Showing posts with label Wrestlecrap_Radio_S04. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wrestlecrap_Radio_S04. Show all posts

The WrestleCrap Radio Shoot Interview: December 1, 2008

[Here's something that's been in my bucket (list) for a while.

Back when he was still burning DVDs and before he put them all and his archives online, RD Reynolds (old buddy and pal) thought it was a good idea to record...something, with a perpetual drunk Blade Braxton and his own old buddy and pal Trash Losagain. Thus this...thing, or whatever it is. I remember summarizing this too, on old fashioned itinerary paper, waiting for the time I could publicize it. Well that time is now, just because. (Well, somewhat due to the site's 20th anniversary and earlier experience with similar Patreon/supporter exclusives.) Pretend it was written when it was supposed to be written thanks to time travel shenanigans or something.

Should you still want to see this nonsense for some reason among other videos, old inductions, and most importantly, older episodes of the radio progrem, you can purchase access through the usual Patreon support and/or a single donation of $15 US. But don't say I didn't warn you.

Also my gratitude yet again to RD himself for his GIF creations. Hopefully they don't slow this down too much. The video is long enough as it is!

- PB, April 1, 2020]

103 minutes
((( recorded in DV format fidelity )))

RD is at home with Blade and Trash Losagain, all wearing headgear indoors. Blade is pretending to drink and be "not sober" from a stereotypical brown paper bag. RD has to show people he actually has a WWE Niagara Falls cup to loudly sip from. (Trash has a plastic water bottle, how boring.)

Trash has come prepared with papers. Firstly, he asks them how they initially got into the wrestling business. For RD it's simple: homophobia. (But of course.) (:02)

RD: "[Leilani Kai] had quite the pallor."
Blade: "She had the powder?"
RD: "She may have done that too."
Blade: "What made [RD] pop is having sex with his wife."

Actually for RD he was drawn in by Bobby Heenan. For Blade it was Adrian Adonis and his leather jacket with Dick Murdock. He says this while holding his bottle in a strategic manner on his body. (RD has his poodles Raleigh and Piper on his lap.)

Trash asks what their first actual step in the business was. Blade did some show in order to eat stale nachos. RD's phone rings; he takes an imaginary phone call with a loud tone of voice. (:05)

Blade: "I feel sorry for the people who purchased this."

Trash asks RD "to get his dick in the door". Blade hopes it's not a wooden door to avoid splinters. RD: "Does it say 'penis proof'?"

Trash asks about kayfabe while RD is momentarily distracted. He and Trash first worked for Jeff Cohen in PWI, making stuff up to annoy Mike Samples, the world's most popular wrestler. (:07) Strangely, the then mayor of Indianapolis had written their company a letter welcoming their trade, so they abused his patronage for two weeks for bloody matches.

WrestleCrap began when RD had to justify purchasing a new computer and to stand out from the other wrestling places around to ensure he was not Al Isaacs or Bryan Alvarez. It was Merle Vincent who persuaded him to go down the path he did.

Blade: "How did you find out [Bryan] was eight inches shorter?"

Blade found the site "by doing my weekly Google search of the Black Scorpion". He's definitely not telling the truth; he used Yahoo those days. (:11)

On time spent on the site and money made, Blade likes RD's turquoise wall.

RD: "I hope no one expects too many answers."

They extol the virtues of the 'legitimate' Trolla Corporation, started by Joseph and Bob Trolla, their banner hanging on the turquoise wall. (Nasdeq code TRO/LLA/ROL/OLL/ATM). Blade's phone rings; he takes an imaginary phone call with a loud tone of voice. (:14)

Trash can't contain his laughter hearing Trolla's motto of "Yesterday's technology at today's prices". "Have you seen a Trolla double headed dong?" he has to ask. RD has to disclaim they don't make sex toys or snuff films. He admits he needs Blade so that their shows don't go 45 minutes long on random stuff (like they already do anyway).

Trash has a list of names of their "slave labor". (:18) Is Johnny Six actually Dan Severn? RD: "Johnny Six sounds much more masculine." Blade thought he had facial hair. RD wants to make Trash dance by pointing at his body parts.
Separated at birth?

Stubby is "100% real" as Blade brings him out of a trash bag. In response to his resurrection the WrestleCrap banner on the turquoise wall falls off. (:21) Quick! Cut to commercial!

Banner restored, Trash is free to ask Stubby questions after RD gives him a sip (from his cup).  (:21) Then he lets one rip. Blade, not Stubby. Then he asks Trash for crugs. Stubby, not Blade.

Trash asks him about KISS since he's wearing a shirt. "I used to have a man crush on Paul Stanley," he 'says'. Blade would go with Peter Criss since he has yet to wake up with a star on his crotch. Then he farts again. Blade gives Stubby some of his bag bottle as RD has his turn laughing hysterically. "Keep it in there buddy!" he manages to get out.

Before Trash can ask more questions his phone rings; he takes an imaginary phone call with a loud tone of voice in Spanish. (:25) RD is exasperated, not realizing that a precaution to this would be as complex as...turning the phones off and/or placing them elsewhere. Not in Blade's trashbag though. Who knows what surprises he may have in there.

That out of the way, Trash asks about Peter Gazer who may or may not be related to "Mike Hunt". I think his supposed orientation would make such a thing an impossibility.

RD: "He was a homosexual. ... I know that's shocking."
Stubby: "You know, I've sucked dick too. I don't brag about it."

RD compliments Stubby's ability to make Blade's lips move rather than the other way round. (:27)

Trash tries to get "serious" to ask about Nathaniel. According to RD people complain they're not getting enough wrestling news, which they're expecting from him and Blade for some reason. RD does his Nathaniel impression.

Speaking of being serious, what do the two say to those that think their Trips to the Grocery and cereal eating are fake? They have to eat; RD doesn't grow crops out back and Blade is not a (non-wrestling) plant. RD has Trash walk up to the camera with a box of Cadbury's Fingers as proof. He has another box of Dark Fingers for all of Blade's sodomy needs.
I didn't even know her!

Stubby goes for trying the the regular Fingers to appease his PTSD. RD opens the box while asserting that his Black Friday encounters with madness are also real. He promises more adventures on the day which is Mrs. Deal's favorite. "You're making me jones for crack just talking about this!" Stubby randomly says through Blade before he gets the "shakes". Blade puts him down (on the floor), then smells his fingers. RD: "Did you get fingered dark?"

