Showing posts with label Wrestlecrap_Radio_S13. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wrestlecrap_Radio_S13. Show all posts

274 Becky Across America: June 23, 2018

74 minutes
Does not come with crown as un-illustrated. 

WWE has a $2 billion TV deal. Blade responds by yawning, as he's multi-tasking recording while at work. He has another Big Announcement to delay. RD bets he will time-out 37 times today.

Popeye fills in for Lord Alfred this time to shill this very website that is tattooed on his torso. (:05) That's odd. I thought it would have been Nintendo John doing it this time - I mean, well blow me...





Ah gyuk gyuk gyuk gyuk.

Then he leaves to get Olive Oyl some flowers. Blade wonders too late about his spinach-related strength before attempting to make a bad pun.

RD shills Patreon (note to self: Put a link to Patreon on this page somewhere), their site, and the upcoming Starrcast appearance with Men On A Mission's Oscar. Blade yawns some more.

RD was back in Holland due to his other boring job. (:17) This time he visited the Efteling or Elf-land amusement park, which is politically incorrect American style as it has a cool sounding "cannibal" ride. Blade misremembers someone nicknamed as "Dutch Oven" instead of a "Flexing Dutchman". While there RD bought some Lay's Grills chips which smells like Snausages and are mystery meat flavored. RD judges from the name that they should be "the world's blandest barbecue". He also had his wife get him some Jaws Popsicles from South Korea. Sadly he doesn't eat some here.

Ryback is renting out his Las Vegas townhouse. (:27) RD reads a description of it including an inspirational sign positioned strategically in the bathroom. He wants to see Terri Runnels at Starrcast to ask her about her house.

David Arquette participated in a wrestling training session which included leapfrogs. (:32) Blade tries comparing it to his battering ram move. He wants the Rose and Mr. Fitness to fight him and RD.

Someone tried to poop attack a WWE training facility three years ago according to a TMZ report, so B.M. Punk calls in from Ryback's bathroom. (:36)  "I should probably eat a Hall's throat Laura - thing. ... I haven't done a promo in a while. Can't even say lozenge. Is that how you say it?" This makes RD laugh (for once). He dreams of someday creating an Ultimate Feces Championship. Blade cough laughs afterwards.

Tammy's parole hearing was postponed until September so she'll still be residing in jail until then. RD: "I don't think she'll be doing Tam Time." (:42)

Today's Question comes from Patreon instead of Facebook, from a requesting post made one (1) month ago (May 28) that was answered to by all of four (4) people. (:44) Grayson Little is the chosen one this time, asking why Primo and Epico weren't made as the fragrance-gimmick tag team the Colognes.

:46 Toys"R"Us still has a surplus of Becky Lynch dolls to deal with, including 400 at a branch nearby RD as seen at the top. (:46) This does not include Eve Marie dolls which are also available and also look like Lynches. RD wants to buy them all in bulk, then mail them to her once a week by "Mr. X". He then asks the Listeners to also spam her with dolls in an attempt to win an appearance on the progrem.
(Update on the Becky Lynch dolls from Deal's Twitter accunt: "Follow up on Becky Lynch Dolls Across America! Went to TRU tonight, the one that had the 400 Becky dolls. Wanted to get 2 for me & @BladeBraxton as a memento for this week's episode. THEY WERE ALL GONE!!!!!! I credit WrestleCrap Radio's call to action!!" --Raging_Demons)

Instead of further talking about WWE as originally in their itinerary, the two discuss more about the dolls. (:58 - :69) Blade wants to do stop-motion animation with them, or link their hands across the country or as a border (doll) wall. RD wants to make them as a championship belt, or thrown during her matches, or distributed only to the Listeners as "The Lynch Mob".

John Cena doesn't want a vasectomy anymore. Someone should get him a Becky Lynch doll instead.

Seventeen Syllables:
John's vasectomy.
You can't see me in ring. In
bed you can't semen.

$31.00 plus that $19.99 The Price Is Right  

Facts & Figures (as compiled by Erik Majorwitz)


  • WrestleCrap Radio Sponsors: 2. Patreon,
  • URLs not taken: 0.
  • SPEAKING OFs: 1. I don’t even know what.
  • Dave Meltzer, not talking about: 0.
  • Phone Calls & Run Ins: 2. Popeye, BM Punk

  • Blade Burps: 2
  • Blade Time Outs:  9 (2 Real Quick)
  • RD Time Outs:  7
  • Mama’s Broken Damn Damn Damn Dishes:  1
  • Krankor Laughs:  2
  • RJ Fletcher, Yes Man:  2
  • Weird Al laughs:  1
  • Cricket Chirps: 2
  • WrestleCrap Gongs: 2
  • Question of the Week from: Grayson Little
    • Why didnt WWE make Primo and Epico the Colognes, a team of wrestlers who love fragrances? RD quickly moves on when Blade gives a Colon alternative. 
  • WrestleCrap 3 Count:  3 things to do with overproduced Becky Lynch dolls.
    • RD:  Hoard them, make them into a title belt.
    • Blade:  Build wall at the USA-Mexico border, Becky Lynch Dolls Across America, Rankin-Bass animated feature film.
  • Blade Braxton’s Weekly Wrestling Haiku: Cena snip snip:
    John's vasectomy.
    You can't see me in ring. In
    bed you can't semen.

273 Heel-Off: May 13, 2018


 27 minutes
The face of a man who thinks Hogan beating
Sting after a year of build-up was a good idea

Kai has also written something about this. Give it a look too won't you?

Blade is outside on a live remote getting heatstroke "like a lobster in a way." RD would eat some lobster if it would improve his spirits, especially if Sting delivered it to him, preferably while attached to a helicopter.

Blade: "I write the itineraries. Sometimes."

The cause of this impromptu recording is THIS MAN: former wrestling bigwig Eric Bischoff (or Bitchoff as the Honky Tonk non-Mail-Man likes to call him). He has own podcast now you see. (:04) All you need to know about it and him is that it's called 83 Weeks, referring to the time period where Nitro beat Raw in the ratings...over 21 years ago. If it were a living person it would be old enough to drink, probably to forget about Thunder.

