Showing posts with label Total Divas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Total Divas. Show all posts

WWE Total Divas Recap Episode 7: One Down, One To Go! (With Special Guest @angryjr !)

Previously on Total Divas…

Episode 7: “A Leg Up” or “One Down, One to Go!

We start off the show with one of the WWE Talent monkeys calling Eva Marie giving her the good news that out of all the Divas on the WWE & NXT Roster she’s getting a photo shoot for MAXIM magazine. (RD:”Smells like a set-up to me. I mean Eva Marie is just a no-talent rookie a.k.a. a typical WWE Diva & she gets something big as MAXIM?!? I call shenanigans on that!”)

Total Divas Title Entrance of Death

Another day another RAW as The Bellas get mobbed by WWE fans & they brag about ever since they came back to WWE they are doing a lot of great things & go to a lot of big events. (RD:”Or ever since Nikki’s has been banging John Cena. Just sayin’.”)

Over to Cameron’s apartment & boyfriend Vincent wants to go to some red-carpet event that Cameron’s going to but Cameron thinks Vincent has to fill out some legal papers for the Sheriff’s. (RD:”Who knew that men can become starf-ers?!? I mean Cameron’s an idiot that has always looked to be famous now Vincent just wants to be a part of that life! What a poser!?!”) Cameron’s pissed that Vincent wants to go to at the last minute, Vincent plays the “well I want to spend time with you instead of my friends” card, and Cameron tells Vincent that her job at WWE is a busy one. Cameron tells Vincent to go away but he wants the last word.

Over to “The Fortress of Solitude” a.k.a. John Cena’s place where trainers are stretching Cena out to make sure he doesn’t get injured. (RD:”Or also called getting is daily allotment of Yellow Sun radiation.”) Nikki goes over how much abuse pro wrestlers go through on a daily life & she wants to try it out. The trainers work out with Nikki & she gets orgasmic all about it; Cena admits that he’s getting turned on looking at Nikki going through the process. Nikki walks around & whispers in Cena’s ear that “she’s more flexible now.

Over to a restaurant somewhere in Grand Rapids, MI where Natalya, Cameron, & The NXT Divas are having lunch at a restaurant. Eva Marie drops the bomb that she’ll be in MAXIM. Natalya knew that Eva Marie has an “It Factor” while Cameron thinks that Eva Marie’s gunning for her spot. (RD:”Cameron should be concerned. I mean she was the last person to be a part of ‘The Johnny Ace Job Program’ which means she had to give up the ass for it. Eva Marie probably can do a lot more than Cameron. Maybe if Eva Marie can do the ‘Rusty Trombone’?”) JoJo is jealous that Eva Marie is getting this & needs a way to get noticed as well. (RD:”Well JoJo it’s never too late to sleep with Arn Anderson, he bangs a lot of WWE Divas because he’s a lying douche. Or maybe you can do some group bukkake scenes? I mean you are a WWE Un-Diva so certainly you have no ring talent at all!”) All the Diva’s are supporting Eva Marie but it’s pretty obvious they are threatened by her.

Over to The NXT Diva’s apartment & Eva Marie caught JoJo practicing “The Star Spangled Banner” & that’s when we find out that JoJo wants to be a singer & she tells Eva Marie that she wants to go up to one of the WWE Talent Monkeys & wants to sing the National Anthem at a RAW. (RD:”A very risky ploy by JoJo since singing ‘The National Anthem’ at a sporting event or something like at a RAW is one of the most difficult things that even professional singers can do.”) JoJo wants to use her singing as a way to get on the RAW/Smackdown rosters but Eva Marie questions JoJo if she wants to be in WWE as a singer or as a wrestling Diva. (RD:”Oh you should talk Miss Double D-Cember contestant! WWE’s history has singers in it becoming somewhat famous. Smackdown announcer Lillian Garcia has used WWE to start her own professional singing career, Rikishi has rapped for WWE in some of their music & lots more. Besides WWE is an ‘ENTERTAINMENT’ company now not a ‘WRESTLING’ company.”)

Over to another restaurant lunch with Natalya, Cameron & The NXT Divas but this time The Bellas decided to join them for lunch. Eva Marie decided to tell The Bellas about her being in MAXIM, The Bellas mention they were in “MAXIM SPAIN” but Nikki also admits she feels threatened by Eva Marie as well. (RD:”Nikki listen to Raging here. YOU’RE F-ING JOHN CENA!!! You are on a Michelle McCool level of protection in WWE & maybe even more so! How are you threatened by a wanna-be model that got noticed in a stupid radio beauty pageant?!?!? I got the person for this segment here. Hey Angry Jim Ross! I know your retired & all but what’s your opinion about Nikki Bella feeling threatened by Eva Marie?”)

Angry Jim Ross: "[phone rings] How ya doin tonight Fake Deal!? Angry Jim's gonna put aside this little feud with you for a minute because I want to rant on this Total Divas show! I never watched this piece of **** even before Vince fired...I mean...when I retired from WWE, but I saw some of it on that invention called YouTube after I accidentally clicked on it while searching for Dark Journey videos! Let me just say what bull**** this "reality" show is! I mean why does Nikki Bella, who is already ****ing Cena: the biggest star in rasslin today, feel threatened by Lisa Marie doing that photo-shoot?! You know how many photo-shoots did that ***** got when Johnny Age was in Talent Relations?! They should have had an episode where Cena is threatened by Johnny Age attempting to **** Nikki behind his back, just like he did my wife! Go **** yourselves! "

(RD:”I hate to say this but…Thank you Jim?”)

Cameron brings up how Vincent wants his family to meet her; The Bellas think that Vincent maybe wants Cameron to marry him. Cameron says that she’s not ready for marriage & thinks its forever. (RD:”Well marriage is a joke now thanks to Kim Kardashain so it’s not forever anymore.”) The Bellas ask if Cameron loves Vincent, Cameron says that she LIKES Vincent but not LIKE-LIKE Vincent. (RD:”?!?”) The Bellas think that Vincent may not be “The One” for Cameron; Nikki brings up that she would do ANYTHING for Cena (RD:”Well yeah of course since if you do anything for Cena that means you have a long & healthy career in WWE.”) while Bree thinks that maybe Cameron’s not ready to get married & maybe she needs to dump Vincent. Natalya thinks Cameron’s too protective, Nikki asks if Cameron can live without Vincent (RD:”Lord knows I can!”), Cameron’s not too sure about that.

We’re a stone’s throw away from WWE Headquarters at Hartford, CT for another RAW & we’re in a Diva’s Tag Team Match involved AJ Lee, The Bellas, The Funkadactyls, Natalya, & Kaitlyn. Another botchtastic match as always for the WWE Divas but thanks to Kaitlyn throwing Bree into Nikki, who was standing outside of the ring, Nikki falls off the ring & lands so bad that she injures her shin. The match goes on & after the match the medical crew brings Nikki backstage. It turns out that Nikki has an old soccer injury with that same shin that she broke it in two parts & had to be put back together by putting an iron rod & 3 screws into her leg! (RD: “OW! But still she gives it up for Cena faster than a fat man for a Twinkie.”) Bree wants Nikki to go see the resident WWE doctor, Nikki doesn’t want to, Bree forces Nikki to see the doctor since WWE has them as a TEAM & they are called “The Bella TWINS!” & if Nikki doesn’t want to see the doctor she’ll tell Cena & the WWE higher-ups about the injury. Nikki doesn’t want to because she doesn’t want to give up her spot after The Bellas just returned. Bree gives Nikki the weekend to go to the doctors or else she’s TELLING!

We’re back & in Los Angeles as Eva Marie arrives for her MAXIM photo shoot & she’s ecstatic about the whole process. Eva Marie does her photo shoot for MAXIM (RD:”And it’s comical. Some of her faces for the photos looked like she’s passing gas!”) & the photographers compliment Eva Marie for knowing how to take photos. (RD:”Well Eva Marie does have her own website that’s mostly of her trying to be a model.”)

Back in Tampa when Cena & Nikki are having some coffee at a local coffee house, Cena gets mobbed by a fan so he takes a picture with her with Nikki waiting. Nikki brings up that her shin is hurting, Cena tells Nikki to go see a doctor because he thinks Nikki broke her shin. Cena brings up that Nikki always works on her physical appearance but never her actual body (RD:”Because Nikki wants to get paid that’s why! Keep the Kryptonian happy & she gets money! Everybody knows that!”), Nikki says she doesn’t want to be on the Disabled List & away from WWE. Cena tells Nikki that taking some time off to heal is okay & he’ll be there for support even if it means taking 1-2 years off from WWE; Nikki’s not too thrilled about being off WWE for 1 year to heal (RD:”Nikki your banging John Cena! Michelle McCool came back & left so many times & got so many pushes because she offered the ass for Undertaker. You’ll be fine in your slutty whorish ways.”)

Over to Los Angeles as Cameron & Vincent are spending the day together; Cameron goes to the nail salon to get her nails done. Cameron takes her toy Chihuahua out of her bag & decided the dog needs to get her nails done!

While the nail person (RD:”Is that an actual title for that? I’ve never done it.”) puts nail polish on the dog, Vincent want Cameron to meet her dad. Cameron says she doesn’t even have the time to see Vincent’s dad. Vincent says it is really important for his dad to meet Cameron, Cameron says she’s okay with meeting Vincent’s dad because it’s important to him.

Back to The NXT Diva’s apartment as Eva Marie returns home after the MAXIM photo shoot. Eva Marie describes the experience to JoJo & shows her a photo from the shoot as a souvenir. JoJo’s okay with Eva Marie coming back but Eva Marie didn’t expect JoJo’s lack of joy for her. Eva Marie thinks something is wrong with JoJo & walked away thinking JoJo is jealous of her.