Stubby Shakes (Suddenly)

Having missed seeing that, (and with none of them giving their verdict on the food, as expected), Trash asks about the Haku Haiku. (:34) Blade started it because he had had some Crown (as illustrated) because he thought it appropriate for their show. RD finds it more concise and accurate than just going around wrestling sites (or buying a Trolla product). Trash asks Blade to improvise one (using his fingers) but before he can do so RD's phone rings (again); he takes an imaginary phone call with a loud tone of voice, to no answer:

RD on the phone.
Annoying as fuck for you and for
everyone watching.

Not bad. Only 19 syllables. Good finger counting indeed.

Trash: "I'd like to focus on some of the segments that failed and -"
RD:  "WHOA WHOA WHOA! Segments failing???" (:37)

The (expected) example brought up: Fantasy Booking Island. Blade has no idea why an extended joke attempt based on an old show would fly over the heads of younger folk. RD wants reruns back on ABC. Blade confuses it with The Love Boat. RD does his Nate impression again: four stars for that episode featuring Bill Goldberg and Kevin Nash without a cattle-prod involved. [Or featuring Scott Hall with said cattle-prod.]

From that non-answer Trash segues to Someone Bought This Exclamation Point. To keep things WCR related, RD has him hold up The Dusty Rhodes Book to show that it does in fact still exist in his house (including showing it to the second camera off camera for some reason). Blade finds himself looking through it. He reads one (1) line. RD points out that thanks to people not wanting it, the books' publisher Sports Publishing is out of business. [It's not as if the old site is still up, or that they're still imprint publishing under a new brand or anything these days. Nope, they're completely gone.] RD remembers to edit in Krankor laughing at the required moment. [Not at my finding, I'll have you know.]

(Re)Throwing the Book

Speaking of questionable items: the Katie Vick outfit. (:41) They paid $2000 for it since they didn't realize they were the only ones bidding on it. Blade last used it to have sex in (worn by the woman, not by himself), something Trash should already know about since he was an ear-witness to this revelation. RD asks him if he did it while holding some spaghetti in his hand. He did not.

RD: "Has it been dry cleaned?"
Blade: "I...I'm a master of aiming. I missed the outfit."
RD: "Words to live by, kids."

RD's turn has him with a potty time training bear which Blade had sent him last Christmas.

RD Spotted With Bear

He then takes a close up sip of his cup.

Trash has one last question of his own for Blade: What is his Big Announcement? (:45) Blade again defers. Trash has been reading people's guesses on the forums about what it might be. Could it be Blade has a third nipple? A ponytail? An appearance in a Lost Boys sequel? (Or even its XXX parody Found Boys?) RD gives a "wow" as Blade is wanting to time it right, or so he says. Trash hopes there are no bootlegs of this recording. [I don't think Coliseum Video will be releasing this any time soon.]

Trash finally gets into Questions that are not of the Week or potentially award or prize winning, but he's printed on his papers. (:48)

Trash (to RD): "Is your son upstairs?"
Blade (laughing): "He's got candy!"

That wasn't a Question if you were wondering.

  • A Question on prep time: RD refutes the notion that their progrem is " we write out jokes...before the show". Blade shows from his trashbag a paper plate with his handwriting on the back that he eat eaten nachos off of and left on the floor the day before. (:50) The words reference his haiku (written twice), Brother Midnight, Val Venis' dog, Bettlejuice, and DX. RD: "Could you even FATHOM somebody saying something like that?" He then accuses Brian Gerwitz of stealing of them. Blade thinks he said Bryan Alvarez, but of course. "I've been drinking!" he lies.
  • Another wonders if Don Mason actually exists. Blade maintains he does despite being an Uncharismatic Enigma. He laments not bringing him with him or fake calling him. He will save the time when he hit him with his own car in the "sequel". [I believe he is referring to those days when he and Don were younger and tried to record their own horror movies. Some of that commentated on by the duo, is also available in the video archives as his "home movies". That particular incident is the last portion from the 9:30 mark onward, and features his angry mother shouting at him while RD giggles.]
  • Another wonders if RD is in fact related to Burt Reynolds and Blade to Toni Braxton. RD thinks he was the result of when Burt and Toni hooked up, assuming she was a time traveler. Blade: "I've came from a lot of Toni Braxton's stuff." RD: "And her loins I bet. From your loins." 
  • Trash tries asking again. Blade wonders how he and his thin facial hair looks like Burt Reynolds. RD finds no physical similarity with him and Toni Braxton despite offering just a minute ago that she might have been his time traveling mother.
  • RD's full name is Real Deal Real Deal Reynolds. (:54) Blade: "About as absurd as me being called Blade Blade Braxton." RD: "Gay Blade Braxton?" 
  • RD remembers to edit in crickets.
  • Who have they met in the business? Blade's favorite in the industry is in fact RD, and the prospect of sitting five inches away from his penis excites him. Coincidentally RD's favorite in the industry is in fact Blade and his totally legitimate Front Yard Boxing Association heavyweight championship belt which he keeps in delicate condition in his trashbag.
Blade's extremely high quality, heavy, and expensive belt up close.
  • A Non-Listener who thinks they talk a lot about wrestling wonders if they will also look at MMA. (:58) RD dismisses it as too much work for them.
  • From an actual Listener: When are the Crappies, the WrestleCrap Carnival, the Nicole Bass match, and their birthdays? [I think they may be too late with Nicole Bass now. Also, January 12th for RD and February 8th for Blade. You're welcome.] RD barely has time to say "they're coming" before Trash's phone rings (again); he takes an imaginary phone call with a loud tone of voice in non-Spanish English.
  • Another Listener: "The Cheatum interview was a work?" The two make fun of people thinking it was easy to find him in the Yellow Pages. Blade spent five hours trying to find him but stumbling onto watching elderly bestiality. RD remembers to edit in Krankor laughing if he was in fact sick.
  • Blade still has not fully paid John Thomas yet. He hope he doesn't have to give up his belt with stapled on rivets.
  • Someone had foolishly asked on the Co-Hosss Contest and if it will make a return. Blade invokes the memory of "John F.K." when RD first told him about his idea of having a Gong Show while he was passing a tollbooth. RD thought it was a good idea at the time including when somebody farted. Blade threatens to quit if there is another Contest.
  • Trash has a self-explanatory question on them wearing costumes. Blade is apparently with his "belt". RD doesn't want to edit in wearing his coat and tie to scare any younglings.
  • RD accuses Blade of not finishing his pretend bag bottle. Blade says it is his second (a Forty). He threatens to dirty the floor with it.
  • Somebody wonders where their old references come from. RD takes offense that they would plan such beforehand on their itineraries. But he needs to "write some more jokes" anyway.

