WCR Video: Interactive: Phil Collins VS The Ultimate Warrior

In 2006, WrestleCrap.com had unearthed the most bizarre match in wrestling history: "The Ultimate Warrior" versus former Genesis front man "Phil Collins". This was also probably the first time that RD Reynolds and Blade Braxton did commentary on a YouTube video before the WCR Interactives actually became a re-occurring segment on Wrestlecrap Radio in 2008.

The Video with commentary:

(Video Title: "Phil Collins versus Ultimate Warrior - WrestleCrap" by RD Reynolds)

The Original Video:

(Video Title: "Ultimate Warrior versus Phil Collins" uploaded by RD Reynolds)

And after watching this video, it's possible that you'll be left with more questions than answers, like:
  • Who's idea was it to film Ultimate Warrior and Phil Collins in a ring in the first place?
  • Why would Phil actually choose to wear that ridiculous looking head gear with the love hearts on it?
  • Does dancing badly to the song "Two Hearts" lead to "Destrucity"?
  • Why didn't Gilbert Gottfried receive a "Warrior Award" for being dragged into this?
  • Why does my heard hurt right now?

...Well, these questions will probably never have any resemblance of a reasonable explanation? But perhaps it would have been better if they had listened to Gilbert Gottfried opinion at the end of the video before making it?

(Edit: As I later found out on Brain Zane's "Wrestling With Wregret" YouTube show; this video was actually a sketch from a 1990 TV special titled: "Seriously... Phil Collins")...seriously?

...Oh, and speaking of "Phil Collins"; "The Mike Check Show" is currently playing "Something Happened On The Way To Heaven" today! (Cheap plug!) And also be sure to visit here for the WCR Video archives! (another cheap plug!)

WCR Video: The Downfall of RD Reynolds (A "Hitler Reacts To..." Parody)

Back in 2006 there were a series of parody-subtitled videos on the Internet, based on a scene from the 2004 film "Downfall", that featured (an actor portraying) Adolf Hitler getting upset over topical events and trivial gossip. One of Wrestlecrap Radio's 12 listeners, LannysPermJuice, joined in on the "Hitler reacts to..." meme bandwagon and subtitled the clip with Hitler reenacting the infamous "The Gillman Incident", which was time when RD Reynolds was furious at Blade Braxton on WCR for going on tangents and making episode #103 feel "six ____ hours long"!

(Video by LannysPermJuice)

And over on The Mike Check Show, you can see another "Hitler" related parody, this time by comedian Mel Brooks doing "The Hitler Rap" from the soundtrack to 1983 film "To Be or Not to Be"!

And be sure to visit here for the WCR Video archives!

WCR Video: Blade Interviews Loverboy's Mike Reno

On the August 28, 2009 edition of Wrestlecrap Radio (episode #155), Blade Braxton plays a clip of his brief interview with Mike Reno from 1980's rock band Loverboy. How did this happen? Well, Blade went to see Loverboy in concert, and with his PressTrolla pass, he was allowed backstage to ask the man about his...favorite breakfast cereal?

(Video by J Freek)

...Well? I guess that sounds better than "Reddi-Wip"?

And be sure to visit here for the WCR Video archives! And for more "Loverboy", please visit The Mike Check Show as he's now playing Loverby's song "Dangerous" over on...THE MACKER!

WCR Video: Nintendo John on WCR

With John Cena making his WWE PPV return at Battleground, today's WCR Video (or videos) will focus on Wrestlecrap Radio's parody of the Doctor of Thug(NES)anomics; Nintendo John. In 2010, Cena debuted a new T-Shirt that was styled after a Nintendo NES game which inspired RD Reynolds and Blade Braxton to debut a new character on WCR (episode #165) who "Can't see Wii!" because he really loves The NINTENDOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! (CHEERS!)

(Video Title: WCR Reconstructions: Nintendo John's Debut (01.15.10) by Greg Diener)

And unlike another one of WWE's "poopy" future T-Shirt ideas, Nintendo John became a reoccurring character and even called the show a few episodes later (on Wrestlecrap Radio episode #168) when he found out that Blade was selling his copy "Stadium Events" on eBay for $9,400...which is a rare NES game ON THE NINTENDOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! (CHEERS!)

(Video Title: "WCR Reconstructions: Blade Sells Stadium Events (03.05.10)" by Greg Diener)

...And be sure to visit here for the WCR Video archives!


WCR Video: RD Reynolds Dreams of Brooke Hogan

Was it a dream or did Hulk Hogan's daughter Brooke make a cameo on last month's Netflix series GLOW?

[*...5 and a half hours of binge watching later*]

Maybe it was a dream?...Wait! Let's check the trusty "Internet"...

[*...5 and a half seconds later*]

...Okay, according to Wikipedia, Brooke Hogan played night club manager Amber Fredrickson in episode 8?

Oh there she is?...AAGGHH!!!
..........Well, speaking of "Dreaming Nightmares of Brooke Hogan", here's a video put together by one of Wrestlecrap Radio's 12 listeners, LannysPermJuice, of RD Reynolds' dream analysis (from WCR episode #7) set to music (more specifically; "Those Good Old Dreams" by The Carpenters...which you can also hear on The Mike Check Show!) and some wacky Photoshops.

WARNING! The following Photoshops my disturb some viewers everybody!

(Video by LannysPermJuice)

...As Mike Check would say; "Fascinating". Well, it could have been worse, at least there wasn't a Photoshop of Brooke's mother Linda lactating or.........THIS!


...And be sure to visit here for the WCR Video archives!