We’re back as Naomi & JoJo are at the gym with Jimmy Uso training. Naomi talks about Eva Marie’s MAXIM photo shoot, JoJo’s thinking about stepping her game up thanks to Eva Marie & talks to Naomi about her singing idea, Naomi thinks it’s a great idea. JoJo brings up wanting to sing The National Anthem, Naomi questions the song choice since The National Anthem is a hard song to sing. Naomi then offer JoJo some help by singing with her, JoJo loves the idea. Naomi suggests that instead of The National Anthem that maybe the both of them sing Brodus Clay’s entrance theme of “Somebody Call My Momma!” & add Cameron to it as well; but Naomi really wants to do this idea so The Funkadactyls get more TV time as well.

We’re at a hospital as Nikki’s going in for a CT scan. After the procedure is done & the doctors send it to WWE; The Bellas leave & Nikki’s concerned about missing Summerslam, Bree thinks the nagging injury could be serious, Nikki wants to ignore it. Bree’s concerned because if Nikki goes on the Disabled List it would also means she’s gone from WWE TV as well & Nikki’s not thinking about that.

Over to Eva Marie & Natalya driving somewhere in Natalya's car. Natalya complains about not having any time at all since she has to plan a wedding now. Natalya discusses that at times she needs to be away from Tyson Kidd just to get a breather & she can’t comprehend being around JoJo a lot. Eva Marie says that she does everything with JoJo & she complains about JoJo’s living habits. Natalya says that JoJo should be more concerned with learning Pro Wrestling Basics 101 than trying to form a band with The Funkadactyls! (RD:”Does Natalya know what company she’s in? This is WWE & their Divas! All they know is ONE MOVE & THEY SCREW THAT MOVE REALLY BAD! The rest of the time they screw up horribly!”) Natalya then slams the un-talented Divas that don’t make it as “glorified Hooter girls” which Eva Marie admitted that at one time she did work at Hooters. (RD:”So that explains a few things! Hooter Girls are the start of being porn stars! Not kidding. I know strippers that want to be Hooter Girls because they don’t want to be naked. The path to being a porn start like this; You got Hooter Girl, then topless dancer, then full-blown naked stripper, then pose for adult magazines like SCORE or Hustler, then Porn! This is science!”)

Naomi & JoJo arrive at a recording studio where Naomi has an idea to create a sample track of JoJo’s idea with The Funkadactyls & send the track over to Head WWE Talent Monkey Jane Geddes hoping she would like it. Naomi used her dad’s connection in the music industry to get the recording studio & help they need to record the track. With Naomi’s dad’s help they manage to harmonize & create the track they needed.

Back to Los Angeles as it’s time for Cameron to meet Vincent’s dad! Turns out that Vincent’s Armenian & his dad’s showing Cameron actual Armenian brad & talks about the wedding that Vincent & Cameron will have, of course Cameron is shocked about the wedding talk. Vincent’s dad doesn’t like Cameron’s WWE career (RD:”Good! Neither do I!”) & wants her to quit so she can birth babies for Vincent. Cameron’s speechless & in the bad way. Cameron says she’s not ready to have kids, Vincent’s dad is not happy with Vincent not having a big wedding or having any responsibilities at all.

Back at The NXT Diva’s apartment & Eva Marie brings up the whole JoJo’s jealous thing again. JoJo gets a call from WWE Head Talent Monkey Jane Geddes, she got the music track & she loves it & she wants to find a way to have JoJo & The Funkadactyls actually perform the song.

Back to Cameron & Vincent as they are having another day out; Vincent has a big surprise for Cameron & that surprise is…An Engagement Ring! Cameron’s not too thrilled about that. Cameron storms out of the jewelry shop, Vincent follows, Cameron tells Vincent she’s not ready to get married & tells Vincent that they need a break. Vincent understands as they hug & tells Cameron that he’ll give her the break she needs & will still be there for her when she’s ready.

Back at the arena for another RAW as The Bellas go see the head WWE doctor & it looks like Nikki broke her shin. Doctor tells Nikki she needs to be away from WWE for 3 months to heal & she can’t be in the ring, Bree asks if Nikki can escort her, doctor says Nikki can’t get physical at all. The Bellas got to tell the WWE Talent Monkeys to say that Nikki’s now on the DL. Meanwhile The Funkadactyls & JoJo practice for their big song tonight. Cameron practices her booty shaking just as THAT moment that Vinnie Mac a.k.a. WWE Chairman & CEO Vincent K. McMahon walks by them. Vinnie Mac is expecting their performance tonight. Unfortunately it gives Naomi a bad case of the nerves which turns out to be a bad chest cold.

The crowd is filling up the arena, JoJo’s nervous for her big break, Naomi is nervous she’ll screw up due to her chest cold, Eva Marie’s saying that this is live so JoJo can’t screw up, Bree says this is JoJo’s one chance. Luckily it turns out that The Funkadactyls & JoJo will be performing on “WWE’s Main Event”. The Funkadactyls come out & they start to perform. Cameron’s overhyping the performance; Naomi & JoJo are WAY OFF pitch that the fans are grabbing their ears in pain! Eva Marie thinks its karma for JoJo not supporting her! (RD:”Hey Eva Marie! Go **** yourself! Not everybody in the whole damn world has to support you. You could have supported JoJo even though she wasn’t too thrilled like a friend should have but now we see what you really are & that’s a giant ass whore like The Bellas. I expect you to be "AIRTIGHT!" supported by The Shield damn near soon!”) WWE Head Talent Monkey Jane was not too thrilled to see that. After the performance Eva Marie with a big shit-eating grin & Bree turn around to see The Funkadactyls & JoJo come backstage. Naomi thought their performance was mediocre, Cameron thought it was a partial train wreck (RD:”And if anybody that knows train wrecks it would be Cameron because she causes a lot of them in the ring.”), JoJo thinks she screwed up big time!

The Bellas meet WWE Talent Monkey Mark. Mark has news for The Bellas. “The Brain trust” that is WWE Creative think Nikki on crutches is not good for the WWE Diva “BRAND” & Nikki’s officially on the DL recovering from home. Nikki thinks her wrestling career is done.

End Of Show

One down! One to go! By the way did you know that Eva Marie had a photo shoot for MAXIM magazine? I think they barely mentioned it.

WWE Total Divas Recap Episode 6: Ballad of Horny Natalya & Party Girl Bree

Previously on Total Divas…(RD:"Wait! You mean there were more episodes of this crap!?! DAMN! DAMN DAMN!")

Episode 6: “Diva Las Vegas” or “The Ballad of Horny Natalya & Party Girl Bree”

We start the show with JoJo drooling over Justin Gabriel with Eva Marie watching. (RD:“I know we men can get horny but so far watching this god awful show who knew that WWE Divas are really super horny?!?”) Chris Jericho (RD:”?!?”) walks by & JoJo’s trying to get information from Jericho about Justin’s relationship status, Jericho knows what JoJo’s doing which makes her run away from being shy.

Total Divas Title Entrance of Death

Another day & another Raw happens; Bree’s boyfriend Daniel Bryan gives her a quick smooch backstage while we look at JoJo & Justin Gabriel flirting with each other. Eva Marie is cautious with JoJo due to her recent breakup. They both watch Justin Gabriel wrestle in his match tonight & Eva Marie notices how Gabriel’s wresting trunks are a WEE bit snug around his crotch. The NXT Divas discuss whether they should invite Gabriel over to their “apartment warming” party but then get scared out of their panties by WWE Creative member Michael “P.S.” Hayes. (RD:”Heh.”)

Over to the NXT Training Area, where The Bellas are teaching The Funkadactyls how to wrestle. (RD:” Isn’t The Bellas teaching The Funkadactlys how to wrestle is somewhat equal to a blind driving instructor teaching his students how to drive?”) Natalya arrives & soon afterwards she steps in the ring to talk about the stress she’s dealing with recently when it comes to planning a wedding, Nikki instead wants to plan the Bachelorette Party. Natalya brings up Jaret (RD:”The poser from the previous episode who owns his own tanning shop that has a DEEP crush on Natalya.”) & his crush on her & wanting to invite him to the wedding since he’s a family friend. Bree thinks that’s a disaster waiting to happen, Naomi thinks Natalya’s reacting to Jaret giving her more attention than fiancé Tyson Kidd, & Nikki wants to talk about the Bachelorette Party. Nikki wants to show Natalya a new move she wants to use which consists of, for this example, using Naomi as a victim; Nikki places the victim on the middle rope, then Nikki drops the leg, & tries to bridge the victim but unfortunately she BOTCHES her OWN MOVE & hurts Naomi! (RD:” Even when they practice their OWN moves The Bellas botch! Why am I not surprised by this?!?”)

Over to The NXT Diva’s new apartment while they are getting ready for their “apartment warming” party & the cast arrive with Naomi bringing fiancé Jimmy Uso & Natalya bringing Tyson along. The Bellas tease The NXT Divas for having cheap wine & cheap wine glasses while The NXT Divas say neither of them drinks. Nikki tells our cast that Bree’s a goer when she gets drunk. Gabriel & Cameron arrive for the party while Natalya tells Nikki about Jaret sending her a text, Nikki mentions that Jaret wants to bang Natalya. Natalya brings up that Tyson was been the only man that she has ever had sex with in her life. The party continues & Cameron brings up her fondness for older men. JoJo decides to take Gabriel to the outside patio & they make out with everybody watching them.