  • For RD: highs and lows of the website. (:68) He considers closing the site weekly every time he needs to have something up.
  • What was said during the first Zombie interview that was not posted due to low sound quality? Blade reveals he was on his mobile phone backstage at a show in Puerto Rico, and the undead man told him not to repeat the story about people throwing urine at him. So of course he didn't. RD: "YOU DON'T TALK ABOUT THE URINE!!!"
[*Play for full effect*]

  • Trash wants the two in a "dream scenario" (without the music?) to ask them if they would want to work in WWE. RD refuses outright. Blade would fail the Wellness Policy. Blade's phone receives an imaginary text message; he takes a quick look at it regardless. RD finds it curious that gerbils and Jergens sound so similar.
  • Speaking of dirty stories to cut out, RD does want it known that he finds it curious that gerbils and Jergens sound so similar. (:71) Blade remembers (for once) when they had to cut out something about April Hunter's breasts the week before interviewing Vince Russo. Neither can Blade talk about the time he had fun with a minor at a Misfits concert.
  • A "neat" question for RD: did he ever go too far with Blade and make him cry? There are "countless" times where he does just that, even including show delays and postponements. One time they argued with each other too much. Then the two randomly sing.
  • RD: "Remember when they used to have the Heathcliff and Marmaduke Show?" (I do.)

  • Do they have celebrity interactions? RD can't reveal due to discretion involved. This includes Trolla perhaps filing litigation against Santino Mirella and his Honk-A-Meter.
  • Favorite episode/moment? (:79) RD always enjoys whenever "Jim Ross" calls in through his restaurant for therapy due to always being upset. Blade does his JR impression. The two think they could appear in video form, but Blade notes that he has to wear a mask when he does so (as John Reece).
  • Trash: "RD, I've been on the local independent wrestling scene -" RD: "Sorry buddy." Blade does his Johnny Cash impression.
  • Anyway, the original question was about someone asking about an old story of RD when he was a younger manager and gave a ride to someone for out of town. Blade burps. "Don't tell mom and dad." He has to insure those he picks up can curl and/or hurl for him. (That explains why he's still single.) [That also explains why the Midnight Rose is still single.]
  • Blade also misses the Rosati sisters who never had any plastic figures of their own due to the size needed for them. Or the Rosetta sisters, as he characteristically misremembers them.
  • Further with RD's past not involving women, he would gladly run another independent wrestling promotion into the ground if given the opportunity. (:86)
  • This causes Trash to randomly dance around. (Make your own dancing white man joke here.)

  • After sitting back down he has his last question (not sung by Celine Dion):

What is with that random blue box used to prop it up? (:88)

Blade: "You know, a lot of wrestling fans come to WrestleCrap Radio - "
RD: "Hope they're wearing a jimmy."
RD: "'What did you do last night?' (falsetto) 'Oh, I listened to WrestleCrap Radio and I fingered myself. It was quite good!'"

Breakfast cereal is what they eat, with more oats on a regular week than Hall & Oates.

RD mocks the naysayers who say such...women friendly products don't actually exist. Although with the way the two cover models are smiling as if hit by the Smile-X, I may have inclination to believe them. How else can you explain the quote on the back: "I will savor my broccoli."

RD: "I will make someone's vertical smile smile."

Blade holds up a generic piece like a sex toy before he eats it.

And now something for Blade and his fellows who enjoy "corn from a man's ass." RD guesses correctly that he's speaking from experience. (:92)

The trio's laughter is not helped by the odd visual of a crazy old man and his (animal) (equine) ass on the front.

Blade: "You ever ate a lot of cereal and then got busy and decided not to go to the bathroom?"
RD: "I don't know what world you live in, but I'm really glad I'm not a resident. Of Planet Braxton."

There is a mess of a prairie dog's intestines on the back leading to a spread eagle eagle. Worse, RD calls it a gerbil despite it clearly being labeled otherwise.

Finally, some proper food. Even if it has a clown. (:95) Blade could only get it "imported" from Mexico. RD wonders if it is called El Kablammo south of the border.

Blade likes its genericness. RD moves on, not wanting to hear what other random thing he will say next.

Blade not liking Rice Krispies because of their mascots makes RD laugh hysterically again. (:96) This one is more acceptable since it features an alligator instead (not to be confused with RD's Crocs that he's wearing). The back again confuses with its public service badges. Blade almost hits his Co-Host in confused anger.

RD does not know the difference between Coco and Cocoa, even when comparing the two. (:98) Blade thinks it depends which one Koko B. Ware prefers. RD says its the former since there is a bird (Frankie?) hiding in the back picture. Blade thinks the latter from Walmart is not actually from Walmart since "that's no moon."

RD is offended by the bad pun. [He has his own to make in the future, he doesn't want any infringing competition!] (:79) Blade thinks Chester is a Good Friend of the cereal, if you follow. RD is offended that it is a rip-off of:

RD: "WHAT IS THAT?!?!?!"

Before Blade can ramble on about their #1 nemesis cereal, Trash makes a run-in: it's his favorite cereal! This is too much even for RD to handle, so he stops editing.

You can't spell 'defend' without 'def' and 'end'.

153 WrestleClip Radio: August 14, 2009

(144 minutes !!!)

Previously, on WrestleCrap Radio...

"We've covered dog semen and shitting in trashbags. That's a start, that's a start to a good day."

- Blade Braxton

Blade is to RD as the Ed McMahon to his Johnny Carson. The show has been running so long that Blade's 'students' from four years ago are now graduating high school, one of them doing a "Speaking Of" in his Valedictorian speech. Iggy and I are the 'finest of the youngest of the eggs' with Ultimate Kennedy. Thus to celebrate this 4th anniversary occasion (and them both being lazy after whatever they did) they decide to relax with a first for the show - a clip show. It worked for Star Trek after all (except when it didn't).

