278 SurviveStarr Series: November 26, 2018

What were you thinking in selling this Lora?
90 minutes

Blade can't remember much in his life due to the many concussions he has had. "I miss being a child," he laments. He's again drinking a Miller Lite while his itinerary is written on a cardboard cape.

RD apologizes to British listeners for thinking they don't celebrate Thanksgiving. Both November AND October.

Blade still has a Big Announcement. (:08) He begs people to join Patreon so that he can be drunk/hungover full time.

RD: "If every one of you listening to my voice donated just a couple dollars, we'd wind up with $24. I don't think that's enough."

Blade would eat his grandmother's salmonella laced turkey in his youth. That probably explains the concussions, among other things. (:14) The two wonder when the term Black Friday came into parlance. The ever accurate Wikipedia puts it first appearing in 1951, though its shopping connotations would first appear around a quarter century later.

Blade: "If it wasn't me, it wasn't me, you know? Put that on my tombstone."
RD: "'If it wasn't me, it wasn't me. Here lies Blade Braxton.'"

RD has always feared the day when he would not find any craziness to report, and is offended by Blade's suggestion to make something up if so. This was further exacerbated by going to a Walmart where everyone was worryingly polite, like something out of a modern horror movie. (:21) (He also advises not to use a cart, go in groups, and not vomit in the aisles like Blade once did.) So he went to Coles. There a woman fell on her head, and when he tried to help her up she apologized to him for the inconvenience. Thankfully (for RD and not the woman) in the electronics section an elderly lady was loudly lecturing some young women and by extension the whole store about bra sizes. When retelling Mrs. Deal about this he had to remind her that they were intimate, for some reason.

Someone Bought This: A random Mike Rotundo photograph. (:30) Blade: "I thought you wanted a bra." RD doesn't know what size he would be.

Batista has changed his torso sun tattoo into one with two (non-turkey) birds. Since he's quitting Guardians Of The Galaxy 3 in solidarity with James Gunn, Blade suggests Randy Baer to take his place. RD remembers seeing his unhappy face at his last wrestling show before Mark Henry beat him up. (RD, not Batista.)

Speaking of Sunny, she's clearing out her closet for sale, including Chris Candido's Bodydonnas singlet. (:37)

Blade: "I'm sure we both had a lower obsession with Sunny."
RD: "I did not have a poster of her on my bathroom wall."

RD has a lot of old stuff in his closet. Blade has some torn pants.

Mickie James and her husband have a contest where someone can win a holiday ticket to see their family. (:44) Blade thinks he can win for a 15 minute car ride. He offers a 20 minute car ride ticket to be won on his Instagram page with the term #hoboholidays. Or was it #hoboholiday? I don't think even he knows for sure. Too many concussions you see.

Anonymous Brooke is a second-time mother, and managed to bounce back into shape within two weeks. (:51) RD thinks Blade has illegitimate children, which he probably doesn't know about because of...you know.

Amher Ali asks a Question on Blade's (non-Instagram) Facebook post about the WCW-based viability of the evil architect Bill Ding (as created by Jim Cornette and portrayed by Disco Inferno). (:55) RD would have him fight The Wall, obviously. Blade struggles because of...you know...and suggests he could hide Hacksaw Jim Duggan's 2x4 in a house or something.

The two get to discussing past Survivor Serieses. RD fondly remembers the one he drove six hours (long) to, the Gobbledly Gooker, and Crazy Bob Backlund defeating Bret Hart. Blade remembers Demolition, Demolition, and Demolition.

RD has no idea why WWE is bringing Starrcade back, since last time it was such a success that this year it is an hour long house show in Cincinnati. (:75) RD remembers the one time the original PPV had a Skywalkers Match in '86, possibly live from Cloud City. Blade is fond of not just his mascot the Black Scorpion, but the whole '90 show he was main eventing. The two then remember the effectiveness of the Dungeon Of Doom's masks to conceal identity.

Injured Becky Lynch requires about Seventeen Syllables:
Becky's broken nose.
How long will Becky be out?
No one really nose.

RD: "I don't think we're quitting our day jobs anytime soon."