We’re back & just in time to catch JoJo & Gabriel having a lunch date. Gabriel ribs on JoJo how she’s underage & can’t drink. During the date JoJo offers to show Gabriel pics of her pet rabbit. (RD:”Uh…)

Over to Tampa, FL where Nikki & boyfriend John Cena are shopping for Natalya’s Bachelorette Party gift. Nikki brings up how it’s weird that Natalya only had any sexual contact with Tyson, Cena think that’s ok. (RD:”I Have to agree with The Kryptonian. Men want women that are inexperienced for the sheer reason that if we completely screw up in the bedroom then she won’t notice!”) Nikki says that what Natalya has with Tyson is beautiful but also mentions that if her family would be shocked if SHE HAD a similar relationship. (RD:”So Nikki admits to being a whore eh?”) Nikki tries to change a subject that she’s not a whore & tries miserably to get Cena’s advice for Natalya’s present.

Over to Cameron’s apartment where she’s packing for Natalya’s Bachelorette Party but boyfriend Vincent is concerned about what “fun” she’ll get into. Cameron says that she needs a break since she’s been working so hard. (RD:”Is that what you do? Work? Silly me Cameron I thought what you do is just bounce around & look like an idiot.”) Vincent wants to invite himself to the Bachelorette Party (RD:”?!?”) but Cameron says it’s mostly going to have people from WWE & she & Eva Marie can’t bring their boyfriends to the party because they are “not in the business. Vincent is trying to get himself invited by saying that Cameron doesn’t spend time with him, Cameron just ends the fight by saying that she doesn’t want to talk about it.

VIVA LAS VEGAS! The cast & some of the WWE wrestlers take a party bus to the hotel suite. JoJo screws around with a stripper pole in the shower; Daniel opens the bottle of champagne with Curt Hawkins & Jey Uso watching. (RD:”That quick 5 seconds of Curt Hawkins on this show is probably the most screen time he’ll ever spend on WWE this year!”) The Bellas decorate Natalya with Bachelorette stuff & pack her with condoms. (RD:”Really?!? Tyson Kidd is in the same room & you are going to do that! And people call me tasteless at times.”) Cameron wants to see Bree in party mode but Bree doesn’t want to do it in front of Daniel. Nikki ends this party with a cheer that only Blade Braxton would love.

The cast decide to have a little pool party & what a better way to have one by having all the Divas poses in a photo shoot! (RD:”I wish that was a joke but that actually happened.”) After the photo shoot Bree & Daniel are making out & Jimmy gets all flirtatious with Naomi. Nikki & Natalya are talking when Natalya gets texts from Jaret which sounds pretty flirtatious to Nikki but Natalya thinks they are nothing. Natalya didn’t know thanks to Nikki that she’s accidentally misleading the poor guy thinking he actually has a shot with her.

The pool party continues in Las Vegas & JoJo is ready to have some fun…That is until she sees Gabriel flirting with another girl. Eva Marie thinks JoJo is a rebound girl, JoJo says that she’s not a rebound girl. (RD:”How can JoJo know this when she had only one relationship?!?”) JoJo’s confident that Gabriel wants her.

The party continues back in the hotel suite as drinking games ensue for Natalya. Drinking happens, Kidd gives out a cheer, & Nikki gets slutty again by taking Natalya to the “Chippendale’s” show. The cast are enjoying the show mostly seeing half-naked men dance around. (RD:”And women think we’re awful for going to strip clubs yet women will pay money to see topless guy simulating a sex act?!? Nothing says fun than muscular men putting a pole near their crotch & jerking it off! By the way boss I want hazard pay after this episode!”) The Chippendale dancers take Natalya on stage & basically hog tie her & flash their junk at her. (RD:”After this episode I don’t want any women to yell at us anymore about strip clubs after this episode!”)

While most of the cast continue the party at one of the hotel’s night clubs the NXT Divas is basically bored since JoJo is under age & Eva Marie doesn’t drink. The NXT Divas walk around until they run into Gabriel having a date with another girl. JoJo is just pissed & walks off.

Back as The NXT Divas see Gabriel’s date with another girl. The NXT Divas walk out of the hotel just in time to catch Gabriel leave with the girl in a taxi cab. JoJo says that she is “DONE” with Justin Gabriel & she is shocked that he would do that. (RD:”Well I’m shocked that after ONE DATE JoJo thought Justin Gabriel was hers! It’s ONE FREAKING DATE! I mean come on! As Angry Jim Ross would say ‘Go F**k Yourself JoJo!’ “) Eva Marie told JoJo not to go after Gabriel & now she’s heartbroken. (RD:”You should talk you hypocritical whore! So far you admitted that you wanted to bang Fandango AND Roman Reigns!“)

We go back to the party as the cast continue & Bree enters “party mode”! The Divas dance normally & sexually. The Bellas & Cameron table dance (RD:”They table dance as if they know how to do it well. I’m not saying anything on that.”) & we get a shot of Cameron’s vagina. (RD:”That’s Not Divalicious Cameron! That’s Stripalicious!”) Nikki commits a party foul when she falls to the floor. The cast take the party back to the hotel room when Natalya admits that she can’t get Jaret out of her mind. Bree’s pissed but Natalya admits that she loves Kidd but maybe she’s not ready to get married. Bree & Natalya have some private time when Natalya admits she’s getting cold feet, Bree says that Jaret’s making Natalya feel special again.

We’re back & after Natalya & Bree’s little private talk Bree’s heading back to her hotel room but she’s still drunk & in “party mode”. Bree drunkenly stumbles to her hotel room but she can’t open the door so she knocks hoping Daniel would let her in. Daniel groggily lets Bree in but Bree’s acting horny after an exposed vagina shot. (RD:”WWE is supposed to be PG but in this ONE EPISODE we have guys flashing their junk to Natalya & not one but TWO times WWE Divas flashed their crotches!”) Bree then takes out a pair of fuzzy handcuffs & puts them on Daniel.

It’s the next day & Bree’s having a huge hangover & has to admit to Daniel that she was drinking & partying all night, Daniel admits that he knows but is all right since they are in Vegas. The night falls & the cast are having a dinner out with IRONICALLY enough JoJo sitting next to Gabriel (RD:”It’s as if it looks like it was, gasp, could it be that it was STAGED?!?”). Natalya thanks everybody for being with them. Gabriel takes JoJo away to talk to her about what’s going on with her, JoJo’s wondering what’s going on, Gabriel basically says “It’s not you it’s me” & blames it on her age. JoJo walks off emotionally hurt.

We’re back in Vegas as The Bellas are preparing for a new day when Bree accidentally discovers Nikki’s vibrator. Hilarity ensues with the Bellas & the vibrator.

Ron Burgundy: “You stay classy Bella Twins.”

Naomi arrives & Cameron’s hotel room & her bathroom is very impressive. Cameron gives Naomi the unexpected surprise that her boyfriend Vincent is actually coming to Vegas to see her. (RD:” Wasn’t Vincent told that he wasn’t allowed to be there?”) Naomi fears the chaos that’ll happen when Vincent shows up & speak of the devil there’s a knock on the door & Vincent arrives! Vincent is just very excited to be here as he bounces around the room like a kindergartner drinking a soda.

The cast & Vincent arrive at a restaurant to finish off Natalya’s very long Bachelorette Party. Bree gives one long toast that comes from her heart wile Nikki goes slutty with her toast. Natalya gets a male g-string cake for her to eat. Vincent goes mental when Cameron tries to touch the cake’s “wiener”. The server brings in giant balls of cotton candy as an appetizer while Vincent grabs a long piece of cotton candy & tries to be goofy with it near Cameron.

Vincent tries to go “Lady & The Tramp” with a piece of cotton candy at Cameron while everybody in the room is looking very embarrassed that Vincent is there. Vincent’s antics continue until he spills his drink on himself.

The cast arrive at a major club called “ghost bar” & of course they are partying & dancing all over the place. Natalya & Kidd say that they love each other while Vincent gets drunk out of his mind! Cameron says that when Vincent gets really drunk he goes really nuts! Vincent wants to drink himself to death but Cameron’s trying to sober him up. Drunk Vincent is talking to Natalya (RD:”OH GOOD! That’s what we need around here, more stupidity!”) apologizing for actually being there. Now Drunk Vincent is going over to Jimmy saying that he’ll back him up anytime. (RD: “Jimmy Uso has a person like that & it’s called his brother Jey!”) Cameron finds Vincent & goes mental that Vincent spilled a drink on her dress, Drunk Vincent of course denies this. Now a fight is breaking out between Cameron & Drunk Vincent. The fight goes on for while until Cameron is pissed & orders Vincent that they are leaving. While the cast are continuing to part Cameron takes a Drunk & now PISSED Vincent out because Cameron is going to be embarrassed by him! Now Vincent is doing the “walk the line” drunk test & Cameron storms back to her hotel room. In the end Natalya is happy about having the Bachelorette Party & she has no more cold feet wedding jitters.

End of Show

And RVM Kai wonders how I could handle this damn show?!?

WWE Total Divas Recap Episode 5: The Oncoming Storm

Previously on Total Divas…

Episode 5: “Feuding Funkadactyls” OR “The Oncoming Storm”

We start off with the NXT Divas putting bronzer on each other before they go to the gym, which Eva Marie does because just in case she’ll run into someone. The NXT Divas head into the gym to get in their daily workout but then they change their minds & horse around by doing some headlocks on one another & they run into “Shield” member Roman Reigns. They have some small talk & the Divas leave. Eva Marie has another sexy crush feeling again & this time it’s on Roman Reigns!