It's only the second episode (of his show, not WWCR, although it feels like that sometimes) and we learn that Eric has a sudden grudge against RD. An except (:07 - :11) has his co-host Conrad Thompson read to him one (1) passage from The Death Of WCW about how bad the once red-hot WCW ended up becoming under his watch, on its way to losing $15 million in 1999. Speaking in phone-buzzing echoing fidelity Eric rambled against RD and Bryan Alvarez about how the "clowns" didn't interview him for the book (despite not actually responding to their original questions) and misread his actual financial standing, and that he won't sign "a book he didn't write" ( to quote RD who has his own heel promo against him).

Fig.1: Eric Bischoff's actual financial standing in action
RD thinks Eric has more of an issue of his unflattering image on the original cover as seen at the top of this here post. This is despite other original cover guys Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, and Vince Russo not minding signings, and two of those three remain happily and healthily active in WWE and elsewhere (unlike Eric). RD also reminds that he also wrote in the book that Eric was a pioneering genius who's early success with Nitro should be studied and emulated, and helped bring professional wrestling into the 21st century (:14). This was kept in the reprint even after he was kicked out of TNA.

In another podcast excerpt (:15 - :17) co-host Conrad manages to persuade Eric to go to Starrcast by All-In in Chicago in September to continue to passionately flail and fail in person about how in fact, WCW's downfall was actually a good thing, or something.

Why is he intently reading
the dust jacket?
RD announces that he too will be there to face him, he will bring Blade as backup, and among other featured guests Kevin Sullivan and JJ Dillon will be there (perhaps as judges). Blade brings back the idea of holding the WWCR Carnival (:21) and perhaps after they are done with that they can join in the Roast of Bruce Prichard as well. (Coincidentally Hall and Nash will also be there as featured guests. Also coincidentally Russo will not.)

Additionally, in regard's to Eric's attempts to continue being a rabble-rousing tough guy heel persona (admittedly still far too widespread and outdated in the profession outside of the ring and active working as a whole) in a bid to remain relevant and not left behind as the industry changes, they just seem somewhat embarrassing, and this is during a time where such bluster is accepted and even sometimes rewarded. His now white hair belies his older years of no longer being a leader on the air as he was before let alone being a persona non grata in WWE, his long time rival even now. Before in the so called "good old days" he could make out with middle-aged housewives just because he could. Now they are the only legible people in his current dating pool (if such a thing is applicable) without paying upfront first.

(Let us hope he uses protection though even now. We don't want another Garrett Bischoff running around now, do we?)

Present Day Eric Bischoff
Seventeen Syllables:
Bischoff hates the Crap.
"I'm tired of hearing a-
bout Eric Bischoff!!!"

$31.00 plus that $19.99 The Price Is Right 


Facts & Figures (as compiled by Erik Majorwitz)


  • WrestleCrap Radio Sponsors: 3. The Death of WCW, Starrcade, Diamond Dan Hot Line
  • URLs not taken: 0.
  • SPEAKING OFs: 0.
  • Dave Meltzer, not talking about: 0.
  • F-Bombs:  1. Conrad Thompson 


  • Phone Calls & Run Ins: 2. Conrad Thompson, Eric Bischoff

  • Blade Time Outs:  1
  • Krankor Laughs:  1
  • Question of the Week from: N/A
  • Blade Braxton’s Weekly Wrestling Haiku: Blade's sick of hearing about Easy E:
    Bischoff hates the Crap.
    "I'm tired of hearing a-
    bout Eric Bischoff!!!"

(272) Mr. Braxton's Neighborhood: April 1, 2018

32 minutes

Coincidentally today's episode is also sponsored by Snickers.
In which Jim is amenable for a change, Sir Alec is out without his music or audience, Mike Check has a proper honest living, Popeye is blown down by a cucumber, Dixie Carter runs the cashier better than she does a company, the Honky Tonk Mailman delivers an Apter mag off podcast, (Sir) Stubby has more wood than paper, RD voices an alley cat, then shills his arcade as Jeff Foxworthy if possible, Nintendo John is NOT summoned despite referencing a Virtual Boy, and all the while (Mr.) Blade Rogers Braxton attempts to stifle his laughter.

I look forward to him being the next TNA correspondent once somebody photoshops Blade's head onto that infamous picture of Rogers inadvertently giving the finger (while counting).

Facts & Figures (as compiled by Erik Majorwitz)


  • WrestleCrap Radio Sponsors: 2. Patreon, PBS Viewers Like You
  • Guest Stars: 8. Featuring “Happy” Jim Ross as the butcher, Sir Alec Heineken, Mike Check as the store manager, Popeye as a fellow shopper, Dixie Carter as a grocery store clerk, Stubby as Sir Stubby Fairchild, RD Reynolds as Henrietta Alley Cat, and RD Reynolds (2) as the Arcade Repairman.

  • Blade Braxton’s Weekly Wrestling Haiku: No haiku this week, but Mr. Braxton sang to the viewers about needs and wants.

271 Marcho Madness: March 26, 2018

Uh Oh!

91 minutes

RD and Blade do not like basketball much. This definitely has nothing to do with their hometown teams sucking. (Or in RD's case following multiple bad teams at once.) Blade brought it up however as an excuse to portray "Marcho Madness" if he were an old western prospector (and possibly owning a mine called The Danger Zone. Motto: "Can you (be able to) dig it?"). RD remembers when Mark Jindrak was an evil basketball player in WCW, though he's missing recordings of it. At least they also have Shaq's surprise WrestleMania appearance, Dennis Rodman in the nWo, and Stan "Kronkie" pissing off old man Vince.

This month it's Patrick Stewart's turn to promotional considerate with the all new Pontiac Montana Del Fantasma with "all new air filters!" (:06)

RD's latest writing, this week of hat wearing ECW Champion Vince McMahon was an excuse for him to post an image of Kristal Marshall. (:10) Blade randomly remembered when she doused herself in blue paint during the Diva Search, then blames others for driving him to drink.

RD took a TRIP to Jungle Jim's (International Market), causing Blade to interrupt him with laughter. (:13) There he bought a (glass) bottle of root beer from Chowning's Tavern, which when taste tested is pungent and tastes like unwanted root beer bubblegum.

Sad News: One time while touring Blade found Bart's Root Beer with no caffeine in it. Sadder News: According to RD's investigative Googling he learns he actually took a sugar free (and caffeine free) one instead. (:20)

Obscure Nestlé News: RD found the connection between the corporation name and their nest logo. Wait till he finds out about Nescafé and Nespresso! (:23) Blade has some "serious business" to complete and wants to auction off some deep frozen Universal Studios crunch bars he found in his folks' fridge 20 years ago.