$31.00 plus that $19.99 The Price Is Right

Facts & Figures (as compiled by Erik Majorwitz)


  • Black Friday
  • WrestleCrap Radio Sponsors: 2. Patreon, wrestlecrapradio.com
  • URLs not taken: 2.LowerObsessionWithTammySytch.com, StephanieWyantsCloset.com
  • SPEAKING OFs: 3. Christmas presents, ideas we’ve come up with to flesh out and fleshing.
  • Dave Meltzer, not talking about: 1. Storks
  • Blade Time Outs:  2 (1 Real quick)
  • RJ Fletcher, Yes Man:  1
  • Krankor Laughs:
  • Cricket Chirps: 1
  • Question of the Week from: Amher Ali
    • According to Jim Cornette, Disco Inferno once had the idea of an evil wrestling architect named Bill Ding. What storyline would you have like to see Vince Russo use him in? WCW feuding with the Wall (RD) or feuding with “Hacksaw” Jim Duggan (Blade).

  • WrestleCrap 3 Count:  3 Favorite Survivor Series Moments.
    • RD:  Driving six hours to go see the 1987 Survivor Series, the Gooker, Bob Backlund’s WWF title win over Bret Hart.
    • Blade:  Demolition face turn, the fall of Demolition, Demolition’s first PPV (in order)
  • Blade Braxton’s Weekly Wrestling Haiku: Blade speculates how long this injury will sideline Becky:
    Becky's broken nose.
    How long will Becky be out?
    No one really nose.

WCR Video: Minisode Flashback #188: The Misadventures of Black Friday

It's Black Friday kids! And that means that there are thousands of people at the stores today looking for a bargain. In 2010 (on Wrestlecrap Radio episode #188), RD Reynolds witnessed someone at Target looking for a bargain, that he dubbed "Candy Bar Woman", who would gain a $10 gift card if she spent $100. The problem was that her items only cost $96, and thus went away to collect seven candy bars...ONE AT A TIME, until she made up the cost. Also, RD went to Meijer and saw a man with a full cart of strawberries and only "one" cucumber? Why only one?...Perhaps Gay Popeye could explain this one? And finally, RD went to Menard's and witnessed a "Black Friday miracle" as he saw a women, that was wheelchair bound, pop up and used it as a shopping cart?...People will do anything for a bargain???

...And you know who else is looking for a bargain on Black Friday? It's Dolly Parton with her song "The Bargain Store" over on The Mike Check Show!

And be sure to visit here for the WCR Video archives and here for more WCR Minisodes!

277 RD-Animator: October 30, 2018

Costume Ideas For Halloween: Idiot In Car and Idiot in Neon!
53 minutes

RD attempts to play it straight. This lasts for a minute before his "doorbell" rings. His subsequent receiving of a package, which contains the SeanceTrolla N08 Cauldron, makes Blade laugh. He turns it on, making it play cliche "scary music" and causing a dot matrix printer to print him an ominous warning. (:08)

'Someone' told Blade last progrem that his low register voice makes him sound sleepy. And here I thought he was just drunk or hungover.

As is his eternal custom Roddy Piper warns the kids about idiots in cars. Blade has some issues with his syntax. (:13)

Blade: "You know, wouldn't it be fun if we were like down to two listeners, and those two listeners were named RD Reynolds and Blade Braxton?"

A now teenage RD Junior has been to Disneyworld at least once a year. (:17) Sad News: Rafiki's ride is being shut down (it's the circle of life you see).

Blade shills being on TV and in more horror movies. (:24)

Brooke Hogan: Fashion Hero's 2nd season is going international. Apparently this is a thing. Blade sings badly without RD's MIDI to accompany him.

At Wrestlecon April 5th Joey Ryan will have some sort of Penis Party right in the middle of the MetLife stadium. Blade does some more random singing.

Piper reminds people to say please and thank ya.

Tammy has finally been released from prison. (:35) She now wants to do a "farewell tour" before going back to school and "private life". For her sake and well-being, I sincerely hope it works out this time. Unfortunately experience and history tells me things won't change for the better, not even now. One has to just wait and see I suppose.

Blade continues to confuse himself with the Midnight Rose. Why, it's almost like they're one and the same person.

The Cauldron threatens Blade this time with a Pete Townshend lyric. Blade is definitely one to get fooled again. And again. And again after that.  (:38)

Derek Quinn of the Powerhouse of Sound DJ Service (3), asks about other wrestlers who might provide their own Halloween safety tips. (:39) They think Virgil could work. RD also wants to pay for Tammy to give tips. (That sure sounded wrong.) They also want Ken Patera, what with his experience with being hungry.