Total Divas Entrance of Illegal Water Torture!

We’re at Natalya & Tyson Kidd’s home where the couple are having some fun in the pool when they get a call from Tyson’s mother. Natalya will be wrestling at her home town of Calgary, Alberta, Canada for her “birthday week” but she does NOT want to spend time with Tyson’s mother. (RD: “Oh don’t tell me Natalya celebrates that crap! For those that don’t know what a ‘birthday week’ is it’s when women decide to stretch out the birthday celebration by making it one whole week of celebration. Honestly it is one of the stupidest things to happen. I mean if Jim Neidhart knew that a week from when Natalya was going to be conceived I’m betting he would wear a rubber or not have sex at all. Or even worse which would be Jim Neidhart having sex with The Bellas mom! Yes you heard me. Natalya Neidhart could have been Nattie Bella!” Just sayin’.”) Natalya gives Tyson the phone to he can speak to his mother & it looks like the mom is insisting that Natalya & Tyson spend the night at her place rather than at a hotel; Natalya is not too fond of that idea since Tyson’s mom has a small 1-Bedroom house & Natalya has to share the bed with the mom while Tyson sleeps on the sofa & she’s not too thrilled about that. Natalya asks Tyson to tell his mom that they are staying at a hotel.

New York, New York. Cameron visits Naomi in her hotel room. Naomi wants to spend the day crashing in her room but Cameron wants to go shopping. Cameron wants to take Naomi clothes shopping but Trinity is fighting hard to get out of it.

Now we’re heading out to…

Lance Storm: "Calgary…Alberta, Canada."

Inside the arena where The Bellas are learning their lines for the filming of a segment with The Funkadactlys about the WWE App. (RD:” Oh Lordie. Are we going to shill for that damn app here as well?!?”)

So The Bellas & Funkadactyls film their segment & afterwards they have some small talk. The Bellas are going to visit their mom this week & Bree wants to see their dad but Nikki doesn’t want to because dad’s an addict. Natalya arrives at the arena & she is very happy because not only its her birthday but her match is on RAW so everything is perfect…Until her match is a tag-team match with her partner Kaitlyn versus The Bellas & she loses to The Bellas. (RD: “OUCH!”) Soon afterwards Natalya & Tyson arrived at the hotel & Natalya wants sexy time! Our couple has a little foreplay then they get a call from Tyson’s mom which kills the mood; Natalya says that Tyson’s mom wants Tyson all to herself but it’s her “birthday week” so that’s not going to happen. Looks like plans have change as Tyson’s now spending the night at her mom’s home; Natalya’s not too thrilled about that.

Over to Los Angeles, CA as Nikki & boyfriend John Cena are having a couples night with Naomi & fiancé Jimmy Uso. Also joining the party is Cameron & her dumbass boyfriend Vincent; Cameron drops Vincent aside as The Funkadactyls enter because it was Cameron’s idea to go to a grand opening of a boutique. Naomi wants to just enter the store but Cameron insists they stay outside so the photographers take pictures of them. Naomi says the glamour of her job is okay but she would rather concentrate on her wrestling moves more than anything. (RD:”Wait a minute. You are trying to tell me that Naomi is a…Diva?!?”) Naomi walks away from the camera while Cameron enjoys every minute of it.

Over to Tampa, FL & “The Fortress of Solitude” a.k.a. Cena’s home. Cena’s making coffee while Nikki’s looking at some framed pictures & can’t tell who Joseph Stalin, Winston Churchill, & former U.S. President Franklin Delanor Roosevelt are. (RD:”Yes that did happen & yes Nikki’s a dumbass! She admitted to it!”) Cena’s trying to teach Nikki how to speak Chinese but she’s having a hard time to learn it because…

Nikki Bella: “It’s definitely hard to learn a different language. I know some Spanish, but Chinese is literally like…Chinese.”

(RD:”Nikki must be a great lay because no one can be that stupid!”)

Cena brings up how The Bellas are going to see their mom but when dear old dad comes up Nikki wants to change the subject. Cena wants Nikki to reconcile with her dad, Nikki doesn’t want to because of the fear of having her dad cause trouble all over again, Cena wants Nikki to talk to her dad in hoping that maybe things changed.

Back to…

Lance Storm: "Calgary…Alberta, Canada."

Natalya’s having a lunch date with Tyson & his mom when Natalya gets a surprise visitor in the form of Tyson’s sister Valerie which Natalya is not too thrilled to see as well. Tyson’s mom brings up why Natalya’s at a hotel, Natalya brings up that she needs the hotel because of her popularity, mom brings up that family is important. Valerie brings up that Tyson’s been spending time with the family. Mom brings up Natalya & Tyson’s long relationship; Valerie wants them to have kids, mom thinks a bad idea, Valerie asked for Tyson’s opinion about wanting kids, Tyson was about to give his opinion when Natalya hushes him. Valerie brings up how Natalya & Tyson should take pre-marital counseling. (RD: “A little bit awkward there.”) Natalya & Tyson say they don’t have any issues but Natalya notices how mom is giving Tyson a lot of attention.

Back to Tampa, Fl where The Bellas are about to start their daily workout when Nikki brings up to Bree about wanting to makeup with dad if Bree goes with her, Bree totally agrees on that.

Over to the NXT Training Center where Naomi wants to create a new dance routine that’ll give new life to The Funkadactyls. Naomi wants to do some high-paced acrobatic moves but Cameron wants to go “Divalicious”. (RD:” For those that don’t know what the word "Divalicious is it's Cameron’s word when she was on ‘Tough Enough’. It’s what she thinks the WWE Divas are in her little moronic head.”) Cameron feels the conflict coming from both of them. Naomi wants them to do more in the ring but Cameron doesn’t like the acrobatic & wants them to concentrate on the camera because that’s what it’s all about. (RD:”Oh yeah sure; Cameron has that experience from that ONE episode of ‘Tough Enough’ that she did!”) Naomi is getting frustrated.

We’re back as The Bellas visit their family down in Brawley, CA & the only thing of interest here is The Bella’s grandmother wants to talk about how Bree’s boyfriend Daniel Bryan wants to use a compost heap which grandma thinks it’s a silly idea. Which leads us to…

Lance Storm: "Calgary…Alberta, Canada."

Natalya goes to visit a friend’s tanning salon to celebrate “herself”. (RD: “Like spacing out your own week for your birthday isn’t enough.”) Turns out that Natalya’s friend has an amateur wrestling background & helped her out with some of her wrestling moves. Natalya asks to get a spray tan from him. The friend wants to catch a dinner with Natalya so they can catch up on some old times.

Back to Brawley as The Bellas visit their dead grandfather’s grave & they keep mentioning how their grandfather would be proud of what they are doing right now. (RD:”Proud as is in being proud that Nikki is sleeping her way to the top?”) With The Bellas dad walking out on their lives it turns out that the granddad was their father figure growing up, Nikki says that it was her granddad that made her the woman she is today. (RD:”By having Nikki tell Cena ‘No ring, no anal!’ Just sayin’.”) A quick return trip once again to…

Lance Storm: "*sigh* Calgary…Alberta, Canada."

Natalya is getting dressed up because today is FINALLY her birthday! (RD:”PHEW! I mean after that hard celebrating of an entire week of ‘hey look at me awesomeness!’ Must be tiring.”) Natalya gets a call from Tyson that he’s down in the lobby so she meets him & Natalya notices something odd. Tyson isn’t dressed up for Natalya. Tyson says they are going to have dinner at her sister’s place so they can see his family because they are never here in Calgary. Natalya is upset because she wanted a dinner alone with her & Tyson not her, Tyson, & his family! Natalya returns to her room letting Tyson have dinner with his family. (RD: “Okay I’m split here. On one side the guy is right & you should see family. Then again they already saw the sister & mother earlier in the episode & adding to it we have a full ‘birthday week’ celebration crap! Then again this had to happen on Natalya’s birthday! Oh I’m so confused. I don’t know who to turn my hate on!”)

Over to Tampa, FL where The Funkadactyls & The NXT Divas decide to have a nice day off of go-karting. Eva Marie & Cameron goof around while Cameron says that she has to win everything or else she’ll have a “boo-boo face”. (RD: “Well not everything Miss ’you got your ass booted on Week 1 of Tough Enough’!”) After some fun time at go-karting the ladies have a competitive race & Cameron wins! Cameron grabs the first place “medal” & runs around as if she won the World Series. (RD:”Geez! This was a game. I mean come on!”) Naomi’s just happy that she had a good time while Cameron is being a sore winner. Naomi really doesn’t care who won the race but Cameron HAD TO RUB IT IN Naomi’s face that she’s the winner. (RD:”I’m starting to like Naomi as a person here & if Cameron pulled that crap in my face I would go Angry Jim Ross on her face & I would tell Cameron to go f**k herself!”) Naomi just couldn’t take any more of Cameron’s crap & had to slip in that she’s the one that wins their matches, Cameron brings up that she’s the speaker of the team. (RD: “If that’s what you call talent on the mike there Cameron that’s not a good job at it!”) Now Cameron’s pissy that Naomi took it personal. The NXT Divas are in some sort of joyful shock seeing The Funkadactyls bicker with one another. Naomi politely tells Cameron to shut up but Cameron responds with a “Pfft. Whatever” hand look & walks off. (RD:”Yeah real mature there.”) Naomi says nobody wants to hear her crap right now about being a winner, Cameron said she was KIDDING! (RD:”BULLSHIT!”) Eva Marie just wants to get the hell out of there so while she grabs JoJo to leave, Naomi shoves Cameron & then…THE FUNKADACTLYS EXPLODE!@! They both get into each other’s faces, Naomi dares Cameron to hit her, they both get into a little girl tussle with Cameron pie-facing Naomi & walks off!