65 year old Ricky Steamboat whom Blade respected as a child defeated "The Duke" (:27) The two wonder which Duke it was. My money is on Edmund.

Aspiring necromancer Eric Sims wants to bring Doink back, initially confusing RD. Blade has to clarify, further confusing RD. (:31)

Tammy's back in the slammy again. (That sounded better in my head.) (:34) Things have gotten so bad the duo initially think she was jailed for an earlier offense.

Despite putting them in the itinerary and having their MIDI music played, Blade's friend Cory Udler is unable to make the time as Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley to report on TNA news, of which I can't blame him. (:38) Thus RD instead calls up a Patreon patron by the name of Sean Stein to do so instead. One of the rewards of being a $50 tier WC sponsor is "a one-time guest shot on WrestleCrap Radio", so he appears on what Blade randomly calls "The Stein Line" (Blade reveals he's still stuck on "TV Guide time" where each day starts at 5 am).

Sean tried watching TNA once and found himself stuck watching looping advertising promos for an older and no longer running show. No comment. He went to their YouTube page where a recent upload is for "Christian Cage Theme Song and Entrance Video (2006)". No comment. The trio wonder how similar it is to his old WWE theme, fitting in to TNA's music guy literally phoning it in by making more rip-off themes than Jimmy Hart.

RD: "Keep your Johnson where it is."

Sean is gracious as RD keeps his number in his little black book for future use.

Robert Sternburg asks about Gorilla Monsoon's toilet technique and the Co-Fruitcakes miss the obvious joke about him being in the Gorilla Position to do so in. (:54) Blade prefers his toilet paper to be sturdy. "I don't want to be the Jim Morrison of wiping, right?" he reasons.

Blade wants to hire out (Hungry Hungry) Ken Patera to swing children around in full nelsons. (:57) RD thinks that should be part of the auction. Blade remembers a magazine wondering if Patera would wrestle Hulk Hogan at Wrestlemania IV. Also he recently hung out with Frank From LA.

Goldberg will NOT be inducted into the marketing gimmick Hall Of Fame by Braun the Leprechaun or by my guess of Eric Bischoff, but by Paul Heyman. But of course. (:66) Blade is angered into confusion by this. RD remembers when Bobby Heenan was inducted by Blackjack John Lanza and he absolutely hated it.

RD: "Like we know what we are talking about."

The two wonder who should be celebrity inducted into the Hall Of Fame instead. This is not a repeat from last month when they also did this. (:71)

Blade: "I like to come behind you."

RD wants Burt Reynolds with himself inducting him of course, with his actual Smokey and the Bandit theme (confusing Blade again as it is not Jerry Reed's Eastbound and Down); Herb by Clara Peller or the currently reigning Burger King; and Elvira by Jesse Ventura.

Blade wants Bill Fralic by Stone Cold Austin; Cyndi Lauper by Dave Wolff (since Roddy Piper is no longer with us); and Susan St. James by Mike Adamle. The two wonder how little St. James has been on the radio progrem, as well as Lauper playing nearby Blade opening for Rod Stewart, RD going to see Weird Al perform soon, and Blade having gone to around 20 Misfits concerts. All very...fascinating stuff, no?

Seventeen More Syllables (RD: "Mike Check would be proud"):
Kid Rock Hall Of Fame.
Bob with the bob the bang to
Bang shitty (shitty).

$31.00 plus that $19.99 The Price Is Right

...Uh Oh! 

Facts & Figures (as compiled by Erik Majorwitz)


  • WrestleCrap Radio Sponsors: 5. Patreon,, eBay, Dinosaur Dracula, Day of the Dead
  • URLs not taken: 0.
  • SPEAKING OFs: 5. Overstaying the welcome, obscure Nestle news, obscure wrestling news, trouble, concerts
  • Dave Meltzer, not talking about: 0.
  • Phone Calls & Run Ins: 2. Stewart Patrick, Sean Stein

  • Blade Time Outs:  5
  • RD Time Outs:  1
  • RJ Fletcher, Yes Man:  1
  • Krankor Laughs: 
  • Weird Al Laughs:  1
  • Mama’s Broken Damn Damn Damn Dishes:  2
  • Cricket Chirps:  3
  • WrestleCrap Gongs:  2
  • RD False Finishes:  1
  • Susan St. James Uh Ohs:  4
  • George!:  4
  • Question of the Week from: Robert Sternburg
    • Do you think Gorilla Monsoon used the bunch method or the folding method when wiping?  I’m a big bunch method guy because I’m scared my fingers will break through the toilet tissue.  Thoughts? Blade: Quad ply or bust for me.
  • WrestleCrap 3 Count:  :  3 celebrities you’d like to see in the WWE Hall of Fame.
    • RD:  Burt Reynolds, Herb From Burger King, Elvira.
    • Blade:  Susan St. James, Cyndi Lauper, Bill Fralic.
  • Blade Braxton’s Weekly Wrestling Haiku: Apparently, Kid Rock isn’t worthy of induction:
    Kid Rock Hall Of Fame.
    Bob with the bob the bang to
    Bang shitty (shitty).

270 Tee Howard Tickle Party: February 28, 2018

72 minutes

Jeff Jarrett is a sudden (and possibly random) inductee in WWE's nostalgia-based marketing gimmick Hall Of Fame. RD hopes they showcase that time in TNA where he did random MMA stuff. This would all be better with a reporting TNA correspondent, exemplified by having the 'current' people of "Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley" now being the longest tenured despite only one (1) appearance. Other people would kill for such efficiency! (Or in real life Gene's case, be banned from Fox News - yes, THAT Fox News - for forgetting he's not thirty years younger.)

The week prior, RD wrote about Tito Santana introducing Vince to this thing called a 'taco', featuring a "Debra" from Gringos. RD is momentarily conflicted on whether to use the word or not. Gringo I mean, not taco. (:06) Lord Alfred was too busy there (not) sampling the food to appear to promotional considerate. That will come later.

Blade took a "TRISH to the Grocery" as Patty was at a comic convention he was visiting during filming for his TV show. (:08)

Blade: "She really dug me."