Piper reminds you to take (all) your candy back home to your parents before you eat it. (:42)

:46 Before the two can continue to further mess around as is their itinerary, the OG SeanceTrolla activates, "reviving" Nate and his coarse voice to strangle RD in the name of TNA Total Non Stop Action Wrestling. On the other end a sleepy Blade is "woken up" by John Kelly, who has sources. (:50)

Only Johnny 6 is left to do the Haiku (:51) in a rather lower register of voice than usual for some reason. Perhaps he too is sleepy. Further, his theme boops and beeps that bring him in are of somewhat of a low quality this time around, most likely due to the hard work of the SeanceTrolla reviving him into undeath and NOT because RD lost the original version and asked us for a replacement copy.

No, really.

Silver Shamrock:
Ha. Ppy. Hall. O. Ween.
Ha. Ppy. Ha. Ppy. Hall. O. Ween.
Ha. Ppy. Hall. O. Ween.

Piper reminds you to have lots of fun trick-or-treating, and if you have any leftover/bad candy to send to Vince to poison him.

$31.00 plus that $19.99 The Price Is Right

Facts & Figures (as compiled by Erik Majorwitz)


  • Halloween
  • WrestleCrap Radio Sponsors: 3. Patreon, wrestlecrapradio.com, Drive in Movie Maniacs
  • URLs not taken: 0.
  • SPEAKING OFs: 0.
  • Dave Meltzer, not talking about: 0.
  • Blade's Poor Performance Excuse: Sick/tired lately

  • Phone Calls & Run Ins: 3. Delivery Man, N.E.R.D., CS John Kelly

  • Blade Time Outs:  2
  • Huey The Ghoul Laughs: 3
  • WrestleCrap Gongs: 2
  • Cricket Chirps: 1
  • Question of the Week from: Derek Quinn (3)
    • Since the dearly departed Hot Rod is no longer with us, what wrestling personality would you like to hear Halloween safety tips from? Blade: Virgil.

  • WrestleCrap 3 Count:  N/A
  • Blade Braxton’s Weekly Wrestling Haiku: Everyone’s dead. Who will do the haiku?  Johnny!
    Happy Halloween!
    Happy happy Halloween!
    Happy Halloween!

WCR Video: Rowdy Roddy Piper's Halloween Tips...AGAIN!

Back in the 1980s on WWFE Television, "Rowdy" Roddy Piper gave a special Public Service Announcement where he provided some safety tips for the "bunches of" kids wanting to go trick or treating on Halloween. (Credit goes to John Gjoni for originally uploading this video on Facebook).

Rowdy Roddy Piper's Halloween Tips (1989) Uploaded by RVM Kai

And ONCE AGAIN, this Halloween, here's the clip of RD and Blade, from Wrestlecrap Radio (episode #081: October 26, 2007), doing commentary on Hot Rod's Halloween Tips:

(Video by J Freek)

Oh, and don't forget to listen to Piper's updated Tips from 2011 (from WCR #201: October 28, 2011):

(Video by R.V.M Kai)

So from Wrestlecrapradio.com, have a HAPPY HALLOWEEN, say "Please and Thank Ya"...and watch out for "Idiots In Cars"!

...Oh, and don't forget to check out The Mike Check Show where the past week, the Ghost of Roddy Piper guest stars on Halloween Hootenanny and gets "Rowdy" on some spoiled redneck trick-or-treater.

And be sure to visit here for the WCR Video archives!

WCR Video: (Nitromaniac TV's) Favorite Wrestlecrap Radio Moments/Episodes!

In a clip from Nitromaniac TV's Youtube video podcast, two of the 12 listeners, Kellen Nitro and Moorhouse sit down to discuss their favorite Wrestlecrap Radio episodes and moments from the longest running episodic podcast.

Note: They do mention at the start of the clip (that was recorded back in June 2018) that Mike Check would be attending Starrcast back in August/September, but there was an explanation earlier in the month on The Mike Check Show on why Mike Check didn't show up.

You can catch the entire podcast from the Nitromaniac TV Wrestling Channel here. And also be sure to visit here for the WCR Video archives!