We’re back as…THE FUNKADACTYLS EXPLODE…AGAIN! Now it just breaks down as it turns into an episode of “The Jerry Springer Show”. Naomi thinks Cameron thinks she has all that class but she has nothing. Naomi’s waiting on Cameron to do something but Cameron just walks off, Naomi calls out Cameron’s punk card! Hey you know what it’s time for! It’s time for us to go back to…

Lance Storm: "*sigh* Calgary…Alberta, Canada. Look I know there's this joke where my catchphrase used to be that I announced where my hometown was but you're killing this joke. Can I get paid now?"
(RD:"Sure thing Mr. Storm we'll have someone from Trolla pay you. Go to our Accounting Department & look for Nathaniel; he has a bad skin condition & ignore him saying 'brains' a lot since he's a big fan of 'The Walking Dead'.")

As Natalya decided that instead of having dinner with Tyson & his family she instead decides to have dinner with her friend from the suntan place Jaret. (RD:”In some guys that would be considered a WEE BIT whorish.”) Of course Natalya thought it was pretty nice for Jaret to make arrangements…at a very nice restaurant where they can be alone. (RD:”Hrm…If I didn’t know any better I would think that this Jaret guy wants to bang Natalya!”) They both have some small talk when Natalya slips out about how Tyson’s such a momma’s boy. Jaret comes out & says that maybe Natalya should look for someone else that makes her happy; someone that should take care of her, someone that rented out an entire restaurant (RD: “Jaret said that.”), someone that maybe...Owns his own suntan business (RD: “Me right there”). Jaret finally admits that Natalya should dump Tyson & be in a relationship with him instead! Natalya is speechless. (RD:”Whether it’s a good or bad speechless I don’t know.”)

Back to Brawley with The Bellas as Bree arranged a family meeting with dear old dad & they decided to bring brother JJ along. Daddy Bella comes in & is happily greeted by Bree & JJ while Nikki just wants to get the hell outta there.

Back at the appearance of Daddy Bellas & Nikki reluctantly hugs her father. Daddy Bellas wants to know what’s wrong with Nikki? Nikki says that Daddy basically left her & Bree & really screwed up her life. Nikki goes into one sob fest saying that it was her grand dad that became her father figure & wants Daddy Bella to go to hell. Daddy Bella sounds pretty remorseful & wants to redeem himself to Nikki.

Backstage at RAW where The Bellas are filming a segment with R-Truth & Natalya’s checking her phone. The Funkadactyls arrive separately since there’s still bad blood since they…EXPLODED! WWE Talent Relations Guru Jane Geddes brings up tonight’s Diva Match of a Six-Diva Tag Team Match of AJ Lee & The Bellas versus The Funkadactlys & Kaitlyn. The Funkadactlys get verbal about not wanting to work with each other, Jane asked for some private time with The Funkadactyls to see what’s going on. Naomi doesn’t want to deal with Cameron’s drama & asks to be sent back to NXT, Cameron calls out Naomi for acting unprofessionally, & then things self-destruct again! Jane breaks up the fight & says that it’s up to WWE Creative if they want to break up The Funkadactlys & IRONICALLY enough the Head of WWE Creative Stephy Bear is here & will arrange a meeting with them. The Funkadactlys fight again with Cameron storming out of the room & telling our cast how Naomi is SO wrong. (RD:”Yeah, real mature there & not Divalicious. I’m remembering why I hate Cameron SO MUCH!”)

The Funkadactlys get their meeting with Stephy Bear & Naomi’s hoping she can be free of Cameron! They have their meeting & Cameron says that they need to be professional but it started at their day-off go-karting & she admitted she acted like a big winner & says Naomi pushed her. Naomi admits to pushing Cameron. Stephy Bear is not happy with Naomi pushing Cameron, Naomi defends herself by saying that Cameron is pretty much involved in this as her. Stephy Bear is not happy with the way The Funkadactyls acted publicly but decides to grant Naomi’s request & tonight each of The Funkadactyls will get a singles match tonight. (RD: “Naomi has some decent ring skills while Cameron…*shiver*”)

RAW is about to start soon & we get The Funkadactly’s match information. Naomi vs. Alicia Fox & Cameron vs. Aksana. (RD: “Well that’s pretty fugly right there. Alicia Fox is as botchy as a Bella to the point where she can’t even do her damn finisher right! While Aksana on the other hand is well…meh but a meh on the bad side so advantage Cameron I guess?”) Cameron walks off thinking that she’ll be the star while Seamstress Sandra wants to know what’s going on with The Funkadactlys, Naomi gets all in Sandra’s face & walks off to get ready.

RAW’s alive & kicking as The Bellas go watch “Team Hell No” & Cena vs. The Shield. We see The Bellas actually get turned on by Cena & Daniel wrestling. (RD: “EW!”) Funkadactyl match number 1 is here & it’s Naomi/Alicia Fox with the cast & Jane watching backstage. Natalya notices Naomi already winded & notes to her inexperienced at working singles matches which makes Cameron happy. Naomi botches a Flying Body Splash on Alicia Fox which ended up landing on her face! In the end it was Alicia Fox that gets the win. Cameron’s turn next as she faces Aksana & Cameron’s running the match way too fast & she’s botchier than Naomi! (RD:” In fact Cameron’s so botchy that I miss Kelly Kelly in a WWE ring so I can she her ‘wrestle’ to get the taste of Cameron’s bad wrestling out of my mind!”) After seeing Cameron losing to Aksana & her horrific wrestling; Naomi decides to apologize Cameron for everything that happened. Cameron apologized to Naomi & they both decide to be a team again.

End of Show.

(RD: "Work delayed this but don't worry. I'll make it up to you soon.")

WWE Total Divas Recap Episode 4: Horny Natalya

(RD: Before we get into the recap I got to admit I dropped the ball here. Personal family issues kind of blew up in my face so this got delayed by a couple of days. My bad.)

Before we go on with the recap I found out some very interesting news about one of the cast members for this horrendous show. For you see before she became a part of WWE Eva Marie was a…Contestant in the 2012 “Miss Double D-Cember Beauty Pageant”!

Now for those that aren’t familiar with this pageant; the “Miss Double D-Cember Pageant” is held by local So Cal radio station KROQ as a part of “The Kevin & Bean Show”. Basically it’s a pageant where they want to show hot chicks in bikinis with barely any talent trying to score free concert & event passes. Eva Marie was a contestant using the name "Natalie" but failed to win. It’s kind of famous around here that all walks of women try out; from office personnel to porn stars (Porn Star Sara Stone)! Not kidding. A former porn star did compete in the “Miss Double D-Cember Pageant” & now it looked like Eva Marie did too.

From a whore who falls short in getting herself in an orgy for “Avenge Sevenfold” tickets to a WWE Diva. Once again WWE picks another great woman “talent” to represent them & by “talent” I mean “sex toy”.

Enough making fun of Eva Marie now because I can sure make LOTS of fun of her in this recap so here we go!

Previously on Total Divas…

Episode 4: “The “FAT” Twin” OR “Horny Natalya”

We’re in what it looks like Kansas City as Nikki & Natalya are doing some shopping when they passed by a clothes shop that Nikki wants to check out so she can buy something sexy for John Cena. Natalya wants to help Nikki find something perfect to wear for Nikki but Nikki wants Natalya want to find something sexy for her boyfriend Tyson Kidd whom she’s been with for over a decade! Natalya mentions that ever since Tyson Kidd got his knee injury there has been no sex life between them at all! Nikki is trying to find something sexy for Natalya but honestly she thinks Natalya & Tyson are like an “old couple”. (RD: “And what’s wrong with being an old couple. It shows they are loyal to one another while I’m betting Cena will drop your ass Nikki fast if he finds someone hotter than you.”) Natalya finds something Nikki thinks is not sexy so Nikki finds something for herself & Natalya to try on. Nikki comes out in a pink see-through bra & underwear combo while Natalya tries on a stunning black braw & underwear combo with satin robe (RD: “Purr…”). Nikki gets dressed while Natalya tries on a sexy red bra & underwear set. (RD: “Yum. Sometimes you forget that Natalya is a skilled pro wrestler & PROBABLY a couple of the women that’s holding the Diva’s Division together, the other is AJ Lee, but she is one fine piece of ass.”) Natalya thinks she found something to turn Tyson on.

Total Divas Title Entrance of Long Death!

RAW’s setting up in the Sprint Center at Kansas City. Our cast members are getting dressed for an autograph signing. Cameron notices Nikki’s fake knockers & Nikki loves them. Nikki thinks Bree wants a boob job, Bree’s proud of her boobs. Cameron’s not happy that she’s flat-chested. Cameron tries to put some falsies into her top but Naomi stops her thinking she looks fine the way she is. The Bellas & Funkadactyls make their way to the signing area. Cameron’s noticing how the fans are eyeing Nikki’s surgically enhanced funbags but Naomi says that Nikki is wearing a push-up bra so of course everybody’s noticing them! Nikki is rubbing it in Cameron’s face how the fans are drooling over her & her saline bags. Cameron’s rubbing it in Nikki’s face saying she’s getting a boob job because she wants more money. (RD: “There are only three jobs where a boob job might help a woman get money: Model, Stripper, or Porn Star. Just sayin’.”) Naomi’s telling Cameron to shut up on the boob job talk. Cameron tells Naomi that she made an appointment with a plastic surgeon & she’s coming along!

