289 Moistmas: December 22, 2019

Mickie the Red Nosed Nipple
77 minutes

Blade doesn't have any proper Big Announcements anymore. This is assuming he even had any in the first place.

Lord Alfred had a MySpace page before Blade deleted it. RD: "Is Lord Alfred also a Force ghost? A Jedi ghost?"

The two will discuss Episode IX later for their RD & Blade Show to be released yesterday.

This year RD reviewed a particularly horrible Christmas movie.

Blade: "I was thinking about that while I was on the toilet a few minutes ago." (:12)

RD has met many characters over the years on Black Friday or Brown Thursday as he now calls it. (:14) Blade apologizes for interrupting but he wonders who else does this while encountering RD.  This year at the "nicer" Walmart due to his 'strategy' the wife and son got to see a scuffle, while RD met a 'lovely/moist' woman. She was discussing Thanksgiving dinner with another woman before suddenly saying "that guy smells like shit." (Not RD thankfully.) He teases his brother having his own stories to tell (assuming he doesn't smell either).

Bobby Eaton had an appreciation night the other day, which is a good thing. (:30)

Mickie James has a new Christmas song which has four thumbs down. The two watch it. (:33) RD is distracted by her reindeer nose nipple. (Odd design for a pastie to be sure.)

RD cheats for the Question (:41) by going to the F4W Board for it. (A subscription is required for access.) Someone on a 'beautiful women of wrestling appreciation thread' wants random fetishistic pictures of now 50+ year old Misty Blue Simmes. Blade did some searching of Unsolved Mysteries with Robert Sack - Indiana Jones in order to find a "movie" of hers. Sadly I don't think they cover the fetish that one guy was looking for.

Barry Darsow scared RD by talking about Ken Patera. (:47) Billy Jack Haynes has wild hair. Blade will have a Beastmaster Christmas, whatever that means. [It means an online showing of Beastmaster movies which - surprise surprise - gets aborted halfway through.] Roman Reigns will be competing on Fox for New Year's Eve. Blade wants him to compete in a three legged race against Zack Gowan.

Things I've learned today: over the years, the only people who are sending presents have been Jordan Mishkin and myself. Maybe next year we will complete the triangle and send presents to each other too. (:55)

Jordan sent RD gluten free baby back ribs chips, a King Mabel bendem, and a Jim Cornette book (now with 100% more racism). Blade got a Predator 2 VHS and football Headliners. He eats some Guinness naturally flavored Burts chips. They seem to taste better than RD's.

I had sent for RD and his young man an R2D2 lunch box with lights and sounds. (I did not check to see if it was wash safe, though it should be.) He also got an Artoo Thermos as a probable replacement for his WWE Niagara Falls Cup. (As ridiculously useful flasks to keep large amounts of fluid hot or cold at their required temperatures for hours or days at a time, they can't be beat.)

Blade got a NES cartridge shaped "Drunk Hunt" flask via Nintendo John, "the greatest gift you will ever get" (although Blade cannot receive a picture of it on his phone unsurprisingly; probably spending all his money on drink instead of a new phone), and a grip strengthening beer mug via Jim. RD: "People know you."

Blade sent RD a 1996 Tam bikini koozie. (Isn't she still in jail?) RD sent Blade a He-Man Christmas sweater with a funny holiday card.

I have seventeen syllables for words:
Deck the halls with lots
of moistness, fa la la la
la, la la la moist.

$31.50 plus that $19.99 The Price Is Right

Facts & Figures (as compiled by Erik Majorwitz)


  • Black Friday
  • Christmas
  • WrestleCrap Radio Sponsors: 2. Patreon, wrestlecrapradio.com
  • URLs not taken: 1. BillyJackHaynesHair.com
  • SPEAKING OFs: 0.
  • Dave Meltzer, not talking about: 0.
  •  Phone Calls & Run Ins: 0.
  • Blade Time Outs: 4
  • Robotic Reindeer Laughs: 4
  • Question of the Week from: N/A
  • WrestleCrap 3 Count:  Cancelled. No time!
  • Blade Braxton’s Weekly Wrestling Haiku: All fun and games until it turns to black mold...
    Deck the halls with lots
    of moistness, fa la la la
    la, la la la moist.