We must first mention our sponsor, (:05) RD thinks Greg dresses as Gilbert Lowell from Revenge of the Nerds. Our second sponsor is (:07) as RD does their ad copy in his Jeff Foxworthy impression. Blade reminds us of his wrestling appearance at August 15 in Granite, Illinois, close to St. Louis. Next stop, Smackdown!

As we take a TRIP to the Grocery (:12) RD remembers all his non-Grocery TRIPS, including...

(:13) Black Friday, where he met Calculator Man and Bedding Man (:15) Blade would come, but he is scared of Cornholes. SPEAKING OF Cornholes... (:21)

As we're still celebrating we play the MIDI Dr. Feelgood for RD to sing to. Here's some more 'great' singing...

(:24) RD and Blade sing off to each other on Halloween.
(:28) RD beats Triple Kelly at his game of singing Cher.
(:35) Blade sings a song about Ashley Massaro.

RD goes through all his sound clips: Krankor, RJ Fletcher, Al, Mama, Crickets, Huey. Blade has one clip to symbolize the show, his favorite in fact. the infamous Beating Meat clip. (:40) Some more favorites of the two:

(:49) Sir Alec's debut, with his first great debut story
(:53) RD loses it.
(:59) Frank from LA tries the Captain Crunch Milkshake
(:68) Alien Ham
(:72) Trashbagging
(:75) Blade meets Superstar Billy Graham and the Rods in his dream.
(:79) Gorgeous George stripping for Blade
(:81) Don...Don Mason finding a guy fucking a horse.

RD was scared that Blade would tell Vince Russo Don Mason stories. (:83) Thankfully he didn't and so we hear about Vince signing copies of the Death of WCW. We also hear how the dearly missed John Tenta first heard of WrestleCrap (:84) and of Lance Storm dancing. (:86)

Remember the Co-Host Contest? RD and Blade sure do, particularly the sound of one contestant farting. (:89)

If you think THAT'S rude, you don't want to hear Jim Ross' frequent calls on the show to rant for no reason. Including:
(:92) Jim Ross being angry on being featured on site inductions.
(:96) Jim Ross beating his meat with Dr. Death Steve Williams.
(:104) Jim Ross as a TNA Correspondent? No chance!

SPEAKING OF TNA Correspondents...
(:109) Johnny 6 likes skank hos.
(:113) Stubby is as lewd as ever.
(:118) David Lee Roth does not want to cover TNA news.
(:120) Mike Check makes himself at home on the Whacker, WWCR.
Blade's favorite TNA guy was Stubby, of course. RD could never see his lips move.

(:128) We hear the Coliseum Video music for Current Wrestling News, still as great to hear as ever. RD remembers Blade's quest to milk Linda Hogan. (:129)

With the appearance of the WrestleCrap Quartet (:132) we go back to the first great Haiku all those years before, which went something like this...

First Ever WrestleCrap Haiku:
Shawn Michaels, Hulkster,
SummerSlam's big main event.
Will Hulk's Depends leak?

(:138) RD and Blade sing to cover up the past four years. Sing along, won't you?

Didn't Know He Was Sick

12 Listeners, fine young egg, Glen "Campbell" Kane
Hit the bottle, BM Punk, Rebecca DiPietro
Mickie James: Centaurlicious, Brother Midnight: No-pants business
Tee Hee Tickle Party, The (Ashley)'s a ho

Nicole Bass, Hobo, "Rockin' Chair," Bistro
Tajiri's wife can't drive, Precious Paul's frozen eye
Lions-Colts, "You're hurtin' me, Randy," Crochet Queen
Prostitute roommate is lactating for money

Didn't know he was sick
Knotts is not alive
We killed another guy
Didn't know he was sick
No, we're not delighted
That he had to bite it

JT Titty, "Tarzan Boy," Mountain Dew Doritos
Johnny Six, Randy West, JR hates Gorbachev
Boo Berry, Good Friends, Ricky needs help again
"ZZTopwinsTerrisHouse, I bet that's not taken"

Ric Flair with a bear, Kelly Kelly somersaults
John Thomas selling Grit, Greg at Global Internet
Bill Cosby, Joyce DeWitt, bring back WSX
Blade as the Penguin, Demento is a douchebag

Didn't know he was sick
McMahon is not alive
We killed another guy
Didn't know he was sick
No, we're not delighted
That he had to bite it

Loverboy, He-Man's log, Unibomber-style shack
Corn oil, Miller Lite, Big Nippled Vampire
Midnight Rose, Sir Alec, Ghetto Skeletor
Lift the tail, Triple Kell, watch out for the Clumsy Girl

Lord Littlebrook's legs don't work, Jack and the Curly Q's
Granny panties, Strongbow, Gorgeous George nude show
Gazer, Stubby, Chili Twistaroni
Bridget Midget, Scaleface, no sex on Mimi's first date

Didn't know he was sick
Cronkite is not alive
We killed another guy
Didn't know he was sick
No, we're not delighted
That he had to bite it

Lena Yoda, Gay Popeye, That Trolla Tattoo Guy
Betsy Russell, Nipsy Russell, Verne Gagne masturbating
Great Khali's giant tooth, Val Venis sold his pooch
Roddy Piper's neighborhood, Deever's curly hair is good

Vince has a turkey neck, who killed Mike Check
Jillian's mole, Michelle McCool likes to roll

Didn't know he was sick
Harvey is not alive
We killed another guy
Didn't know he was sick
No, we're not delighted
That he had to bite it

White Castle, Trash Losagain, Trish's meat curtain
Dunk tank, Virgil's cock, Dusty's book, funk sock
Candice glow stick, banging Katie Vick from behind
RD scrammed, Alien Ham, Mama - "Damn, damn, damn"

Star-O-Saurus made kids cry, Anonymous Brooke's backside
Jazz Blade, cheap headset, RD loves Kurt's moveset
Lita wants Blade's bone, met at a car show
"Please and thank ya," "Mrs.Deal, get Dave Meltzer on the phone"

Didn't know he was sick
Carson is not alive
We lost another guy
Didn't know he was sick
Johnny's gone and on and on and on...