We’re in the hotel room with Bree & Daniel Bryan talking about where to go for breakfast. Daniel’s looking for a place to eat on his Smartphone. Bree’s looking at herself in the mirror thinking she’s fat. (RD: “Really?!? Bree’s borderline into Kelly Kelly ‘walking skeleton’ look here!”) Daniel thinks it’s funny that Bree always worried about her weight. (RD: “ACK! Apologize! Now! Daniel Bryan’s going to be a dead man soon! Never laugh that your woman is worried about her weight! Never!”) Bree wants to do a juice cleanse for an upcoming WWE Photo shoot but Daniel thinks Bree looks perfect.

We’re heading over to Tampa, FL where Natalya comes home to see Tyson watching a past WWE PPV in the Living Room. Natalya says she knew Kidd ever since they were kids & fell in love when they grew up in the pro wrestling world. (RD:” AW! That makes me feel all squishy.”) Natalya’s trying to talk Tyson into going out for dinner but Tyson just wants to watch “Team Hell No” (Daniel Bryan & Kane) take on “The Shield” (Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose). Natalya says ever since Tyson got injured he spends most of his time in physical rehab which leaves her as a caretaker & loosing that spark in the relationship. (RD: “In Tyson Kidd’s defense as a person who went through physical rehab let me say that it is a PAIN to go through. Just sayin’.”) Natalya goes into the bedroom & changes into that black bra & underwear set she bought to show Tyson; Tyson reacts as if nothing has changed. (RD:”WHAT?!?! Did his penis also get injured as well?!? You have one attractive blonde with great boobs IN HER UNDERWEAR & YOU DON’T DO ANYTHING?!?!? F&$k you Tyson Kidd!”) Natalya just gives up, lies down on the sofa & puts her head on Tyson’s lap thinking she has self-image issues.

(RD: “Dear God Almighty!”)

Nikki wants to have lunch with The NXT Divas mainly for the sole reason of keeping an eye on Eva Marie. The NXT Divas arrive & lunch starts. Eva Marie & Nikki start talking about Instagram & their followers (RD: “Honestly I want to smack them for this. For those that know me I think all Social Media is just one giant ‘Hey-Look-At-Me!’ deal so I barely believe in it but for those that do follow me on Twitter & FB thanks for putting up with my crap. Anyway though shut up Eva Marie!”) when Eva Marie spots someone posting on Nikki’s Instagram pictures saying she’s “fat”; of course that pisses Nikki off but at the same times she says she doesn’t care. (RD: “That was the whole purpose of that comment. He was trying to piss Nikki off! For that he gets 5 TrollaBucks to spend at Trolla but he can only spend it when there’s a full moon.”) Eva Marie & Nikki go into a debate over women & self-image issues while Nikki actually cries over it. (RD: “Hey Daniel! A Bella hater made Nikki cry!”)

We’re in San Diego as Nikki is having dinner with Bree & Daniel; Nikki’s considering getting desert first for their dinner. Daniel mentions that Nikki always gets desert first. Bree notices that Nikki’s drinking & eating desert & wants to tell her to stop with these eating habits because WWE hired identical sexy twins. Bree tries to convince Nikki to go on a juice cleanse with her which Nikki reluctantly agrees to because maybe she needs to lose weight. (RD: “The Bellas need to lose weight like Blade needs to be sober.”)

We’re in Los Angeles, CA where we see Jimmy Uso & Naomi waiting for Cameron who pulls up In a very expensive car dressed like she’s the “Black Paris Hilton” with little Chihuahua dog . Cameron wants to take Naomi with her to the plastic surgeon today; Naomi says she wants to take Jimmy along for the “male perspective” & also secretly to talk Cameron out of getting a boob job. Jimmy forcefully gets in the back seat holding Cameron’s dog “Noodle” & unfortunately for Jimmy Noodle gets car sick but it’s okay with Cameron because…

Cameron (right): “She’ll probably eat it up.”
Naomi(left): “What?”
Cameron (right): “Dogs like to eat their throw up.”

(RD: “Uh…no Cameron. Most dogs don’t eat their own throw up. My family has one for years & he never ate his own puke. What an idiot! Sheesh!”)

The Funkadactyls & Jimmy arrive at the plastic surgeon & they talk to a female consultant who happened to have her own boob job here. Cameron is trying to get how the whole boob job process works then the consultant whips out her boobs from her blouse for the whole world to see. (RD: “Come on E! Move those pixels damn it!”) Naomi is kind of overwhelmed by it while Cameron gets a free feel-up on the consultant. (RD:”Oh did I mention that the consultant is cute with nice D-Cups! Damn it! I wish I was there!”) The consultant says the surgeon will be in any minute, if they have any more questions, & if she wants to show them her boobs again. Naomi wants Jimmy to see the consultant’s boobs so she drags Jimmy from the waiting room to the consulting room & the consultant whips out her boobs again which Jimmy just covers his face. (RD: “OOH! There’s a problem. On one side you got a nice pair of boobs that a hot woman is willing to let them see BUT you got your fiancé there so you don’t want to look that interested. Man it sucks to be Jimmy Uso right now. I wonder if I can bang the consultant? Hrm…”)Naomi is offering Jimmy a “free pass” on this one so Jimmy has a little breast play on the consultant. (RD: “I think it’s best to say that Naomi is without a doubt the best fiancée EVER!”)

Jimmy goes back to the waiting room acting like he’s got the vapors. MEANWHILE the surgeon arrives & offers Cameron the various sizes & choices that she might want to “upgrade” from boob wise. The surgeon offers Cameron to take the implants home so she can try them out. Naomi asks Cameron to do one of their dance routines with the implants to see what she would be working with. So Cameron does some booty shaking & the implants fly out of her top, Naomi thinks there’s something wrong with Cameron. (RD: “What? You mean Cameron’s a dumbass? I think we all know that.”) Unfortunately for Cameron the surgeon recommends 1-2 months off from WWE to recover from the surgery which is something Naomi is not too thrilled to hear.

Back in San Diego as The Bellas stop at a juice bar to get some drinks to go. Bree wants this to work so they can be identical again but after drinking her juice Nikki thinks it tastes like “a garden”. Bree wants them to stick on this juice cleanse by drinking it at least 5 times a day which is something Nikki is not too fond of.

Back to Tampa as Natalya & Tyson are getting lunch at a restaurant. Natalya wants to stay away from the sexy stuff & stick to wanting to talk about their upcoming wedding. Natalya wants a small wedding which is about 150 people or so & most of them are Hart Family members & WWE friends. Tyson isn’t too serious about the wedding talk (RD: “It’s because he’s a guy!”) & thinks this is just something that Natalya wants. Natalya wants to negotiate for how many guests should be in the wedding but thinks Tyson’s not serious about any of it, Tyson’s more concerned about his knee injury more than anything which doesn’t please Natalya at all. Tyson doesn’t want to talk about the wedding which Natalya changes the subject.

We’re back & The Bellas are in their car & Nikki is not too thrilled so far on her juice cleanse because she’s dizzy & hungry. Bree has a couple of juice bottles for them to drink. Nikki is regretting going on a 20 DAY juice cleanse & she’s bitchy. (RD: “Since when is Nikki NOT bitchy.”)

Back at the hotel where Jimmy & Naomi are enjoying life poolside. Cameron then walks out sporting her temporary implants to show off. Cameron’s been sleeping & wearing them so far all day & she thinks she looks hot right now with the implants. Naomi wants to see Cameron’s boobs handle the pool so she wants Cameron to take a swim; Cameron won’t do it unless Naomi gets in the pool. So there they are Naomi in the pool & Cameron decides to jump in the pool when one of her implants POP out of her top & land in the pool, which Naomi now knows that breast implants do indeed float in water. (RD: “Pfft. Guy science 101! We all knew that!”)

We’re at Nikki’s apartment where Bree’s telling Nikki about her day when Bree’s noticing something fishy is going on with Nikki. Bree does some scavenging around the kitchen & finds an empty wine bottle which Nikki doesn’t consider cheating NO! Wine has “Anti-oxidants” according to Nikki. Bree’s mad that Nikki cheated at the juice cleanse & thinks Twitter is right by calling Nikki fat!

(RD: “HOLD ON THERE! Neither of The Bellas are fat & for Bree to call her fat is probably one of the most messed up things ever! This is why women have horrible image problems.”)

Nikki thinks Bree was being rude for calling her fat & doesn’t want to be all skeletal like Bree! (RD: “Nikki Bella may be a gold-digging angry bitch but in this instance I actually agree with her.”)

Back in LA at Cameron’s apartment where boyfriend Vincent (RD: “The guy from episode 1 that stupidly wanted to fight Brodus Clay of all people.”) wants to see Cameron in her new implants. Cameron comes out with two different sizes, one B-Cup & one C-Cup, to see which one Vincent likes. Vincent gets to cop a feel & he likes the C-Cups. Cameron does a quick change & comes back sporting F-Cups! (RD: “Okay Cameron sporting those puppies I would love. Hey I’m a big boobed lover all right?”) Vincent is literally sweating & drooling over Cameron’s F-cup monsters, Cameron thinks they are too big & heads back to her bedroom. (RD: “Hey! No boobs are too big. It’s the women having them make them look bad!”)

The Bellas are going off to a “Summerslam” photo shoot. Bree tells Nikki she’s feeling great because of the juice cleanse but Nikki thinks Bree’s supporting a guilt trip on her. Nikki goes on a hell of a rant on Bree thinking what she’s doing is BS & hates it when she gets called fat by the haters but having her own twin sister say that to her is BS & walks off AGAIN!

