So, the 2018 Gooker...

Go and give it a vote here, if you haven't, until the 14th.

2018 was a...pretty awful year field wise, made even worse by apathy and fatigue across it all. Oh sure, the indies and other small/potentially rising promotions seem to be going along as planned for the most part, and TNA still exists (for now).

But the big fish of goodness. It's unsurprising that all 10 nominees this year are theirs, and this was BEFORE they got the "bright" "idea" to feature more McMahon McAction on television!

So anyway, who've we got?

  • Drake Maverick's Bathroom Issues: Gotta love bathroom humor, no?
  • Kevin Owen's Bathroom Issues: Ibid.
  • Sasha-Bayley On Again/Off Again Feud: Not as bad as bowel issues, but still pretty embarrassing. Goes to show how important storylines and coherent threads are, and what happens otherwise. I hope to up above we don't find out that Vince Russo had secretly written this.
  • Sami Zayn Messing Around With Three Men In Drag: Ibid.
  • 10 Year Old Tag Team Champion Nicholas: Agreeing that it was Mostly Harmless, this is more for its position in a 100 hour long Wrestlemania more than anything.
  • Baron Cor-RAW-bin: My mindset is that Vince had him on for as long as he did because he wasn't a McMahon and his first name is Baron, making him hallucinate that he was actually a von Raschke. That could explain why he was around longer than was absolutely necessary.
  • Undertaker Defeating John Cena In Three Minutes At Wrestlemania: No time for a match that fans have been requesting for many years, we need 90 hours of Nicholas instead! That will put butts in seats!
  • The Exploitation Of Jim Neidhart: Sad, but unfortunately expected. I'm just thankful they didn't reference that time he had a particularly random appearance in TNA, where he beat up someone decades younger and in more shape than him at that point, only to disappear never to return. (I'm also thankful they didn't do this for dearly missed Piper. We would probably have had Rousey copy his WCW tenure by cutting strange promos about training in Alcatraz and/or innuendo-laced trash talk. ("I'm coming!"))

These are all bad, but admittedly there's nothing really standing out in the sea of blandess that was 2018 WWE.

Anything else then?

  • Sudden "Best In The" World Champion Shane McMahon: Now we're talking. This is pure textbook bad WWF-E here. Have a weeks long "tournament", have the final match on PPV, then have a new challenger enter and take the championship despite not competing before hand and only now appearing. (Isn't this usually done with a briefcase?) The fact that it is a McMahon doing this (even if it is the one person considered the most "normal" of the whole bunch) further adds to the hilarious awfulness that everything before that was pointless.

And by the way, where did that "win" take place at?

  • WWE Crown Jewel

Ohhhhhhhhhh boy (oh boy oh boy).

That is my pick, for obvious reasons too long to list here. But hey, that's what an induction is for right?

Again, go and vote here! It's free!

WCR Video: Rowdy Roddy Piper's Christmas Tips!

For the last WCR Video for 2018, I (R.V.M Kai) thought it would be "good" to upload the late "Rowdy" Roddy Piper's lesser known "Christmas Tips" as heard on Wrestlecrap Radio episode #279). And for those wondering, the audio clips were taken from the Christmas edition of "WWF Prime Time Wrestling", back in 1989, where "Hot Rod" had some 'issues' with a Santa Claus-clad Bobby "The Brain" Heenan.

(Also note: Roddy's Xmas Tips were originally aired on WCR during episode #88, back in 2007, and you can also listen to them by watching the corresponding WCR MINISODE here.)

So have a MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of ya from us at!

And also be sure to visit here for the WCR Video archives!

279 Take Me Home, Christmas Roads: December 17, 2018

...But Blade will still pass out under the Xmas tree anyway because he loves ya!
96 minutes

RD is very animated and fast moving due to the holiday season, and spends the first few minutes extolling the virtues of this here site you are currently on.

RD: "These people are great."

Blade thinks they have new listeners (somehow).

RD: "We used to be a good show."

The two are confused about episode recording dates.

Blade does not like the sick kids at Christmas. (:10) RD prepares to be 50 next month. Hopefully he will not get stricken with lung cancer and become a master bad breaker of crystal meth under the name of Faraday, while Blade continues to be his sidekick but has to say "bitch" every other sentence or so.

The Co-Christmas-Fruitcakes argue over age as just a number. Blade took a 869 mile ride in 2001 and rode his rental car to death.

RD: "It's not the years, it's the terrain."
Blade: "Dope."

(Perhaps that will be Blade Braxman's catchphrase instead of "bitch" in that above scenario.)

RD considers reselling WC shirts. Blade mistakenly thinks he will look attractive in them.