152 Seguepalooza: July 31, 2009

81 minutes

10% of all proceeds
go to Lucasfilm.
We continue the mockery of ZZ Top at RAW last week. RD wants Vince to sign the Crickets to his shows. He also wants to resurrect old segments. Sadly Fantasy Booking Island is not one of them.

Blade hints at a new segment with the help of The Twilight Zone. (:05) There is no show next week, as RD will be at lovely Phoenix, Arizona. Blade mentions a Loverboy song that RD doesn't know about. Time to hit YouTube for that. See Mike Reno and Beth Phoenix star in Donkey Kong: The Movie! (:06) The video prematurely ejaculates, and so does Blade in response. RD reads new Angry Marks' ad copy, "now 125% more angry".

RD finally has a Celebrity to go with him to the Grocery (:16) This week it's WCR friend Jonny Fairplay. He goes to Trader Joe's, where his cereal of choice is Cookie Crisp. He was at some cantaloupe festival recently, but didn't get along with John Cena oddly. Some discussion about Cena ensues. Mr. Fairplay can be found here.
For some reason we wonder about any potential Referees' TRIP to the Grocery (:32) of which we have some random tales of referees.

:36 Obscure News. Could Robert Englund be a potential RAW Guest Host? RD is surprised that Freddy Krueger will be played by Rorschach in the upcoming movie. Gymini doll sales figures - 4 sets left from three weeks ago. Another long Blade Braxton segue.

Eric Bischoff attempts to help the economy by suggesting taxing fat people. No, I have no idea why no one is taking him seriously. (:44) IS taken. Blade did his own taxing in his earlier days in yet another long segue.

There's a new Shockmaster action figure, and it comes with Stormtrooper helmet as illustrated. (:48) Blade does his Nathaniel impression. Blade takes note of the Mr Fuji figure with running number. The BabyTrolla cries, (:55) Francine gives birth. (Congratulations to her.)

List of TNA correspondents
PB's List (Exclamation Point) of favorite TNA "correspondents"
:57 The Question of the Week comes from Frank in Cleveland, asking about TNA Correspondents. The Co-Fruitcakes take a look over the list on our site, going over their people for a bit. Blade has a Big Announcement: (:60) He's found a new TNA Correspondent and he promises to have him on next time. Oh, and Tracy Brooks poses for Playboy. (:62)

John Thomas calls in (:63) He is now looking for a Mike Chalk, of Chalk Outline.

:68 Current Wrestling News now has the Coliseum Video music. THE Brian Kendrick has been released. The new induction this week is of Gooker Nominee Braden Walker. A final settlement has been reached on the messy Hogan divorce, leaving Linda free for Blade. He reminds us how his hooker roommate used to lactate for money. He also tries comparing the Big Show's penis size to Shaq's on RAW and discusses Vince trying to anally rape Triple H on his birthday.

Seventeen Syllables:
Hunter is fourty.
Eat some cake and play pin the
Tail on the dead dog.

RD: "I have no earthly idea what you're talking about."

151 Total Non-Stop Awfulness: July 24, 2009

82 minutes

Sad News - the passing of Walter Cronkite, killed by RD and Blade. RD still thinks he'll be met by Mike Check in heaven, if he is actually dead of course. (Again.)

Blade wants an archive of every person mentioned on the show, preferably by a cripple. (He does mention us though as non-cripples.) Like myself he's unable to sleep well, being at a Poison/Def Leppard concert the other night where he was fistbumping people in a "Fat Section". They talk a bit about the bands. They shouldn't talk too loudly, do they want to curse them too? Blade thinks Global Internet's Greg is randy for RD. (:10) RD wants to make amends with for forgetting them last week since they didn't call in. He reads their ad copy as Redd Foxx.

Blade had to find someone for the Celebrity TRIP (:14) but couldn't for this week. RD wants Missy Hyatt on to debate the earlier Zombie. So no Trip this week. The Midnight Rose is returning to WWE TV ... (:17) but sadly not to a grocery store.

RD is unsure about Sir Alec reading another story this week, particularly if it is about the Co-Fruitcakes again. (:18) Of course as Blade isn't feeling so good he can't 'attend'. His adoring audience still cheers for him regardless. RD thinks of him as the Pale Horse just staring in at the window. RD takes the opportunity to investigate Alec's involvement with Mike Check, as well as matters of continuity on the radio progrem. Perhaps his criminal past brings more to the eye of the 'Englishman'... Even worse, Blade still doesn't have his WWCR Bumper Sticker. Oh, the horror. RD got one though, confusing his mother. Blade thinks of her as an obscure He-Man villain.

RD feels the Faxtrolla needs maintenance. (:27) WWE is still attempting to get Bill Watts' Midsouth Library, owned by wife Ene "Ma" Watts, who will only provide it on condition that Eric Watts gets a job. The Co-Fruitcakes discuss all the stuff Vince does not currently own. RD wants him to purchase the promotion he worked for; PWI. It leads to a random song that Mike Check would play, and Don Mason's first experience with a blow-up doll. (:35) "Longest segue ever." Chief Jay Strongbow seals the deal (:39) "good for a five second nonsensical appearance."

In other equally exciting news the Deever had a tooth removed. (:40) The pain makes her spell badly on Twitter which confuses RD. He tries deciphering what she says. Porn person Trina Michaels is joining TNA. (:44) Blade wants Christie Canyon to come on the show and 'shop' with him. (Is that the euphemism in vogue these days?)

Today's Question (:47) is from Frank In New York (not LA), the former Circuit City Questioner. (2) He still wants to apply to be on the show. In response to that the two watch what may very well be the worst match in TNA history (which is definitely saying much, especially with it being IN A PPV NO LESS) between Sharmell and Jenna Morasca. (:52) Still, if trying to run ropes in drunken circles while slapping her opponent is too much for the former reality show 'contestant' she can always star in bad movies with Kurt Angle.

With Current Wrestling News at :62 RD and Blade discuss the terrible RAW show earlier. At least there's that famous Podium they seem to love. Maryse continues to grow on RD.

Ezekiel Jackson's new theme is the old Brawl For All one with lyrics (:68) so Blade sings a new theme for Randy Orton with the old Summerslam theme. "WAL-KING SLOW-LY! TO! THE! RING!" he tries. RD also plays the old Coliseum Video theme, which sounds like far better Current Wrestling News music than the one we have now.