We’re back as Bree finds Nikki back at the trailer & Nikki is sick of all the “fat” comments & blames Bree for all of her image problems & loves her curves. Bree apologizes because she THOUGHT she was helping Nikki out & mentions her self-image problems as well. Both apologize for the mess that they caused to each other & say they are going out to eat. Bree finally accepts that being identical twins isn’t a selling point to them.

Over to Natalya’s house when Tyson mentions that he has a special surprise for Natalya today. So the couple take a nice car trip where Tyson has a surprise for Natalya & that is…Get married at a court house right now!

(RD: “God you’re an idiot Tyson Kidd!”)

Natalya isn’t too thrilled with Tyson’s surprise. Tyson was thinking he wanted to do something special to THEIR relationship which involves him & Natalya. Natalya is upset about this & wanted to have the family be involved in their marriage. Tyson wants to do it now. Natalya doesn’t want to do this at all & wants to go home. Tyson stops her thinking the courthouse marriage is the right thing to do. Natalya lets Tyson Kidd HAVE IT by going verbal at him calling him an un-romantic poser & she wanted the big marriage because she has NOTHING with him at home & he treats her like one of the guys & hell Tyson pays more attention to their pet cats than her! Natalya calls Tyson “pathetic” & runs away from him. Natalya then calls their marriage off!

We’re back at Natalya tells Tyson the wedding is off. Tyson calls Natalya a “Bridezilla”.


Natalya tells Tyson that he basically thinks 13 years of their relationship is basically crap & their relationship is not meant to be & their wedding was supposed to represent a way to honor their relationship together. Natalya thinks this is Tyson’s way of getting out of their relationship & she wants no part of it!

RAW is setting up & Cameron wants to show off her implants by jumping up & down in front of Damien Sandow.

Damien Sandow: “Only the simplest of minds enjoy the simplest of pleasures.”

Naomi thinks Cameron is completely out-of-control. Cameron shows Seamstress Sandra her implants & she likes them. Cameron wants Sandra to sew the implants into her costume so they won’t fly out of her top; Sandra is okay with that idea. Naomi unfortunately is not because she thinks now The Funkadactyls will be a laughing stock. (RD: “You’re not there yet but you are getting there.”) Naomi gives her opinion on how Cameron is OK the way she is, Sandra says if she’s got the implants why not use the, & especially since Cameron has “mosquito bite” boobs. (RD: “Cameron said that.”) Sandra says she doesn’t want to see flat-chested women on TV because she’s used to seeing that & it’s better to fit women with boobs.

Raw’s about to go live soon & Sandra has sewn the implants into Cameron’s top. The Funkadactyls are getting ready for tonight so Cameron grabs her new enhanced top & shows them off in front of The Bellas. Cameron lets The NXT Divas hold her new top & JoJo is surprised how heavy it is. Nikki’s thinking that Cameron’s trying to steal her spot for being “fan favorite”. (RD: “Nikki’s once again so full of crap. She’s not the fan favorite because it’s AJ Lee since she’s the first ever WWE Diva to get over a million followers on Twitter!”)

RAW’s starting off & during a “Team Hell No”/The Shield Match; Cameron walks in to finish getting ready & she notices that Naomi’s already ready but there’s one problem. Cameron’s missing an implant from her top. Naomi thinks it’s funny, Cameron thinks Naomi stole it, Naomi says she didn’t steal it, Cameron says she can’t go out because she now looks lop-sided, Naomi suggests putting Cameron’s old padding into her top so that’ll work. Bad timing comes up when a producer tells The Funkadactlys they’re next. Cameron’s running around like a chicken with her head chopped off & wants Naomi’s help finding the missing implant but Naomi takes off to the RAW stage because she doesn’t want to get in trouble. Cameron’s about to roll up in the fetal position because she says she going to become the biggest joke in WWE history. (RD: “Joke? She’s already a joke!”)

The “Team Hell No/Shield match is finishing up & Cameron improvises by the old school way of using Kleenex to stuff her top. Cameron runs to the “Gorilla Position” of the stage with The Bellas looking oddly concerned about Cameron, with Natalya soon following her. The Bellas watch from backstage as The Funkadactlys escort “Tons of Funk” (Brodus Clay & Tensai/Sweet T) to the ring as they go up against “3MB” (Heath Slater, Drew McIntyre, & Jinder Mahal). Nikki’s boy friend John Cena shows up near The Bellas & Bree admits that they “Pranked” (RD:”More like sabotaged if you ask me.”) Cameron by stealing the implant. Cena calls out The Bellas for treating Cameron bad & they must do the right thing. (RD: “You certainly don’t want to piss off SuperCena! He’ll punch you into dust!”) The Bellas think it’s was a big joke since they are “family”. (RD: “No it’s called being threatened. Women & the pro wrestling industry pull this type of crap all the time! The Bellas were legitimately afraid that Cameron would be the better Un-Diva. At least Cameron didn’t sleep her way to the top NIKKI!”) After the match The Bellas confront The Funkadactyls saying that Cameron “lost something” & Nikki shows the missing implant. Bree pulls out Cameron’s padding & apologizes saying it was a “joke”. (RD: “Yeah right!”) The Bellas & Cameron have some backstage small talk but Cameron tells us that she looking for revenge on The Bellas! Cameron decides that she won’t get the boob job for now because she wants to be a role model. Bree tries on Cameron’s implants & thinks its looks pretty weird.

Natalya returns home to find out that Tyson does have in fact some romance left in him because he had the home scattered with rose petals, candles, & a bottle of wine. Tyson gives Natalya a bouquet of roses & Natalya is shocked. Tyson apologizes to Natalya for not being romantic & if they had problems she should had said something; Natalya apologizes to Tyson because she felt she was missing something & maybe the wedding could fill that void. Natalya suggests a beach wedding with their pet cat being the ring bearer. We end the show with Natalya & Tyson about to get some sexy time.

End Of Show

WWE Total Divas Recap Episode 3: LOVE STINKS!!!

Before we go on with this torture fest we had some news coming out that E! is going to give "Total Divas" a complete season. Great.

Previously on Total Divas…

Episode 3: “Planet Funk is Funked Up” or “LOVE STINKS!!!”

We’re in San Diego as The Bellas are going out for lunch & Nikki admits to everybody in the world that she is in fact a dumbass! Nikki tries to explain to Bree that “Tree Cutters” doesn’t make sent but “Tree Trimmers” do. (RD: “*sigh* I told you all this would happen. This is the E! Network. They put out crap like this all the time. I feel stupider already by watching it.”) Bree has to prove Nikki wrong by Googling it &…Nikki’s right. (RD: “D’oh!”)

WWE Total Divas entrance. (RD: "Damn It! They made a long entrance now!")

Bree & Daniel Bryan are packing up getting ready to go on to the next stop so they decided to talk to the family bulldog via video chat. Bree & Daniel talked about the moving situation & they are moving to Phoenix so they can spend more time with family & the dog. Daniel brings up if Bree told Nikki about them moving, Bree’ silence tells us that she has not. Daniel tells Bree that she needs to tell Nikki.

Over to Tampa, FL at Naomi’s apartment where Naomi & Jimmy Uso are returning home from some time off the road. Naomi & Jimmy have some fun for a bit but then Naomi realizes that she left her engagement ring in the jewelry clean but Naomi tells us that she never wears the ring for professional reasons for fear of getting stolen or lost. (RD: “Uh…Oh!”) Jimmy’s not happy that Naomi took off her ring; Naomi said she forgot to get it out of the cleaner. So Jimmy put the ring back on Naomi’s hand & tells her please try & not to take the ring off.

Over to the NXT Training area where the NXT Divas are getting wrestling training drills from NXT Head Trainer Bill DeMott. DeMott has Eva Marie & JoJo wrestle for a bit in the ring & Eva Marie admits that JoJo’s ring skills are way better than hers. While doing Body Slam drills DeMott tells Eva Marie that she has to control her landing or else she’s going to get hurt which COINCIDENTALLY enough happens now when JoJo suffers a head injury after a nasty landing from a Body Slam. (RD: “Told you all that the Un-Divas are botchy.”) Looks like JoJo suffered a concussion & she’s benched from drills.

Naomi & Jimmy have dinner at a Mexican Restaurant & Jimmy brings up the issue of why Naomi doesn’t wear her engagement ring at work; Naomi brings up how WWE wants the Divas to look like they are single. (RD: “She is partly right. WWE also wants their wrestlers to look single as well. Still Jimmy has a good point there in the fact that Naomi can show that she’s still engaged & single. Big Show is a great example. That tape he has wrapped around his ring finger? That’s Big Show’s way to show that he’s married.”) Naomi defends her position by saying that when its work time she takes it off but still wears it when she’s off work which is something Jimmy takes offensive to. Naomi says that when they do get married that ring will stay on her finger. Jimmy accepts it for now.

Back to San Diego where The Bellas are in a gym & Bree wants to tell Nikki about moving to Phoenix. Nikki “Humble brags” yet again that she nailed John Cena last night & she has to look good to motivate herself while Bree looks like a mess. (RD: “No comment.”) Bree slowly tries to tell Nikki that she’s moving to Phoenix; Nikki doesn’t like it at all & blames Daniel for this. Bree defends Daniel saying that it’s not his idea but hers, Nikki gets offended thinking that Bree will drop everything they have in San Diego, Bree says that’s not going to happen, Nikki walks off pissed.