RD was once again in the Low Countries (the Netherlands) for work. Over there they celebrate Christmas as normal, but also an earlier time for Sinterklass, AKA Saint Nicholas (he of course being the original source of Santa Claus) on his Day on December 6th.

[Timeout real quick. Quite recently, there has been much debate over the political correctness of Zwarte Piet, or Black Pete, a character associated with Sinterklass though only first appearing in an 1850 book. He's supposedly a Spanish Moor who has a dirty face due to his chimney traversal like Santa.

So of course he is traditionally portrayed in blackface.

The whole affair is very tumultuous and more time consuming than a six hours long wrestling progrem, so feel free to look up the whole thing yourself.]

RD brought back with him Lidl Sinterklass chocolate lollies in his shape, which for some reason have a big hole as his belly button. Blade thinks that makes Sinterklass a child trafficker. RD: "You're not gonna miss Santa's hole." Blade feels like watching stuff that puts the XXX in Xmas. RD: "As is being discussed currently." Anyway, the treat seems "sweetened by fruit extract" which is unappealingly distracting.

Sad News: Bill Fralic, Wrestlemania II Battle Royale participant and figure atop the WC Fantasy Football League trophy, is no longer with us. (:23) RD wants to immortalize him as a sole parade float.

Debbie Reynolds singing about Tammy makes Blade laugh, making him remember how it was once a "gift" of his to RD. (:30) She wants to defer her retirement to next year, which is sure to cause no trouble at all. She was recently asking on social media for "an autographed Jose Canseco jersey" and flailing in argument when others poked fun at her for it. RD does his Tammy impression after Blade turns the offer down. She refers to a Filofax, and RD is amazed that she too makes obscure references.

Tammy is also apparently four pounds away from her Hall Of Fame weight and wants to return to selling sensual photos of herself while still active. Blade finds it amusing that Reby Sky will be her photographer, remembering that they once publicly feuded over Sid Vicious, of all people. Not surprisingly, RD is done with her in her current state.

Mike Check: "RJ, do you have love in your heart?" (:41)

He once worked in 70's Tuscaloosa as Jammin' Jack Jones on WLIQ "The Big Lick". He delivered to a target demographic of truckers while his CB Radio was on. (Blade asks him about a "Ho lotta lizard" because of course he does. ... Don't look that up.) Together with Slick Willy Daniels they did The Jack Daniels Overnight Drive (probably sponsored by Johnnie Walker).

He then plays a rather odd tune even by my standards and that's saying a lot: 8 year old John Denver begging his father not to become a sleepy alcoholic on Christmas. Thank God he's a Country Boy though and he didn't go through the same situation as an adult. No, he instead once went on a chainsaw rampage inside his home and almost strangled his wife. Totally different! I'm fully expecting to find out that Annie's Song was playing throughout his Jack Torrance impression.

Regardless, Blade remembers again some advertisement back in '95 for The John Denver Collection on vinyl. Sad News: his mother did not listen to his request to give him a copy. Sadder News: he was 20 years old at the time.

Steven Breech asks how best to use Santa Claus in wrestling. (:52) RD and I of course remember Xanta Claus. Blade has Santa Heenan angering Piper in PSA format. Blade wishes Santa Piper would have feuded with John Denver's dad.

Blade promises he will look into the Unsolved Mystery of Unsolved Mysteries. (:56) Like Tammy he also defers his Big Announcement for a year.

RD shares his favorite Christmas memory of late. He had bought a Santa suit 20 years back that he could finally use at Rupert's Arcade. There Santa could be challenged at a game for a chance to win a prize. One girl in particular met him normally, then was seen playing nicely at the machines. This was a change from the other naughty children who trash talked poor Santa. Blade thinks he should have been tougher. RD replies that if so nobody would have won a prize.

Blade's favorite Christmas memory is of his Mickie James under mistletoe. He remembers being unable to get her Stocking as a funk sock.

RD: "I like it when you think of non-wrestling you think of our show."

For some reason Blade remembers that time Jim was singing for his "Christmas album" so the two call him up for a chance at more songs. (:70) He's busy with a "child" at the moment, but before an alarmed RD can call the authorities on him he reveals he's also multitasking as Santa because nobody else is around to do it. RD does his Mike Check impression of him asking children about food. "Go Bah Humbug!" Jim replies.

Needless to say they fail to ask him one single thing about his album, and the segment falls apart from there (assuming it wasn't intending to anyway).

Vince McMahon is to appear again on Raw in an attempt to right its horrible ratings. Who would have thought that unopposed with no real competition and a crazy and out of touch old man running things for over 15 years that things will ultimately become this stale and awful? (:74) Blade does his random Iron Mike Tyson impression by thinking that WWE is nowadays a circus, a thought that I too share. I really should write something more on that someday.