Due to the intense security around in Blade's words (which RD feels can be distracted with a Stan Lee cameo) he does manage to get from her that like me, she also enjoys frosted flakes for breakfast. (:14) RD: "Where's Lee Marshall when we need him?" He temporarily forgot he was sick, and nowadays tormenting Bobby Heenan in the afterlife of the Ely-Weasel Fields. (That sounded better in my mind admittedly.) The two are hung up on her temporarily forgetting frosted flakes are available in the US as they are in the old continent.

Blade randomly shills his appearance in another Troma movie. In response RD shills his guest appearance in a upcoming series by the name of Fanarchy TV that will be featured/avaiable on Amazon Prime/Video within the next day or so.

Sad News: Bray Wyatt is late on paying some monthly support to his ex/partner. (:22) He's only paid $6000 of the mandated $14735. Lest you think he's paying the rest on electric lanterns or purchasing that House of Horrors of his, sources have told that reporter $5000 was spent on "miniature horses supplies and foods", $500 on jewelry "not for his wife", and close to $300 at "Tootsie's Strip Club". Blade immediately wonders if Dustin Hoffman was involved while RD was amazed at how little he spent at a strip club.

Ric Flair has a "custom suit line" which Blade mishears as a soup line. (:29) Let us hope it lasts better than that time he decided to go into finance. Blade considers putting some of his old suits online.

Paige is back in the 'news' after being out of it for so long. So long in fact that Blade forgot about her Mexican restaurant that had punched a patron before closing. (:32) She got a (not Rick) rude tattoo on her hands, which is slightly better than the Harris brothers sprouting visible and later attempted modifying SS symbols on their arms. Blade has considered tattoo ideas for quite some time. RD suggests Miss Elizabeth, which leads to the two losing themselves in laughter over what it would consist of.

Laughter having temporarily woken him up, Blade feels better to get Sir Alec to do some delayed shilling, though he is gracious enough to inform people of what he does before he does so. (:38) The shilling causes Blade some "technical" difficulties via more laughter, but he manages to get through a few lines.

Brian Keith Johnson thinks Ric Flair (without his custom suit line) should have continued using his Black Scorpion powers throughout his career to win more titles. (:45) Back to being tired, Blade (drunkenly?) thinks he still used them regardless.

Coliseum Video on WWE Network is sadly without its theme music, swinging Ken Patera, or RD ejaculating. (:51) Goldberg, the Dudley Boyz, and Ivory will also be in the HOF, with Bam Bam Bigelow and Kid Rock rumored to join them as of this progrem recording.

In more "Three Counting" RD thinks New Jack, Ahmed Johnson, and Nikita Koloff speaking only in his "Russian" should also be nominated just so they can hear what wild induction speeches they would give. Blade thinks Hollywood should also be nominated due to her own work, as would Scott Steiner if he was accompanied by his Freaks (and potentially asked to do some calculations as part of his speech).

Blade also thinks Demolition should go in. If Vince can forgive Jeff Jarrett (like Bret Hart, Ultimate Warrior, and Randy Savage before him, even if in the name of good business) to enter, he could forgive Bill Eadie too for it. RD apologizes for the wrestling discussion on hand for newer listeners. Blade apologizes in response for making them both lose composure again by thinking about Howard The Duck interviewing Bill Eadie.
*Make your own joke about Ax and Batista tag-teaming here*

Seventeen Syllables Of Fun:
Improved 'Mania.
It's Howard The Duck versus
Demolition Ax.

$31.00 plus that $19.99 The Price Is Right

Facts & Figures (as compiled by Erik Majorwitz)


  • WrestleCrap Radio Sponsors: 5. Troma, Amazon Prime, Fanarchy, Patreon,
  • URLs not taken: 2.,
  • SPEAKING OFs: 0.
  • Dave Meltzer, not talking about: 0.
  • I didn’t even know he was sick:  1. Lee Marshall
  • Phone Calls & Run Ins: 2. Trish Stratus, Sir Alec

  • RJ Fletcher, Yes Man:  1
  • Krankor Laughs:  3
  • Weird Al Laughs:  1
  • WrestleCrap Gongs:  2
  • Question of the Week from: Brian Keith Johnson
    • Why didn’t Ric Flair use more of his Black Scorpion magic in his matches?  He might have won more titles.  Blade: He used it at the 1992 Royal Rumble.
  • WrestleCrap 3 Count: Who should be in the WWE Hall of Fame that aren’t?
    • RD:  New Jack, Ahmed Johnson, Nikita Koloff.
    • Blade:  Demolition, Hollywood, Scott Steiner
  • Blade Braxton’s Weekly Wrestling Haiku: Coming soon to a PPV near you:
    Improved 'Mania.
    It's Howard The Duck versus
    Demolition Ax.

269 Extreme Exposé Football League: January 27, 2018

Have any info on the whereabouts of the Rosati
Sisters? Call Robert Sack on 1800 876 5353.
82 minutes

Blade: "Happy Show."

RD is happy Old Man Vince is (attempting to) bring back the XFL. Blade compares him to his ventriloquist dummy. Maybe next they'll think of him as a cigar store Indian.

The two are threatening to go monthly due to some promised Patreon milestone. They are now (as of recording) 62% on the way to do fortnightly progrems. Remember when they used to do weekly shows for free? Ahhh how times change. RD calls for any drug addict listeners to help out and aid in the support. Blade would be a (horrible) maid for more funding, or so he says.

RD thinks they should explain their shows to newer listeners. Perhaps use a glossary? (:07) "It's kind of a variety show. If you're clicking on this and you think you're going to get for the next hour and fifteen minutes, hour and a half, whatever we run; if you think it's going to be non stop wrestling news and I'm going to be talking about the women of SHIMMER or what happened at Wrestle Kingdom 12? SPOILER ALERT! You're going to be very disappointed."

Promotional Consideration is paid for by...Mike Check! (:09) Blade makes him explain his "gimmick Brad". He then reads my ad copy for a change. Excuse me. The ad copy of a "mysterious benefactor" named Premier Blake. (Funny thing is that Mike Check promoted us here at but not his own show that we produced. A little show called "The Mike Check Show?" --Raging_Demons) He sounds like my mirror universe counterpart. Does he have a goatee? Mike then complains about his own royalty checks. He was once in Macon Georgia as Bobby Peach.  "If you shake my peaches you'll see my cream!" was his slogan there. He leaves with Mary McGregor. Blade breaks out laughing.