We’re back & Nikki’s going into a restaurant where Nikki says that she & Bree will meet a movie producer because they are going to star in their first movie. (RD: “The Bellas are going to be in a movie?!?!? Acting??!? If their acting is like their wrestling then…DEAR GOD ALMIGHTY NO!!!”) Nikki is the first to arrive & nobody’s there; Nikki calls Bree to see where she is & Bree completely spaced out on the meeting for today. Nikki is pissed that Bree is caring about family more than career. (RD: “Now Nikki not everybody can be a giant gold-digging whore.”) The Bellas’ manager & the movie producer arrived & Nikki blames Daniel for everything so far. Nikki tries to lie to cover for Bree but they aren’t buying it. While the producer is talking about doing stunts, Bree finally arrives just in time for Nikki to snark at her.

Back to Tampa & JoJo gets a visit from her boyfriend Sebastian because he’s worried about JoJo’s concussion. JoJo introduces Sebastian to Eva Marie & they take off to the beach.

Back to San Diego where The Bellas go to their personal trainer to work out some more. Bree tries to bring up the whole Phoenix moving thing but Nikki’s ignoring her. Bree tries to get Nikki involved with the move but Nikki’s doesn’t care.

Back to Tampa with the lovebirds of JoJo & Sebastian; JoJo tells Sebastian that she has to go to NXT practice today, Sebastian wants to spend more time with her. JoJo is stressed because she likes Sebastian but doesn’t want to choose between him & WWE. Sebastian basically says that he’s tired of waiting for her & decides to break up with JoJo. JoJo is crying that the break-up is happening as she sees Sebastian walk out of her life.

Back at Tampa in the NXT Training area as Naomi & Jimmy practice. Naomi says that Jimmy is a great person to train with. Naomi wants to add a Jumping Over-The-Top Leg Drop to her arsenal but she’s scared of doing it because she doesn’t want to hurt the Divas or in this instance Jimmy. DeMott gives her a little push so Naomi does the move after having some doubts. DeMott asks Naomi when did she get indecisive & needs some sense knocked into her. Jimmy tells DeMott that they are having problems with their engagement; Naomi is not happy bringing up private issues at work. Jimmy talks to Naomi about her indecisiveness on the engagement will affect her work & he needs to know now if they are going to get married. Naomi can’t come up with an answer because all she thinks about is work. Jimmy wants an answer, Naomi wants everything to work out, Jimmy’s not happy with what he hears.

MEANWHILE Eva Marie wants JoJo to talk about the break-up & JoJo sounds like she might quit WWE. Eva Marie doesn’t seem to understand what’s going on right now with JoJo. Eva Marie tries to be sympathetic with JoJo but JoJo admits that she doesn’t know when she’ll ever go home. Eva Marie thinks JoJo is acting a WEE bit selfish here.

Back to San Diego where Bree & Daniel are packing when Nikki decides to come over to actually help with the move & Daniel’s packing for RAW. Bree’s thinking of bringing one of the costumes for an upcoming PPV, Nikki doesn’t like Bree’s idea of an outfit because it give Nikki “Cameltoe” thanks to her new fake knockers & she says crotch a lot which makes Daniel REALLY uncomfortable. (RD: “I know what Daniel would say to end this conversation. He would say…)

Daniel & Bree continue to pack while Nikki just sits there & does nothing. While Daniel searches for some more stuff to pack; Nikki starts to complain over the whole move AGAIN! Bree calls out Nikki for being a bitch (RD: “Again!”) & being rude to show up & not work. Nikki responds saying that Bree was rude for being late for their meeting with the producer, Bree said that she did apologize & she’s not taking Nikki’s crap so if she’s not going to help then she needs to leave! The Bellas have a gigantic fight over the whole move with Nikki thinking it’s stupid to move for a dog while Bree thinks Nikki’s acting childish. Nikki calls them ungrateful & takes off. (RD: “Ungrateful?!? Coming from the next Michelle McCool who’s sleeping her way to the top?!? You have got to be kidding me here! Ungrateful! Sheesh!”)

We’re back in Tampa & at the NXT Training area where DeMott has Eva Marie & a few Un-Divas running drills. JoJo arrives but she has to sit in the audience area due to her recovering from a concussion. Natalya soon arrives (RD: “Natalya debuts at the halfway mark? Really?”) to give the Un-Divas pointers. Natalya soon notices JoJo just sitting there & doing nothing so she pulls JoJo aside for a little girl talk. JoJo brings up her boy problems as of late, Natalya explains that Sebastian must make some compromise for JoJo since she’s only going to get one shot in WWE & that she’s might not be able to make it with Sebastian & the WWE together & Natalya thinks Sebastian can’t take JoJo’s desire to be a WWE Diva. JoJo can’t take what Natalya just said so she storms out of the NXT Training area; Natalya follows her & tells her that she’s trying to be honest with JoJo. JoJo says that right now she’s literally torn between two loves.

Back in San Diego as we catch Nikki & John Cena are driving. Cena notices Nikki spotting a blemish on her face. The both of them joke about it. Nikki tells Cena how she had a fight with Bree & Daniel, Cena sounds like he’s supporting Daniel & Bree on this one.

Nikki says that Daniel is taking Bree away from her; Cena calls Nikki selfish (RD: ”On a personality gold digger like Nikki the word ‘selfish’ does fit here.”) & defends Daniel & says that Nikki was just lashing out in anger & fear of losing Bree. Nikki realized what she did was wrong & both of them go lovey-dovey for one another.

Back to Tampa at Naomi’s apartment where Naomi decided that she wants to crash on the sofa to watch some TV. Jimmy wants to talk to Naomi about their engagement, Naomi wants to dodge the whole subject, Jimmy wants Naomi to talk about because right now he’s not sure that Naomi wants to get married. Naomi freaks out saying that she’s willing to give everything to Jimmy but she wants her career first. Both of them fight for a bit but Jimmy wants Naomi to do at least one thing to show that she’s willing to get married. Naomi doesn’t want to deal with the issue at all. Jimmy is PISSED! Jimmy packs up all of his clothes & yells at Naomi saying that he’s willing to be there for Naomi for the rest of her life but her job at WWE will not be; then Jimmy throws a glass at a wall & storms out of the place.

Back in San Diego & its moving day for Bree. Nikki shows up to say she’s sorry for picking a fight with her, Bree accept the apology & says that Daniel made her realize that Nikki was right as well. The Bellas hug it out.

We’re heading to RAW’s next stop in Kansas City as our cast come together. Naomi tells everybody about how she & Jimmy got into a fight about their engagement, Bree understands that Naomi & Jimmy needed this fight to see where they are, Naomi says she doesn’t mind the commitment. Cameron walks in now & she’s been SICK! Tonsillitis & Cameron mentions that she also has a yeast infection as well. (RD:”Okay we didn’t need to know that.”) Our cast is telling Cameron she should be in bed but unfortunately for Cameron the WWE Talent Relations guru Jane (Geddes) ordered her to come to work because The Funkadactyls have a match tonight. Naomi’s happy that she has a match just so she can release some stress. One of the Talent Relations slave monkeys tells them that The Funkadactyls match will be an 8-person Mixed Tag Team Match & The Funkadactyls will be going against none other than…The Usos!

Back from the break & The Funkadactlys try to get themselves out of this match with Naomi’s personal issues & Cameron saying she’s sick. The Talent Relation slave monkey says business is business. Naomi is freaking out because she never wrestled Jimmy in the ring while Cameron’s worried because she’s ill.

WWE Superstars IS ON right now with The NXT Divas watching the 8-person Mixed Tag Team Match with Tons of Funk (Brodus Clay & Tensai) & The Funkadactlys vs. The Bellas & The Usos. Tons of Funk & The Funkadactyls makes their entrance no problem BUT when The Usos do their Samoan War Ritual Dance, Naomi is not too thrilled to be in a ring right now. The Bellas make their entrance & they try to get all flirty with The Usos which once again Naomi isn’t too thrilled about to see. Nikki gets really flirty with Jimmy & now Naomi is PISSED! Naomi is literally shooting on Nikki but things get REALLY awkward when Nikki TAGS IN JIMMY! WWE Mixed Tag Team Rules states that Naomi must tag in either Brodus Clay or Tensai but she stares down Jimmy then…Naomi GOES FOR THE HEAD SCISSORS ON JIMMY! Jimmy is in shock over what just happened; Naomi says that “maybe you’ll talk to me now!” Tensai gets in the ring & he has the “Uh…I shouldn’t be here” look all over his face. The match continues with The Funkadactyls & Tons of Fun getting the win. The Funkadactlys try to do their post-match routine but Naomi is so out-of-character right now & she feels really uncomfortable. After the match The NXT Divas head backstage to hug Naomi & with Natalya there JoJo realizes that she wants to be a WWE Diva so goodbye Sebastian. Natalya understands the whole situation & is happy that JoJo is sticking around.

Cameron tries to catch up with Naomi backstage but Naomi is so stressed out about it. They find a place to talk at the RAW Interview stage where Naomi tells Cameron everything, Cameron asks the same questions that Jimmy did, and Naomi admits that she’s afraid of failing the relationship in addition to scars from her relationship past. Cameron gets through to Naomi saying she’s scared & she has to take that chance, Naomi realizes that it’s her so she wants to find Jimmy to talk about it.

At the end of the day Naomi finds Jimmy & wants to talk but Jimmy doesn’t want to talk to her, Naomi apologizes to Jimmy for everything that has happened recently. Jimmy suggests that maybe they need to break up, Naomi comes out with the truth about not wanting this relationship to fail & how she was cheated on; Jimmy accepts the apology & everything is right again.

End Of Show