He did appear on Raw in what one site deemed a Big Announcement.

No, really.

Said Big Announcement? He, Stephanie, Shane, and Hunter will make more appearances.

No, really.

Because that was what everyone was asking for right? More of the same old same old?

No? It isn't?

At this point they should just make it official and change the name to Impact or Thunder. (Lightning?)

I also guess Linda was too busy pretending to work in the current administration (speaking of circuses) to attend and be a 5th. Perhaps when things are going REALLY well with this current arrangement.


At this point maybe they SHOULD cancel the show and replace it with RD and Blade making meth in an old RV in the Midwest forests or something. For one thing it would at least be better written.

  • Jordan Mishkin had sent RD NFL Pro '90 trading cards, a 1977 "Pro Wrestling Sports Review" about apartment wrestling (to forward to Blade), something called "Al Japino" potato chips (already opened but taste alright), Wrestlemania III trading cards, and a WWF Wrestling Trivia game. He asks Blade questions like a Co-Hosss audition. He gets 5 out of 6 correct.
  • I had sent the both of them a record of Phil Collins' No Jacket Required, which in all sincerity I believe is underrated. Mike Check had played them Don't Lose My Number in his first live remote appearance.
  • RD had sent Blade a Barry Sanders Christmas Keepsake Ornament.
  • Blade had sent RD a Tammy "gift card" in the form of a $30 Western Union money order for her photos. I'm sure his wife would approve. RD: "That's the worst gift ever."

Here you go, Seventeen Syllables:
Vince McMahon is back.
He's 73 years old.
His shtick feels older.

$31.00 plus that $19.99 The Price Is Right
Facts & Figures (as compiled by Erik Majorwitz)


  • WrestleCrap Radio Sponsors: 2., Patreon
  • URLs not taken: 2.,
  • SPEAKING OFs: 1. Timely as today’s headlines
  • Dave Meltzer, not talking about: 0.
  • Phone Calls & Run Ins: 1. Jim
  • Blade Time Outs:  1
  • RD Time Outs: 1
  • Blade Burps: 2
  • Robotic Reindeer Laughs: 1
  • WrestleCrap Gongs:  2
  • Question of the Week from: Steven Breech
    • Best use of Santa Claus in wrestling? RD: Xanta Claus. Blade: Bobby Heenan.
  • WrestleCrap 3 Count:  Top 3 Christmas Memories.
    • RD:  Dress up as Santa at Rupert’s Arcade
    • Blade:  N/A
  • Blade Braxton’s Weekly Wrestling Haiku: An unwanted Christmas re-gifting:
    Vince McMahon is back.
    He’s 73 years old.
    His shtick feels older.

278 SurviveStarr Series: November 26, 2018

What were you thinking in selling this Lora?
90 minutes

Blade can't remember much in his life due to the many concussions he has had. "I miss being a child," he laments. He's again drinking a Miller Lite while his itinerary is written on a cardboard cape.

RD apologizes to British listeners for thinking they don't celebrate Thanksgiving. Both November AND October.

Blade still has a Big Announcement. (:08) He begs people to join Patreon so that he can be drunk/hungover full time.

RD: "If every one of you listening to my voice donated just a couple dollars, we'd wind up with $24. I don't think that's enough."

Blade would eat his grandmother's salmonella laced turkey in his youth. That probably explains the concussions, among other things. (:14) The two wonder when the term Black Friday came into parlance. The ever accurate Wikipedia puts it first appearing in 1951, though its shopping connotations would first appear around a quarter century later.

Blade: "If it wasn't me, it wasn't me, you know? Put that on my tombstone."
RD: "'If it wasn't me, it wasn't me. Here lies Blade Braxton.'"

RD has always feared the day when he would not find any craziness to report, and is offended by Blade's suggestion to make something up if so. This was further exacerbated by going to a Walmart where everyone was worryingly polite, like something out of a modern horror movie. (:21) (He also advises not to use a cart, go in groups, and not vomit in the aisles like Blade once did.) So he went to Coles. There a woman fell on her head, and when he tried to help her up she apologized to him for the inconvenience. Thankfully (for RD and not the woman) in the electronics section an elderly lady was loudly lecturing some young women and by extension the whole store about bra sizes. When retelling Mrs. Deal about this he had to remind her that they were intimate, for some reason.

Someone Bought This: A random Mike Rotundo photograph. (:30) Blade: "I thought you wanted a bra." RD doesn't know what size he would be.