Episode 47: Star Warhorse: December 21, 2019

41 minutes

Your annual reminder that Blade once
dressed up as Darth Maul for Halloween
in order to scare his sister.
RD eats some thematic cereal with "all natural marshmallows". But does he use blue milk?

He is planning to go see Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker again since he liked the majority of it, even if it was "a series of video game cutscenes" a half hour too long with an attack of the cloned Palpatine. (:06) Blade rambles on about how the old movies were also with little explanation during "the search for Porkins." He further confuses by agreeing with RD on liking the movie. [As do I...from a certain point of view.]

Blade finds the Ewoks' ideas intriguing to him, and he wishes to subscribe to their newsletter. (:14)

RD admits he wrote The Book of Lists Exclamation Point because he believes lists are dumb. (:16) He then does his old mother impression because "talking with you is fascinating."

After or perhaps because of said impression, he pulls in his wife, appalled that he doesn't like space horses. (:23) She no sells one of Blade's signature bad jokes.

RD found the pandering fan service laughable, including Chewbacca finally getting his medal on film. Blade stresses out for some reason. They then argue over ships. (:28)

RD shoots down yet another of Blade's half-baked theories about dying characters, including one Death Star destroyer. (:31)

Blade got over his jadedness to confirm (again) that he liked the movie, giving it two yubnubs up despite the lack of Bossk or midriffs. He does not yet have Disney+. He has LaserDiscs for that.

Blade now likes the prequels ironically. RD pounces, mercilessly using it to his advantage to shut him down and end the show. It's all in the timing. (:38)

288 The Turkey Drop: November 25, 2019

A Turkey Of A Show!
95 minutes

Blade has already started the Thanksgiving drinking. He has to since his voice is shot from shouting while wrestling the day before.

RD wants more Hundred Dollar Men/Crappers so he can wear a Nikolai Volkoff Cent Sign shirt on their behalf. I'm sure Virgil would come free regardless of cost.

WWE is so bad it makes RD think it can be improved by old Hulk Hogan freestyling. (:10)

The Lions are playing so awfully that Blade is time-outing himself so he can forget/ignore them. (:12) RD already encountered Little Debbie Snowflake Brownies which are like all the rest. So he calls up his lady to try their Holiday Spice Christmas Tree Cake. It has cinnamon, cloves, & nutmeg on the front, and a square maze on the back. It tastes alright. RD persuades her to return to the show sooner than 10 years like the last time.

Blade's only child and potential heir is a ventriloquist dummy who once took a fall onto hard concrete. (He got better.) (:23) Brock Lesnar's daughter Maya has committed to Arizona State University due to her exemplary shot-putting. Blade stumbles while trying to make another "joke". Tito Santana has written a book titled Don't Call Me Chico. RD wonders if Jesse "Chico" Ventura will write a foreword. Blade remembers the possibility of Hulk Hogan vs. Ken Patera's swinging full nelson at Wrestlemania IV. Purchasing the book also includes a phone call with its author. Blade would want him on the show so he could ask him about women in cars. RD would ask him about his "bullfighting training".

RD wants to discuss wrestling things to be grateful for while Blade wants a "quick show", preferably within 3 hours. (:34) RD is grateful for Blade and his corded phone and the other connections he has made with his site, AEW vs. NXT on Wednesday, and the WWE Network where he can watch Survivor Series Jimmy Garvin. Random discussion about Linda McMahon's old Wrestlemania theme ensues. Blade is grateful for his Midnight Rose and Mr. Fitness 2 tag teaming for around a decade now and in movies and hopefully visiting the UK in January, Mickie James still being around and active (instead of Tammy), and Demolition still being around and whole.

Eric K. asks what their favorite Thanksgiving food is. (:50) RD's is pecan pie. Blade rambles about eating room temperature raw turkey when he was younger.

RD wants Bill Apter on the show again. (:55) He could discuss PWI October 1991 of which Blade guesses features Sid Vicious. The centerfold is Lex Luger. The back cover is Captain Lou Albano with his awkward wrestling hotline 1-900-LOU-4-YOU. I don't think he would have given Super Mario Bros 3 tips over that.

15 year old Blade recorded a JR hotline on cassette tape because he thought he hosted a late night talk show and felt ripped off when he found out the truth. He does his Jim impression.