:15 Gayle's Root Beer has a Peeping Tom dog, "Oh rudie!" and tastes like awful cough syrup. Blade does his disgraced former comedic icon impression. RD remarks how far ahead they were with him. It is also really remarkable how much of a portent he was leading to a bigger revelation of sexual crimes and the fallout from all that.

The Faxtrolla signals "nothing but the most obscure wrestling news imaginable" according to Blade. (:21) Christy Hemme who RD considers wild has given birth. The BabyTrolla cuts off Blade's catchphrase. Christy Hemme who RD considers wild has given birth. The BabyTrolla cuts off Blade's catchphrase. Christy Hemme who RD considers wild has given birth. The BabyTrolla cuts off Blade's catchphrase. Christy Hemme who RD considers wild has given birth. Blade thinks her short but RD discovers she's taller than his Patty and equal to his Mickie. "HeightChecker34" disputes that. "Sam Rick" had a video game one time. Blade thinks people should discuss and debate their heights. Also one of the newborns seems to has a double name. Blade does an Alabamian David Bowie.

Tammy has been discussed a hell of a lot lately notes RD. She's now on OfferUp as Tamara. Now with 50% less chance of nudes stealing! (:37) The listings include some love furniture for sale. Sir Alec reads one of her Facebook posts extolling her love for her new boyfriend...and rather creeping asking for a marriage. Oh well. (:42) Speaking of love Alec's been happy with Ellie of late. RD is temporarily stopped by laughter.

Blade called up an "associate" voice of his to debut Unsolved WrestleCrap Mysteries with Robert Sack. (Any relationship with Robert Stack is highly coincidental.) (:48) This week: where are the Rosati sisters? Perhaps they're with Cheatum. This causes Blade to burst out laughing. (Called the phone number that Robert Sack mentioned, call was suspended and did not connect. Then the line sounded like Blade's stomach at Taco Tico, growling for some odd reason. --Raging_Demons)

Chris McGinnis thinks the Boogeyman should have been more stealthy. (:55) Like me RD is not a big fan of stealth games. Blade is too distracted by 15+ year old bad movies.

Colliseum Video may return to WWE Network at a later date. Good news: without RD ejaculating. Bad news: potentially without the famous theme music. (:58) Blade remembers CV's parent company also released some X rated stuff which sadly he did not own.

The first ever 30 Women Royal Rumble is just around the corner. RD reads some names, including Mickie James. "Good to know." One possible woman contestant premiered at the same show as the Midnight Rose.

:67 "Three Count with RD & Blade" has a bad bell sound. The two think on which remaining three women will complete the roster. RD thinks it would be the Deever, Anonymous Brooke and Kelly Kelly - AKA an Extreme Exposé run in. Blade has Kimberly Page (who's been MIA, speaking of mysteries) (No mystery at all. SOURCES HAVE TOLD THIS reporter that Kimberly Page took out those breasts implants of her and is currently in Park City, Utah working in marketing and does interior decorating. WAIT A MINUTE! That's close by to where I live, kinda. --Raging_Demons), Daisy of GLOW who threw around a dead blow up doll of an opponent one time, and two of Scott Steiner's ladies.

RD got his Draft Queen voice back to cover the XFL (assuming it'll actually return). (:78) She still thinks Tim Tebow will make a comeback to football there when he gets tired of the glory that is Minor League Baseball with the Mets.

A seventeen syllable sausage casing of wrestling news:
XFL is back.
Not a good decision Vince.
Backwards lateral.

$31.00 plus that $19.99 The Price Is Right

Facts & Figures (as compiled by Erik Majorwitz)


  • WrestleCrap Radio Sponsors: 3. Patreon,, Long John Silvers
  • URLs not taken: 2.,
  • SPEAKING OFs: 0.
  • Dave Meltzer, not talking about: 1. Jessica Biel’s backside
  • Phone Calls & Run Ins: 4. Mike Check, Bill Cosby, Robert Sack, WrestleCrap Radio XFL Queen

  • Mamas Broken Damn Damn Damn Dishes:  2
  • Weird Al Laughs:  1
  • Cricket Chirps: 2
  • WrestleCrap Gongs:  2

  • WrestleCrap Mysteries with Robert Sack: Rossetti Sisters

  • Question of the Week from: Chris McGinnis
    • Why did the Boogeyman always announce he was “comin’ to getcha!” Wouldn’t stealth be a better strategy to deploy?  Reminded one of Metal Gear (RD) and the other of Jessica Biel’s butt (Blade).
  • WrestleCrap 3 Count: 3 Women to round out the inaugural Women’s Royal Rumble
    • RD: Layla El, Anonymous Brooke, Kelly Kelly.
    • Blade:  Kymberly Paige, Daisy, Big Poppa Pump’s Freaks.
  • Blade Braxton’s Weekly Wrestling Haiku: Blade dishes on Vince reheating ideas:
    XFL is back.
    Not a good decision Vince.
    Backwards lateral.

268 The Last Podcast: December 24, 2017

Get some 'Meat Ornaments' for
your 'Bald Cypress' this Xmas!
111 minutes

Huey has some of the Christmas spirit in him too.

Blade will try anything alcoholic, including eggnog. He doesn't like the term 'alcoholic drinks' for some reason. RD likes the concept of eggnog but not actually having it. He may reconsider it now. Blade enables him.

RD wants Blade to entertain the people while drunk on his best behavior rather than just pausing or editing recording to do so. He flails wildly. (:06)

Blade's Big Announcement: He has no Big Announcement to make. You'd have a better chance with making your appointment with Godot. (:07)

RD found some Evan Williams eggnog in the meantime. Both just want to see the year end and fast.

RD: "You know what else the show is built on?"
Blade: "The bones of an Englishman?"

The duo remember Santa Claus Conquers The Martians and how the Earth "progrems" confuse the Mars children. (:13) RD shills his Patreon some more. Help out the site and get a new progrem at least once a month!...You know, like they used to do before. RD looks at this fine young egg site some more to check on episode recordings. They have only done four (4) this year.

RD has pity on me for some reason. Big mistake. I'm also not sure where he is getting the idea that we are 'supporting' him out. What is this mythical support that you speak of here? (:19) He asks those supporting the campaign to also support here as well for some reason. Blade wants to produce more regular content than an old X-Men comic. That's somewhat too high a mark. Why not the Fantastic Four?

RD can't chug his four ounces of eggnog much to Blade's amusement. (:21) "If I was drunk I couldn't tell you the story I'm about to tell you," he says. Blade rambles in response.