Batista has changed his torso sun tattoo into one with two (non-turkey) birds. Since he's quitting Guardians Of The Galaxy 3 in solidarity with James Gunn, Blade suggests Randy Baer to take his place. RD remembers seeing his unhappy face at his last wrestling show before Mark Henry beat him up. (RD, not Batista.)

Speaking of Sunny, she's clearing out her closet for sale, including Chris Candido's Bodydonnas singlet. (:37)

Blade: "I'm sure we both had a lower obsession with Sunny."
RD: "I did not have a poster of her on my bathroom wall."

RD has a lot of old stuff in his closet. Blade has some torn pants.

Mickie James and her husband have a contest where someone can win a holiday ticket to see their family. (:44) Blade thinks he can win for a 15 minute car ride. He offers a 20 minute car ride ticket to be won on his Instagram page with the term #hoboholidays. Or was it #hoboholiday? I don't think even he knows for sure. Too many concussions you see.

Anonymous Brooke is a second-time mother, and managed to bounce back into shape within two weeks. (:51) RD thinks Blade has illegitimate children, which he probably doesn't know about because know.

Amher Ali asks a Question on Blade's (non-Instagram) Facebook post about the WCW-based viability of the evil architect Bill Ding (as created by Jim Cornette and portrayed by Disco Inferno). (:55) RD would have him fight The Wall, obviously. Blade struggles because know...and suggests he could hide Hacksaw Jim Duggan's 2x4 in a house or something.

The two get to discussing past Survivor Serieses. RD fondly remembers the one he drove six hours (long) to, the Gobbledly Gooker, and Crazy Bob Backlund defeating Bret Hart. Blade remembers Demolition, Demolition, and Demolition.

RD has no idea why WWE is bringing Starrcade back, since last time it was such a success that this year it is an hour long house show in Cincinnati. (:75) RD remembers the one time the original PPV had a Skywalkers Match in '86, possibly live from Cloud City. Blade is fond of not just his mascot the Black Scorpion, but the whole '90 show he was main eventing. The two then remember the effectiveness of the Dungeon Of Doom's masks to conceal identity.

Injured Becky Lynch requires about Seventeen Syllables:
Becky's broken nose.
How long will Becky be out?
No one really nose.

RD: "I don't think we're quitting our day jobs anytime soon."

$31.00 plus that $19.99 The Price Is Right

Facts & Figures (as compiled by Erik Majorwitz)


  • Black Friday
  • WrestleCrap Radio Sponsors: 2. Patreon,
  • URLs not taken:,
  • SPEAKING OFs: 3. Christmas presents, ideas we’ve come up with to flesh out and fleshing.
  • Dave Meltzer, not talking about: 1. Storks
  • Blade Time Outs:  2 (1 Real quick)
  • RJ Fletcher, Yes Man:  1
  • Krankor Laughs:
  • Cricket Chirps: 1
  • Question of the Week from: Amher Ali
    • According to Jim Cornette, Disco Inferno once had the idea of an evil wrestling architect named Bill Ding. What storyline would you have like to see Vince Russo use him in? WCW feuding with the Wall (RD) or feuding with “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan (Blade).

  • WrestleCrap 3 Count:  3 Favorite Survivor Series Moments.
    • RD:  Driving six hours to go see the 1987 Survivor Series, the Gooker, Bob Backlund’s WWF title win over Bret Hart.
    • Blade:  Demolition face turn, the fall of Demolition, Demolition’s first PPV (in order)
  • Blade Braxton’s Weekly Wrestling Haiku: Blade speculates how long this injury will sideline Becky:
    Becky's broken nose.
    How long will Becky be out?
    No one really nose.

WCR Video: Minisode Flashback #188: The Misadventures of Black Friday

It's Black Friday kids! And that means that there are thousands of people at the stores today looking for a bargain. In 2010 (on Wrestlecrap Radio episode #188), RD Reynolds witnessed someone at Target looking for a bargain, that he dubbed "Candy Bar Woman", who would gain a $10 gift card if she spent $100. The problem was that her items only cost $96, and thus went away to collect seven candy bars...ONE AT A TIME, until she made up the cost. Also, RD went to Meijer and saw a man with a full cart of strawberries and only "one" cucumber? Why only one?...Perhaps Gay Popeye could explain this one? And finally, RD went to Menard's and witnessed a "Black Friday miracle" as he saw a women, that was wheelchair bound, pop up and used it as a shopping cart?...People will do anything for a bargain???

...And you know who else is looking for a bargain on Black Friday? It's Dolly Parton with her song "The Bargain Store" over on The Mike Check Show!

And be sure to visit here for the WCR Video archives and here for more WCR Minisodes!