The Video with commentary:
(Video Title: "Phil Collins versus Ultimate Warrior - WrestleCrap" by RD Reynolds)
The Original Video:
(Video Title: "Ultimate Warrior versus Phil Collins" uploaded by RD Reynolds)
And after watching this video, it's possible that you'll be left with more questions than answers, like:
- Who's idea was it to film Ultimate Warrior and Phil Collins in a ring in the first place?
- Why would Phil actually choose to wear that ridiculous looking head gear with the love hearts on it?
- Does dancing badly to the song "Two Hearts" lead to "Destrucity"?
- Why didn't Gilbert Gottfried receive a "Warrior Award" for being dragged into this?
- Why does my heard hurt right now?
...Well, these questions will probably never have any resemblance of a reasonable explanation? But perhaps it would have been better if they had listened to Gilbert Gottfried opinion at the end of the video before making it?
(Edit: As I later found out on Brain Zane's "Wrestling With Wregret" YouTube show; this video was actually a sketch from a 1990 TV special titled: "Seriously... Phil Collins")...seriously?
...Oh, and speaking of "Phil Collins"; "The Mike Check Show" is currently playing "Something Happened On The Way To Heaven" today! (Cheap plug!) And also be sure to visit here for the WCR Video archives! (another cheap plug!)