RD wears a big and long Santa hat on Black Friday. This doesn't summon Popeye for some reason. (:26) At Target three female elfish carolers looked annoyed at him and were generally upset at people cutting in line while they were buying Lifesavers.

Blade wants RD to get a Baron Von Raschke claw sculpture for his brother. (:34) RD marvels at its multi-use. Blade thinks he could use it for when he goes to the bathroom, although he prefers Lance Von Erich's steel iron claw.

Blade has Mr. Fitness 2 shirts for sale. (:44) The "Santa Rose" tried to give soap to some nice children the other day. Surprisingly they didn't want anything to do with it.

A rather subdued Jim calls out of the blue. (:46) He hasn't been on recently due to disputing on his 'royalty checks' and...well...the real life wife sadly passing on during the year. Needless to say making any jokes about her and Johnny Age messing around on a moist skateboard would be beyond Blade's levels of tastelesness, even if they had more than one episode in the past five years or so with Jim's involvement.

Jim: "I know who I am damnit, stop interruptin' me."

Anyway, this Jim is currently making "handmade Christmas ornaments" made from carving expired steaks. RD mercilessly needles him on this. "Go fluff yourself!" Jim farewells.

Speaking of Patreon Tammy has already left it. (:53) Apparently she fell victim to a common practice on there: admittedly ruthless vandal freeloaders sign on to someone's page, get as much stuff as they can download, then quickly cancel their subscription before they get billed on the 1st of the month. Some smart folks have ways to combat this like only providing content after confirmed support through another site or hosting platform or behind a password (...from what I have heard). Unfortunately Tammy was not one of those smart folks. This can also be evidenced by her random Twitter thing (in between automated updates for her other/older site with her content) in which she mentions such a thing...only to have 9 out of 10 comments mocking her for this.

In any case, RIP Tammy Sytch's Patreon attempt, October 2017 - December 2017.

"12th Listener" Nikolai T. Nelson has a Question about Christmas Creatures Cereal. RD is temporarily stopped by laughter by Blade thinking it would taste like "burnt pee pee". (:57)

Mike Check calls in live remoting from a Christmas tree lot while trying to sell trees. (:59) This reminds him of something his great grandfather Jack would do. He puts up some Red Simpson as he makes a rather quick exit after only seven minutes.

January is a wasteland for holidays after the mayday of December, so RD has to entertain himself with the month's Royal Rumble. (:67) This leads the two to discuss female wrestlers for some reason.

RD can't say much on Episode VIII: The Last Jedi, but he shares my same opinion on that we are both ambivalent on it. Shockingly Blade agrees with the both of us. (:75) Even more shockingly, he watched it sober.

Not getting drawn in by some of the video game like sequences in there, he feels the universe's legacy is not being passed down as it should to newer hands. This includes his random analogy of a "20 year old girl named Sue" going to Black Friday. This also includes his Star Wars Opinion Sean Connery impression according to RD. I don't know. It sounds more like Sean Connery as Yoda to me. (It also reminds me of when he passed on playing Gandalf to appear in The League Of Extraordinary Gentleman, an experience so much better it made him retire.)

Yet another analogy to Disney being the Dark Side made RD laugh out loud.

RD was fine with the story having a cliffhanger, until it kept continuing on past that. The duo agree that poor Luke Skywalker should have been handled better though. Blade just takes the easy option of using his personal canon which leaves out the stuff he doesn't like. As anyone should. It's not like these stories actually happened (a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away).

In any event though, at least it fared MUCH better than the hilariously awful Justice League. "You can't save the world alone?" Bah! Mark Hamill's already done it. Repeatedly too. In my personal canon he probably called WB/DC to playfully gloat at them as the Joker. An ACTUAL Joker, mind you, accept no substitutions.

SPEAKING OF saving the world (*ahem*)
Important to note:
1. This game and series has had far more of a cultural impact than JL could ever hope to achieve.
2. This came out in 1994.

  • Jordan Mishkin sent RD a WCW Glacier Car. He missed his card which Blade reads on their behalf before RD does.
  • RD got some Herr's pumpkin pie and baked potato chips. Blade got some turkey flavored and buffalo flavored ones. Blade likes the taste. RD feels woozy.
  • RD got a (Stewart Patrick as) Jean-Luc Picard action figure. Blade got Meng.
  • Both got some WCW trading cards. RD tried texting and failing to send Blade a picture of (regular) JR. RD's mythic rare card is El Gigante. Blade's is Michael Wallstreet.
  • Both got some 1991 Fleer football cards.
  • I had sent them another ZZ Top album, Recycler this time. Now I have to figure out what other albums to send them both now. That is a challenge in and of itself to be sure.
  • RD only sent his Co-Christmas-Fruitcake one gift of a Blockbuster Video shirt from the 90s.
  • Blade sent RD his Survivor Series shirt back. I better hope he washed it first before sending.

A Seventeen Syllable Gift/Seventeen Syllables Of Joy:
It's The Last Jedi.
Not the best Star Wars movie.
More like Last Meh-di.

RD: "How many years have we been doing this show?"
Blade: "Too long."

$0.50 : $31.00 plus that $19.99 The Price Is Right 
Facts & Figures (as compiled by Erik Majorwitz)


  • Black Friday
  • Christmas
  • WrestleCrap Radio Sponsors: 3. Patreon,,
  • URLs not taken: 1.
  • SPEAKING OFs: 3. Disasters, not enjoyable at all, singeing hair
  • Dave Meltzer, not talking about: 0.
  • Phone Calls & Run Ins: 6. Premier Blah, Jim, Mike Check, C-3PO, R2-D2, Mike Check (2)
  • F-Bombs: 1. Jim
  • Blade Time Outs: 1
  • Blade Burps: 1
  • Robot Reindeer Laughs: 5
  • Huey The Ghoul Laughs: 1

  • Question of the Week from: Nikolai T. Nelson
    • We all know of Kane’s former gimmick the Kristmas Kreature and we also love the Monster cereals at Halloween, so how would Kristmas Kreature cereal look and taste?  Burnt.
  • Blade Braxton’s Weekly Wrestling Haiku: Jar Jar Blade doesn’t like the latest Disney episode:
    It's The Last Jedi.
    Not the best Star Wars movie.
    More like Last Meh-di.

