radio Sponsors: 2. Global Internet, Charlie Smith
  • URLs not taken: 0.
  • SPEAKING OFs: 10. Penis references, trying to get into somebody’s pants, ugly, things that are truly ugly, first name basis, lesbians, people who aren’t lesbians, lesbians2 (3), crackwhore on the street
  • Dave Meltzer, not talking about: 0.
  • Outdated references: 3. Tom Brokaw, Cher, Sonny Bono
  • I didn’t even know he was sick: 0.
  • Krankor Laughs: 2
  • Weird Al Laughs: 1
  • RJ Fletcher, Yes Man:  1
  • Zombie Growls:

  • Trish Stratus References:  1
  • Mailbag
    • Marvel Pinguino Dickey: You and Mr. Brakestown are quite possibly the funniest two wrestling marks I have EVER heard in my life. And yes, even those old Johnny Polo quips don't top your stuff man. Anyhow, I have a friend who bought that tapestry for his ex-girlfriend. Why? I have no clue. In fact, I sometimes question him about whether she was his girlfriend, or if he was perhaps gay and dating a man dressed in drag much like the aforementioned Chyna. Seriously, are those supposed to be breasts? They more closely look like uncooked chicken thighs if you ask me. Anyhow, I thought you'd like to know. He didn't actually buy the thing.
    • Chris W: I bought the Chyna blanket. I had a crush on Chyna in her WWF days. So one day I was shopping at Walmart, and I say a blanket with Chyna's face on it and I didn't hesitate to throw it in my cart. I can't say it was the best $9.95 I spent. That's a big mistake.
    • Zach Harris: I didn't buy the Chyna blanket but I know someone who did. A friend of mine who lived in a broken down trailer with all of the windows to the bedroom were broken out so he bought the cheapest thing he could to cover up the windows. That of course being a Chyna blanket along with an Undertaker blanket. It may be worth mentioning that my friend never watched wrestling and had no idea who Chyna or the Undertaker are. Let him off.
    • Terry McCarty: Hi. I don't know what is wrong with you. I purchased that wall tapestry when it came out years ago, and now it still proudly hangs in my dining room. I think you're just envious because you don't have one so HA. Krankor: Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha.
    • Timmy K: I just read the section about the Chyna tapestry and I did indeed buy one. The reason for buying it is actually very simple.  A few years back when they were pushing the hell out of Chyna I had a friend whose little sister would sit down and watch wrestling with us. I think she was like five or six. Anyway, her favorite wrestler was Chyna, although she called her "the big girl with the belt". So one day there was a yard sale on my street and I saw the tapestry for 4 bucks Canadian, so I bought it for her, which she used as a blanket by the way. I wish there was a better story to it, but I'm sorry, there isn't. That's a good story. 
    • Jeff: Hi RD, love the site. Gotta say though that I wish it was updated every week. Anyway, the Chyna tapestry: yeah I know a guy who bought one. He sold it shortly afterwards for £1.50. Of weed?
    • Josh Dunn: I bought one. Gotta cover yourself with something when you're whackin' it. Krankor: Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha.

  • Blade Braxton’s Weekly Wrestling Haiku: Rafiki needs to take a Test. Banana?
    Why do chicks dig Test?
    Kelly's got the right answer.
    He's got foot-long dong.