The Co-Fruitcakes don't have much to say that's already been said on the terrible and actual love triangle between Jeff Jarrett and Kurt and Karen Angle that's providing far more drama than anything that TNA is currently providing. (Kurt's probably out of the way trying to continue his 'acting' career.) (:71) So Stubby calls in. Not to be outdone Jim Ross calls in after. (:75) Karen Angle reminds him of Dark Journey, both prospect consumers that could try his various meats, like his signature smoked lamb.

Send this one home with Seventeen Syllables:
Jeff's banging Karen.
Why or why did she leave Kurt?
Must be Jeff's gold tooth.

150 The Call-In: July 17, 2009

80 minutes

click here for a loverly message of congratulatons!RD plays random ZZ Top songs for them being on RAW next week. Blade wants Vince to listen to the Human League. RD prefers Asia. They then discuss some more random time-wasters. Like this show? Blade thinks the show is a good middle finger to any person who likes good taste, i.e. everybody else. RD thinks the show has 1800 listeners, give or take a few thousand.

The phone rings as Global Internet's Greg finally makes good on his desire to call in to set these two fools straight. (:12) He disclaims a few things, including all those sexual allegations and the fact that he doesn't wear a yellow jumpsuit like Gilbert Lowell. Blade still thinks their sites can give you good chances with strippers though.

RD has an idea for the TRIP by taking a celebrity with him every week on the air. (:17) His first guest for this week is the Zombie. Yes, the former ECW wrestler, finally appearing on this show after that no-go with their first interview many years before. He still uses an old Walkman with Whitesnake tapes and thinks Missy Hyatt is working at the grocery late at night giving him dirty looks. Blade unintentionally insults him by asking about Doritos. No cereal for him though. He can also be found here and here.

The phone rings again for BM Punk. (:31) He gives his usual spiel. RD thinks of him as their 'first' repeat guest (I thought it was John Thomas), but he has 'better' distractions than him though.

Like THIS man, Sir Alec. (:34) He's still evasive about Mike Check, knowing the true story that he faked his own death to work on another radio station. Today's story is about...RD and Blade? The Co-Fruitcakes manage to shut him down but can't stop his usual cheering audience. In response an interested Gay Popeye calls in. His call, summarized: Ah gyuk gyuk gyuk gyuk! (:42)

Jim Ross calls in, as jovial as ever. (:44) He still likes ZZ Top. That's all the Obscure News we'll get too, shoved up our fucking asses.

Today's Question. (:50) RD still pronounces Ed Salo's name wrong. (4) He also reads his question wrong, which is about the WCR Curse. Blade remembers referencing Michael Jackson a few weeks before. And at risk Joyce DeWitt has a scary mugshot. RD: "What a mess this show has been!"

In response to talking about TNA reporting, RD's Dixie Carter impression calls in and makes a randy Blade laugh hysterically. Sugar. (:56) He needs to work on her Nathaniel-style laughter though.

In response to THAT Peter Gazer and his fancy music call in. (:61) He didn't 'kill' Mike Check either, although he's happy to see him gone. It's also happy for his birthday on the day as he takes a shot on the air (as far as we know). His drunkenness eclipses even Blade, the man notes, most possibly preparing for his own next drunken attempt. An again interested Gay Popeye tries calling in again. (:69) His call, summarized: Ah gyuk gyuk gyuk gyuk!

Why can't more women look like this?
No snark this time, this is a serious wondering.
(For once.)
Thankfully that nonsense is brought out of the way by Stubby calling in (or pretending to call, he is a ventriloquist dummy after all). (:72) He spends his time making fun of Mrs Deal. He's also inherited Blade's love of Mickie James, this week in some sort of Raquel Welch-cavewoman bikini. I'm glad he didn't call his penis a mammoth tusk.

RD: "I like how there's been nothing on this show. It's kind of the epiphany of the last 150 shows all rolled into one big pile of nonsense."

Seventeen Syllables of Goodness:
Hundred-fifty shows.
Thousand-fifty references
to Mickie James' ass.

149 Not with a bang but a whimper: June 26, 2009

76 minutes

Sad News: The show is back on the airwaves after having skipped a week. ACTUAL "Supposed" Sad News: Candice Michelle and Sim Snuka Jr. have been released. Blade, obviously drunk from the news, makes fun of Sim's name and wants to gag Candice. He searches for her online rather than do his Co-Fruitcake job on this radio progrem. Once again RD thinks Blade is making things up. Mention of the good old Clocktrolla makes the Co-Fruitcakes wonder if they should repeat the same jokes. (:07)

Meanwhile the Curse is having its damn fool effect killing off Ed McMahon, while Walter Cronkite is close to being no longer with us thanks to these two. Blade wants Ashley Massaro to be on the show, RD wants Vince Russo to return. There's also the "big celebration" of Mike Check trying to break the TNA corresponding record, but RD is still angry at the bumper sticker selling (:11) They wonder if Greg had sex with Mike Check's daughter, most likely in his brothel (how would that work?).

Blade took a TRIP to the convenience store (:14) and spends his time trying out some more Doritos flavors. In other words nothing happens for 10 minutes on a show with "wrestling news like no place else".

Jim Ross calls in afterwards to bitch and moan some more. (:24) He's angry at shilling Kentucky Grilled Chicken at RAW, and he tells his 'story' of meeting Colonel Sanders and thinking him a Grand Wizard of the KKK. Even more bizarre is his random reference to former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev, making RD crack up even as he continues to mention Michael Cole's "fag house". ( would that work also?)

From there the two call Sir Alec (:31) who's strangely enough suddenly in mainland America somewhere. (Well, he's 'normally up Blade's street', so in this case somewhere apart from that.) He's unusually evasive this week, making strange noises with the help of RD's computer as he leaves without telling a story. It's almost like he's hiding something that RD & Blade will ultimately forget about a week or so from now...

of a good painting canvas
To some Obscure News, the Warrior is now an Ultimate Knife Painter. (:35) The Co-Fruitcakes look at his works at, which mostly look to be Greg Valentine dressed up as a native American. Blade, now drunk enough to be randomly pressing buttons on his phone, feels moved enough to paint a picture of Candice Michelle to auction for some money should he get around to actually doing so. He should paint one of Stubby and have him sign it.