267 Trunk-Or-Treat: October 30, 2017

Tastes just like it looks
68 minutes

RD found some new material of Huey's laughter.

Blade has a one year span memory. He thanks RD for his sense of "continuity". I hope it is better than Blade's chemistry knowledge and following recording schedules.

Blade is already tired from all the recent partying but the Midnight Rose is still able to give candy to children at a "Trunk-Or-Treat" at a 'vague' location. RD finds those rather concerning: "That's always like a drug deal, right?" This is Piper's cue to warn about idiots in cars. (:06)

RD is still preparing his Patreon. I assume one of the sponsorship rewards is getting a Big Announcement. (:10) He once considered having a Chinese TNA correspondent, most likely named Po Lan / Lan Po or something like that.

Also you know you're getting up there when you randomly come across an episode of the (new) TMNT and can easily recognize that the episode's villain of the week, an ancient Chinese spirit, is in fact voiced by James Hong. Then again it did also feature three (captured) goons in some very familiar attire from that movie too so...

Don took a Trip to Taco Bell and calls in to talk about it in a very energetic tone of voice. (:13) (He hadn't yet gone to the one house in the neighborhood which always provided some sort of liquor for adult trick-or-treaters.) His children made him try some pink liquid urinal cake Gatorade pink lemonade which surprisingly tasted pretty good. Blade once saw some Don branded urinal mats during his travels. RD mocks them for knowing how urinal cakes taste, despite anyone with any knowledge of non Blade-style chemistry would know that the smell and taste glands are almost very similar. You can definitely 'taste' something if it smells strongly enough.

After Don leaves with his music, Blade randomly remembers being attacked by bees while recording while drunk. Those things have to be related. He also remembers the time he saw someone use an ice cream scooper to scoop meat at another Taco Bell. He also misses old smells while he meta times out.

Sad News: RD and Blade have varying definitions of loyalty.

Also Taryn Terrell was future endeavored. (:25)

Tony Schiavone has left Starbucks, possibly to return to wrestling. RD wants David Crockett to also return to commentate with him. He also misses Halloween Havoc and all the bad mess it brought with it. Blade used to watch wrestling recorded on old EPs.

The Miz and Maryse are expecting a girl. (:35) Blade temporarily stumbles on what "kind" of baby it would be.

Blade re-listens to Piper's tips to figure out what exactly is required of a trick-or-treater.

Blade: "What do you think Tammy's dressing up as?"
RD: "Bacon and eggs." (:41)

According to Blade WWCR goes over the same material again and again. Apparently this is news. This ties into Coke Classic for some reason.

SPEAKING OF Patreon Tammy's already been on it for a month, though she hasn't updated the thing in two weeks. You can...guess...what kind of material she has to offer. RD attempts to read it in his best Jeff Foxworthy impression before he becomes strangely fixated on what's on his finger.

Blade had to go back to Facebook to find people and their Questions. (:50) Criss Rogers wants to know how much a Piper's Bunch would be. He had four children but Blade thinks it's six.

Blade would consider running The Swinging Full Nelson Podcast in honor of Ken Patera. (:55) WWE also future endeavored three wrestlers just recently. RD wants them to rehire Bill Eadie to shout-deliver future endeavors. Blade randomly interjects to mention Mickie James, as you do. To shut him up RD replays his time with Piper. (:61)

Hulk Hogan and his one-time hanging on lackey friend Ed Leslie are Twitter feuding over the latter's writing of a tell-all.

Seventeen syllables of goodness:
Hulk with Beefcake's wife.
She wants pythons not haircuts.
Struttin' and Sluttin'.

$0.50 : $30.50 plus that $19.99 The Price Is Right
Facts & Figures (as compiled by Erik Majorwitz)


  • Halloween
  • WrestleCrap Radio Sponsors: 3. Drive In Movie Maniacs,,
  • URLs not taken: 2.,
  • SPEAKING OFs: 6. Handing out candy to underprivileged children, ghosts, someone that was a father, pleasing, dropping (2).
  • Dave Meltzer, not talking about: 0.
  • Phone Calls & Run Ins: 1. Don
  • F-Bombs: 1. Blade
  • Blade Time Outs: 8 (1 Real Quick)
  • RD Time Outs: 2
  • Huey The Ghoul Laughs: 3

  • Question of the Week from: Criss Rogers
    • How many kids do you have to have to qualify for bunches of them?  More than 3 or 4.
  • Blade Braxton’s Weekly Wrestling Haiku: Beefcake ain’t cutting it brother!
    Hulk with Beefcake's wife.
    She wants pythons not haircuts.
    Struttin' and Sluttin'.

266 WeaselCrap Radio: October 21, 2017

12 years later, hopefully the "Hydraulic Lift" & the "wheel chair roll"
won't be part of Kurt Angle's "moveset" after TLC?
AKA Kurt Angle's Re-Moveset

120 minutes

RD managed to find the censor button on his recording machine. This does not stop today's radio progrem from being two fucking hours long.

Kurt Angle is due to wrestle a match. This is a not a repeat from TNA. RD proudly proclaims they have more scoops than anyone in town, including a now rolling in his grave Al Isaacs. Blade thinks the show is viral meningitis. I would say that term is redundant, if it were not true.

It's been seven months since the last recording, enough time for someone to have a premature child according to RD's calculations [Actually, it's been 6 months and 21 days, but I think the Clocktrolla broke down long before we could get an accurate reading? -R.V.M Kai]. This is even longer than the 4 1/2 months taken between the first ending of WWCR to do their TURDBUS show [And to think, in 2011, the period between episodes #199 and #200 seemed so long at the time...but were only 77 days apart? -R.V.M Kai].

Blade makes RD have PTSD flashbacks to the time Mike Check did the Star Wars convention market. (:06)

During their absence Blade went traveling around and lost 50 pounds, getting below 200, while RD has continued to write for the site and helped to open and run an arcade. He gives his Co-Hosss a round of laughter applause.

RD needs sponsors again, not just for the progrem but also for the site. (:13) He's aiming to go on Patreon like many other folks have before him (such as this awesome fellow who I've been happily supporting for quite a long while) to keep WC running. Blade is so low maintenance he only needs $1000 a month to get by. Canadian I'm sure.

:16 RD was once again in the Netherlands for his other work, as well as bringing more food to try. He suggests to always make some space in your luggage for this purpose. Blade has to drink Jack Daniels because soup is too expensive where he is at.