Speaking of old cassette tapes, Mike Check is back in his "Eye in the Sky", the WWCR Party helicopter as part of his live remote. (:66) His idea is...such...that WKRP In Cincinatti famously did this before Jim could: a turkey drop. However, this time is different!

He has parachutes for them.

Needless to say, he has another 'accident' as it is proven that, once again, as God is our witness, turkeys still can't fly.

(Also he apparently worked with Jaime Farr in Toledo.)

RD Jr. went to his first show with his old man, AEW Dynamite in Indianapolis. (:75) RD notes his kid is following the same route he took at his age; being more interested in games with the wrestling interest perhaps coming up later while growing ridiculously tall. RD thinks the promotion and audience comprise a "happy cult", most likely because it did not have that wrestling arena aroma. They were the only ones who tried to leave before the Dark taping since Jr. had an early day, and one fan was super excited that Cody Rhodes was coming. At least Jr. seemed to enjoy the whole thing.

The Co-Hosses could only record all this during the concurrently running Survivor Series. Why is that a bad thing?

One of the 12 Listeners appeared on 205 Live.

Here's the Haiku with Extra Time about CM Punk on WWE Backstage:
CM Punk on Fox.
A Raw/Smackdown recap show.
Makes me Go To Sleep.

$31.50 plus that $19.99 The Price Is Right

Facts & Figures (as compiled by Erik Majorwitz)


  • WrestleCrap Radio Sponsors: 3. wrestlecrap.com, Patreon, wrestlecrapradio.com
  • URLs not taken: 0.
  • SPEAKING OFs: 0.
  • Dave Meltzer, not talking about: 0.
  •  Blade's Poor Performance Excuse: Yelled at kids at an Indy show last night.
  •  Phone Calls & Run Ins: 3. Mrs Deal, Bill Apter, Mike Check
  • Mike Check Radio Row: 
    • Station/Market:  N/A (Toledo, OH)
    • Radio Call Sign:  N/A
    • Show:  N/A
    • Song:  N/A
 Apparently, Mike Check was thrown from a helicopter sans parachute.
  • Blade Time Outs:  12
  • RD Time Outs:  9
  • Cricket Chirps:  2
  • Mama's Broken Damn Damn Damn Dishes:  2
  • RJ Fletcher, Yes Man:  5
  • Weird Al Laughs:  1
  • Krankor Laughs:  1
  • WrestleCrap Gongs:  2
  • Question of the Week from: Erik K
    • What is your favorite food for Thanksgiving? RD:  Pecan pie. Blade:  Room temperature turkey.
  • WrestleCrap 3 Count:  What 3 things in wrestling are you thankful for?
    • RD: All the friends he’s garnered running WrestleCrap, Wednesday night's wrestling war, the WWE Network. 
    • Blade: Demolition are still together, having Mickey James around, Midnight Rose and Mr. Fitness' decade run
  • Blade Braxton’s Weekly Wrestling Haiku: CM Punk with more pipe bombs?
    CM Punk on Fox.
    A Raw/Smackdown recap show.
    Makes me Go To Sleep.

WCR Video - The Hulk Hogan Experiment

This time on WCR Videos: we visit The Hulk Hogan Experiment. Back in 2008, RD Reynolds and Blade Braxton did a Wrestlecrap Radio (episode #126) Interactive segment where they sampled music, from a MySpace page, of a rapper who tries to sound as gruff as the Hulkster himself. RD also thought that these tracks sound a lot better than that of the actual Huskster on the "Hulk Rules" album.

(Video by R.V.M Kai)

And also be sure to visit here for the WCR Video archives!

WCR Video - Desperately Geeking Virgil

As requested by Blade Braxton, himself, the following lost WCR Video has been re-uploaded in full.

Back in 2009, RD Reynolds and Blade Braxton did a Wrestlecrap Radio (episode #162) Interactive segment on a YouTube video where, former "Wrestling Superstar" Virgil (Jones?), had a rather bizarre interview at some random con, whereby he tried to hit on his interviewers. As a bonus, Sir Alec then reads the bizarre YouTube comments.

(Video Re-Uploaded and Edited by R.V.M Kai)

And also be sure to visit here for the WCR Video archives!