As RD brings up the terrible thought of Linda Hogan being RAW GM at :44 and possibly giving Vince ideas, the Hulk is trying to stop paying alimony to his wife by trying to make it so that the money is being used for drugs. Hmmm, I guess he's actually the one taking those drugs and coming up with that stupid idea.

The phone rings again, but this time it's none other than good old John Thomas. (:46) After being fired from his former job thanks to Chris Hansen, he's now calling on behalf of DBR Services for "Mike The Czech." So that explains it, he's secretly Keyser Soze! The closest he found of him before was some random abortion clinic. (... would that work also?)

Moving on from that to this week's Question, (:53) Mike N. (Nesmith?) tries to summon Paul Christy to the show, but unfortunately he's on vacation with the woman sexual Triple Kelly and can't attend.

And now to our live remote with Mike Check (:56), at a fireworks factory celebrating his tie for that random record of theirs. Sigh. This whole "Summer Sizzlin' Splashin' Spectacular" was him attending some Star Wars convention, go to some gun show, and fly a helicopter. That's it. Peter Gazer was more active than him. Hell, Stubby did more than him!

Blade shares my negativity too, still pissed at the veteran DJ for some reason. Mike circumvents this by failing to pretend he doesn't know this John Thomas of DBR Services, instead remembering his days at KBNG "The Big Kabang" in Cheyanne Wyoming, where he was known as Roman Candle and did a show with "The Sparklers".

He then chooses to smoke a cigar given to him from some British chap.

Apparently he failed to notice it was from the ACME company, or that you shouldn't smoke in a goddamn motherfucking fireworks factory. Remind me again what he's doing here? As expected the place goes up in a big explosion, kinda like this show. To further expand the truthiness of the radio progrem, in less than a minute after the whole thing goes up, some random fire marshal comes on the phone at the facility (which is still working and not charred and melted from the flames), sounds incoherently like Blade, and then just leaves.

At this point I'm looking at the Hornswaggle as Vince's son angle and thinking how realistic it was.

In any case, RD plays John Parr's St. Elmo's Fire as he knew Mike would if he were still with us.(And trust me, he is. He'll probably appear perched on the top of MegaTrolla or something.)

Anyway. An hour after Candice blogs some truthfully nice and thankful words to those in the company she is leaving from, WWE removes the post and any mention of her from their site. (:67) It's not as if there are online dirtsheets and pages that could chronicle and record and save such things yes? (Not this one of course. Also I am pretty sure wrestling websites are too new of a thing for Vince to understand.) Also, was she released for being too fat? Blade doesn't care however, he wants to eat something while having sex with her. I suggest an In-N-Out Burger. People are still upset that Donald Trump doesn't own the WWE anymore. Blade wants to interact with RD's pre-taped segments on the show one day like Vince did and see how well it goes. But he's still sad over the Candice firing.

Seventeen Inches:
Candice got released.
This week at Trolla's website:
Clocktrollas half-off.

RD: "You know, I really thought the last five syllables of this week's haiku -  I didn't know how you were gonna do it -  but I really thought the last five syllables were going to be: Mikhail Gorbachev."

WrestleCrap Radio Outtakes: June 19, 2009

19 minutes

Blade is probably drunk/hungover/passed out and unable to do an episode for the second time in three weeks, so instead RD 'entertains' us with some outtakes of this radio progrem. (Outtakes? On this show? You don't say!)

Oddly enough those 'outtakes' consist of only two of them done very recently. The first is some of Blade's comical flubs with his song to Mickie James from the week prior.

The second concerns Mike Check doing his Mr. Belvedere impression. The earlier script had called for him to be Mr. French from Family Affair instead, a show so obscure that not even Blade knew about it! (And he keeps an almanac of 70s shows at his residence next to Stubby no doubt.) After RD thinks that Triple Kelly is secretly Mae Young he shows his Co-Hosss Mr. French in action on YouTube, the highlight of which has two grown men apparently creaming themselves.

Hopefully next week will see the full culmination of the Mike Check story arc - preferably with him dying in a comical fashion at the last minute. Oh I can hardly wait. (/sarcasm) Until then.

148 Pretty High for a Flight Guy: June 12, 2009

71 minutes

WCR mainstrays Umaga and Vicki Guerrero have left WWE, to the confused sadness of the two. Blade admits he enjoyed her, and tries his best to remind us the year is not 1987. Unfortunately the show feels more like 1977. RD doesn't want more wrestling general managers (:04), which I have to agree with. It makes no sense, and this is in an entertainment spectacle where people violently throw themselves at each other. IS taken [by mysterious "loyal crapper" Travis]. Angry Marks once more has new ad copy.

Sad News: Blade is sober this week. (:10) He has to cancel a showing on the 20th but he may make an appearance at Mantaur's show at the 26th. RD finds the Happy Days Theme for happy music. Speaking of shows that jumped the shark...

RD took a TRIP after what seemed like forever (:17) and bought Burger Kings onion rings at the grocery. After some random digression (on THIS show?) he tries them, and doesn't like them much. More trashbagging references. Blade needs an online dictionary for new listeners (or replacements of those listeners for that matter.) [He started a thread about it six weeks later. --Iggy]

Mike Check comes on on his live remote. (:25) This time he's at a Cedar Rapids air show in the WWCR Party helicopter, telling them that his student Walter Cronkite is angry on being believed dead, or known to be sick for that matter. (Also Mike worked with a Jack Off once.) While he bemoans that he wanted the dirigible to be the transport of the future his flying steed has an 'accident' and his link goes silent. RD expects him to return.

Speaking of returns, Sir Alec finally has a Fan Fiction story to tell (:32) but not before he confuses the date of Father's Day and talks about using his tool wisely. This week, Adam Copeland experiences Father's Day with wife Amy Dumas. A smash hit yet again!

Finally Obscure Wrestling News, 42 minutes in. At long last King Haku has come with Crown as illustrated. Trash Losagain had a Wrestling Graveyard during Halloween. Sad News: A Slim Jim factory explodes on the day of the release of the Randy Savage DVD. The two discuss it a bit.

Question of the Week: (:51) The People's Regulator (Metamucil?) asks about Vince's ass. Blade remembers Pat Patterson groping Miss Elizabeth at Wrestlemania.