RD: "Kids, do you want Blade Braxton to be in the soup line?"

This time he brought "Deep Ridged Lay's in Sweet Chilli flavor" "spelled with two l's for some reason"...which it should normally be. I think RD can't spell like Blade can't count. The chips are yellow instead of orange on the packaging. He chews loudly and notes they seem "burned" for some reason.

While Blade was in Cannes with the Troma folk (:24) he had roasted chicken chips which taste just like mom used to make. He will order some in time for the next episode in five years' time.

Speaking of food the Faxtrolla announces the arrival of some Obscure Wrestling Food. (:26) Some pizza place in Ottawa, home of Anthem Entertainment, is going to have some sort of "Impact Food" for a couple of days with some funny sounding names. Blade and the Honky Tonk Mailman once found a Sbarro's serving breakfast. He also tried pulled pork tacos for the first time while in Texas. He still prefers chicken while RD prefers beef.

Sheamus is to have a "Celtic Warrior Program" for exercise, sadly not featuring Larry Bird. (:34)

Blade managed to find some bad MIDI version of The Way We Were. He uses it to bring up memories, seeing as he asked people for their favorite obscure progrem memories. This is not a repeat from the last 15 years this has been done before. (:35) RD can't even remember what he had for breakfast this morning.

RD remembers killing Get In The Ring Radio, and interviewing Bill Watts with them before doing so. Blade remembered hearing Chavo Guerrero Classic taking a leak while interviewing with them. He once again teases a Big Announcement. (:44)

[I'd find the links for those if I was more inclined to do so, so I delegate that to my colleagues, assuming they're still around and haven't fled yet. [No, I'm still trapped here...Help! -R.V.M Kai]]

RD wants people to send in both real AND fake memories so that they can test their memories and make a memory game of it it and their "Game Show Trolla" (A GST if you will.)

The HorseTrolla neighs about "Old" Mickie James fighting Alexa Bliss. (:55)

:57 For a change RD plays Tammy's music himself of his own volition. The two texted to each other a lot during their hiatus like competing lovers. Blade: "I've been drinking." Apparently she's come closer to home - WC home, not the Big House home, by randomly posting on the old WC forums, now renamed FAN (Freakin' Awesome Network). She liked the "big giant flying turtle" in the Godzilla franchise...which is Gamera, and a different franchise (one which is really neat and is filled with turtle meat). What, Tammy wrong again? You don't say! Blade had broken Godzilla toys back in his day.

Also she went to an arcade and didn't like it. She definitely didn't go to Rupert's Kids Arcade, which would delight just about anyone attending, I guarantee it!

RD finally knows how to mute himself. (:63)

Instead of answering Questions RD attempts to call a Miss Cyndi for her favorite WWCR moment (the one where RD left early due to Blade having fun with the Katie Vick outfit), only to hit her answering machine. That's pretty much symbolic of the show as a whole. (:67) So they call Zane U Paisley instead. Fortunately after hitting HIS answering machine he manages to call back, although somewhat stymied that they called him at 11 pm while he was in bed. He coaches U12 soccer on weekends you see, so RD goes on about AJ Styles' high kicks. Also he was to be their Co-Hosss Coach back when Blade was still remembering to look for one on the last show. His favorite memory was when he was their Roast drinking beer while the Ratings Reaper was getting creampied. (Ahem.) RD is angry his favorite moment is about himself (well, yes?), so he sends Zane away.

Blade does not have an itinerary because he doesn't have a paper plate on hand for it.

:77 Like many, RD was deeply saddened and heartbroken by the passing of Bobby Heenan, remembering him and the many times he got him through some hard times, of which he pays forward with his own work. They call up a gentleman named Dan who had re-found some portions of his recorded interview made many years back with The Brain hidden away in the Archives, and is rewarded with Blade doing his (non-Rambo) Greg Gagne impression. Dan remembers Blade and his audible beard in the times when he was listening to the show with a bad connection. This causes Blade to break down again. RD: "We don't make great memories any more, no."

RD plays some portions of his recorded interview which was made on actual audio tape. Needless to say, it is recorded in Watergate quality fidelity. (:92 - :101)

Blade remembers when Adrian Adonis joined Heenan's Family in the 80s for some strange reason. RD remembers when he and Monsoon visited Busch Gardens and his actual daughter kicked him in the shins. Blade then remembers the duo messing around at some boxing training camp. RD follows up by remembering them during the time No Holds Barred was sprung on an unsuspecting audience and Monsoon was petitioning the Academy for an Oscar for the Hulkster. Perhaps WWF would have named Ed Leslie as Oscar if they could have.

Back to Kurt Angle once again wrestling in WWE for the first time in over 10 years, RD is forced to remember when he gushed all over his moveset. (:109) The two listen to it again. RD can barely last a minute before (rarely!) self apologizing for audibly boring Blade.

RD maintains that the Haiku is one of Blade's greatest things.

Seventeen easily digestible syllables:
Kurt Angle's moveset.
Twelve very long years later
RD feels randy.

$1.50 : $30.00 plus that $19.99 The Price Is Right
Facts & Figures (as compiled by Erik Majorwitz)


  • 12th Anniversary
  • WrestleCrap Radio Sponsors: 9. Diamond Dan’s Hotline,, Rupert’s Kids Arcade & Party Room, Patreon, Crust and Crate, West-ridge Mall , Purple Stuff Podcast,, Angry
  • URLs not taken: 0.
  • SPEAKING OFs: 1. Perfect timing.
  • Dave Meltzer, not talking about: 0.
  • Phone Calls & Run Ins: 3. Coach Zane, Dan, Bobby “The Brain” Heenan
  • F-Bombs: 5. Blade Braxton (3), Bobby “The Brain” Heenan (2)
  • Blade Time Outs: 6 (3 Real Quick)
  • RD Time Outs: 3 (Wait a minute, 2 Real Quick)
  • RJ Fletcher, Yes Man:  1
  • Weird Al Laughs:  2
  • Krankor Laughs:  1
  • Mama’s Broken Damn Damn Damn Dishes:  2
  • Cricket Chirps:  2
  • WrestleCrap Gongs:  1

  • Question of the Week from: Two words: Train Wreck.
  • Blade Braxton’s Weekly Wrestling Haiku: 12 year pay off on Kurt Angle:
    Kurt Angle's moveset.
    Twelve very long years later
    RD feels randy.