Minisode #120 Lovin' Life

by iggy

September 26, 2008

Michelle McCool loves life.
Shelly Martinez gets fired from TNA.
Don Mason is the Uncharasmatic Enigma.
Do not go into Bob's Barn.
Ratings Reaper finally speaks
Blade recounts the The Kurt Angle Lecture.

#spin around #bombast

120 Lovin' Life: September 26, 2008

"...and Peter North"
Lovin' Life, One-Twenty
(72 minutes)

Michelle McCool is loving life to start the show, and that's this week's induction (:04). (Forgotten Sin has posted RD and Blade's commentary of Lovin' Life on YouTube. Also, a fifth WC Funnies comic was made.) It's the 120th show and the show is the "longest running podcast in the history of man." (:06). is being developed (:09). Blade remembers when RD used to want to talk about wrestling on the show, and how good Kurt Angle was (:13).

RD's Trip to the Grocery: RD bought Blade some Count Chocula, but it doesn't matter because Blade's K-Mart had all three Monster Cereals (:17). Blade has been drinking beer and V8 again (:20).

Obscure Wrestling News: Big Daddy V is now King V and is going to fight Sid at some Halloween-themed show (:24). The Big Nippled Vampire was released after she was stoned at a TNA function (:27). Blade wants a Dave Meltzer action figure (:28). "Big Nippled Vampire!" Blade says for her answering machine. The Big Nippled Vampire pulled her eBay date auction after fake bids pushed it to $10,000 (:37). "God bless the Big Nippled Vampire," adds Blade. New Myspace page: Angry Jim Ross (:40). Tammy Sytch has posted a YouTube video of herself as the next Lord Alfred. (:43). Blade makes a million Freudian slips in response.

Question of the Week from Todd G.: More details on Don Mason's horse-fucking story (:48) Blade calls him the Uncharismatic Enigma. TNA Peter Gazer segment starts and ends predictably (:56). RD and Blade talk about new wrestling dolls (:60). Save up your money to buy Chainsaw Charlie and Sparky Plugg this holiday season (:62). RD enjoys watching Bri Bella, but Blade doesn't understand him because he's suddenly gone deaf. (:63) The 800th episode of RAW. Someone says something about it.

Semi-Aging Haiku:
Ladder match 0-8
Shawn is at the age when old
men fall off ladders.

Minisode #119 Toothless Snake

by iggy

September 19, 2008

Jake Roberts and his dentures
4 Brawl For All matches and 6 Brother Love segments
Wal-Mart yanks the Monster Cereals
Angry Jim impersonates Charlie Haas
Peter Gazer wants to be filled in.

#vince viagra #dope-smokin' ghost

119 Jim Ross vs. Chin Haas: September 19, 2008

Jim Ross Impersonation
(66 minutes)

RD and Blade start out talking about wrestling, by mentioning the debut of Dolph Ziggler. This week's induction is the Brawl for All (:01), which probably would have won the Gooker Award in 1999. Jobber of the Week: The Gambler. It Came from YouTube: Ahmed Johnson choose-me jabbers. was registered with Global Internet by Jay Watts (:06). Blade mentions the fourth W.C. Funnies comic (:07). A "Shoot Interview" is upcoming (:10).

Blade's Trip to the Grocery: Sad News: Star-O-Saurus and the Monster Cereals have been removed from Blade's three Wal-Marts (:14). Boo-Hoo Berry.

Obscure Wrestling News: RD wants to talk about wrestling news (:18), which is a bad idea. Jake Roberts fell off the wagon (:19), or drugged, according to a stupid angle his assistant is trying. [Update 12/28/08: Jake's assistant is actually a bottle of Mrs Buttersworth syrup that he thought was talking to him.] Shelly Martinez quit TNA, to do more fetish videos or something (:27). Jackie Gayda and Charlie Haas had another child (:30).

Update 2/3/11: Jake Roberts recovered and went on to win the EWA title belt!

A suddenly angry Jim Ross calls to vastly improve the show and does his Charlie Haas impersonation (:32). (skykid has posted this call on YouTube.) Charlie Haas impersonated Jim Ross this week on Raw, a few days after last week's recap in which I said: "WWE should lift this segment.".

Question of the Week: Rowsdower says something about spraying beverages for some reason (:41). TNA Peter Gazer shows up (:43). WWE should steal him next. Sad News: No Diva Search this year (:54). Smackdown vs. Raw is to be released and WWE does not want reviewers to post images of a digital HHH jobbing to anyone. (:58)

Only Seventeen Syllables Left:
Jeff, shitfaced on plane,
shitfaced seriously, and
don't call me Shirley.

Minisode #118 Olive Garden Pete

by iggy

September 12, 2008

World Food Aisle
Lion Bar is pasty.
Justin Credible is no longer Taco Bell Pete but Olive Garden Pete
Peter Gazer's music plays

#voice mail #flair horn