Mike calls, having teleported safely from the crashed helicopter. (:55) AGAIN he's not at the hospital (they have hospitals in America right?) instead reminiscing about his Air Traffic Controlling days in Chicago as Henry Hawkeye, although he wanted to be Henry Hummingbird, having orgasms on the radio. His song is hard to hear over the 'crowd hubbub'. Also, Whacker Bumper Stickers are now available! This flusters RD for some reason. Unfortunately he doesn't mention his own hummingbird on Twitter. Lazy RD - I mean, lazy Mike. RD wants to find out how the DJ managed to infiltrate the site and get his own PayPal account. ANYWAY, Batista is injured. (:66)

Blade 'serenades' Mickie James for her new singing career.

147 VKM MVP: May 29, 2009

73 minutes
"most gibberish-tastic WCR we've ever had"

All-Time Leader in Fools Pitied
Blade begins recording hitting the bottle, something he hasn't done for a while and which makes the show more interesting from the get-go. This is due to the week's RAW and Vince trying to make his own wrestling-basketball team for his company's play-date. Blade thinks the owner of the Denver Nuggets is "Walter Kronkie" and not Stan Kroenke. Also Cronkite is still with us. But he'd probably pass over if he saw the WWE-NBA feud still continue on. RD has an excuse to bring Good Times' Mama swearing on the show. Vince's misguided effort to get Lakers fans is mocked. If he starts trying to bring Kobe Bryant and Lebron James to face each other on Smackdown I'll  give up all hope.

Global Internet's Greg wants to come on the radio progrem to clear some things about his company and the sexual allegations leveled against him. (:11) Despite this the Co-Fruitcakes continue their conspiracy against him. Baseball's golden boy Jose Canseco in MMA. Zubaz-wearing Mr. T at a Cubs game. RD serenades him with Bette Midler. Blade enjoys Bette Midler farting during her period. Everyone has a fetish. (:17) Did I mention the May Mayhem Sale? It's your last chance! (Assuming May includes parts of June up to the 11th. Sadly, all copies of the Book of Lists Exclamation Point have been sold.)

Blade took a TRIP to the Convenience Store. (:20) He encountered promotional Snickers Nuggatbot bars for the new Transformers movie. It's just a normal bar with some urine-colored food coloring in it. RD makes fun of Bumblebee.

There's no Fan Fiction as Blade couldn't find anything good this week. (He's getting drunk, remember?)

Mike Check is still on his tour in the WWCR Party Van (:26) and when we reach him he's in Dalton, Georgia at some random "Gun & Knife Show" He might as well report from somewhere more dangerous. A petting zoo perhaps. He was once in the Dalton market at WWGA "Georgia's Finest. He was known as "the Original Georgia Peach" until a woman took it (I didn't know Ty Cobb was a cross-dresser) and then he became George Uh. There are some random words about Pong, and Blade wants to rape an imaginary character. Poor dope. Before things can get TOO exciting, Mike encounters this week's deadly threat - some gun demonstration. You know what happens; do I even need to say it? (Apparently down in Georgia they use live ammo and ignore safety precautions.) RD wonders where Mike gets all his stuff. He probably trades his bumper stickers for it.

To news more Obscure than even Mike Check, the Mantaur is running some Indy Fed in Omaha (:37). I sincerely hopes he runs it in his bull outfit. Matt Morgan will be there at some "Funplex"; will the Pink Assassin Midnight Rose also make an appearance? RD wants to manage someone against his ward as Blade has yet another "Big Announcement" this summer for some indie appearance. "Pretend you didn't hear that!" he tries (and fails) to disclaim.

The Bastion Booger now has his own action figure, with the same dimensions as the real life gimmick I reckon. Blade remembers a naked Mike Shaw being arrested on CNN. RD doesn't believe him. There's some mention of some Interactive with the Gymini Action Figures from last week - how many are being bought? There's your weekly threat of a new induction for ya. Can another Co-Hosss contest be far behind?

This week's Someone Bought This! has a new [prototype] Haku action figure; but he still doesn't come with crown as illustrated. What's the deal? (:47) Blade went rummaging in his basement as he usually does to hide from John Thomas and found some Wrestling Ring catalog he wants to auction. But will he sign it? RD reads a random Apter mag about Too Cool Scorpio fighting the Barbarian, and Liz Hunter on Ricky Steamboat. A new gift from the Trolla Corporation arrives for him (:51), This turns out to be the BabyTrolla, a baby doll giving news of wrestling-related births. In this case Dawn Marie has her second child, sincere congratulations to the couple. Blade can't say the word Caesarean properly (I was C-sectioned if you're not interested [As was I! --Iggy]) and says the word 'cunt' for the first time on the progrem. [This site rightchere is the only one on the planet where you'll find BabyTrolla or "Baby Trolla".]

Today's Question (:53) is a physical piece of paper. On an audio podcast. Er...The sender, one Matthew F. of San Jose, sends his message to Bill Apter courtesy of RD, wanting his own Membership Card. He really needs to post a picture of it on the site and/or forums as visual proof.

Sure enough, Mike Check calls in; (:57) he's not dead yet!

Blade: "Damn."

Mike was wearing a bullet-proof vest, though apparently it's slipped RD's mind that he should really call from the nearby hospital being checked for possible injuries, and not STILL BE AT THE GUN SHOW!!! [Hah, you Canadian with your excellent health care system! --Iggy] Dear Emperor. Blade loses his patience with the grizzled veteran, as he often does every week, and Mike plays a song for Victoria, now in TNA. RD wants the man deader than his career. How about sending Mrs. Deal to take care of him? She has a proven track record of eliminating TNA correspondents you know.

Jim Ross calls in yet again. (:60) RD is happy to hear him, anything to get rid of Mike. He has more Sad News, the regret of being stuck with Jason Hervey at Clash of the Champions while Vanna White was at Wrestlemania IV. No, not that, he doesn't have a "video blog" this week. Yeah, good luck with that. He's also still angry at Michael Cole, now just a "male cigarette".

But at least JR being around is better than at :67, with more Linda Hogan nonsense, with her calling out Brooke and her breasts. Makes me want to listen to more episodes of the radio progrem. That and Triple H trading an attempt at Thor for being He-Man.

Seventeen Roundball Syllables:
Jazz. Thunder. Magic.
That dog-shit RAW Monday had
none of the above.

Well it could be worse. Could you imagine Vince feuding with the Clippers? (Although he'd still get more of an audience than TNA's.)